SeninHissiyat'ın nasıl?

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The series takes place in the 1930s and is about the adventures of Montana Jones, who goes treasure hunting with his cousin Alfred Jones and the beautiful reporter Melissa Thorn. They visit real locations and cities like the Pyramids of Giza, the Taj Mahal, Istanbul or Easter Island. Frequently they cross paths with Lord Zero - a rich, eccentric art lover and master thief.

  1. Gi Pagot


  2. Marco Pagot


Dizi Oyuncuları

  1. Akio Otsuka as Montana Jones (voice)

    Akio Otsuka

    Montana Jones (voice)

    52 Bölüm

  2. Junko Iwao as Melissa (voice)

    Junko Iwao

    Melissa (voice)

    52 Bölüm

  3. Cho as Slum (voice)


    Slum (voice)

    52 Bölüm

  4. Kyousei Tsukui as Chada (voice)

    Kyousei Tsukui

    Chada (voice)

    52 Bölüm

  5. Rihoko Yoshida as Agatha Jones (voice)

    Rihoko Yoshida

    Agatha Jones (voice)

    52 Bölüm

  6. Ryusei Nakao as Alfred (voice)

    Ryusei Nakao

    Alfred (voice)

    52 Bölüm

  7. Ryuuzaburou Ootomo as Lord Zero (voice)

    Ryuuzaburou Ootomo

    Lord Zero (voice)

    52 Bölüm

  8. Toshiharu Sakurai as Silm (voice)

    Toshiharu Sakurai

    Silm (voice)

    52 Bölüm

  9. Wakana Yamazaki as Ariel (voice)

    Wakana Yamazaki

    Ariel (voice)

    52 Bölüm

  10. Devamını Göster

Tüm Oyuncular ve Ekip

Son Sezon

Season 1

1994 • 52 Bölüm

Professor Gilt sends cousins Montana and Alfred on missions around the world in order to recover fabled lost treasures. Along the way they travel to Egypt, Germany, Spain and other exotic locales. Can Montana and Alfred manage to grab any treasure? Join them on their adventure and see for yourself.

Lost in Africa

(1x52, l 25, 1995) Sezon Finali

Tüm Sezonları Görüntüle

Montana Jones
Montana Jones

Film Detayları

Orijinal Adı モンタナ・ジョーンズ

Durum Bitti

  • NHK BS1 'den daha fazla TV şovuna göz atın ...

Tip Senaryo Olarak

Orijinal Dili Japonca

Anahtar Kelimeler

İçerik Sonucu 


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