Discuss Twin Peaks

For the first few episodes it was a cool gag but it is getting way too stretched out now. First off, I can't get over the fact that people do not realize there is something seriously wrong with this guy. It's fkn ridiculous already. The man can barely speak and doesn't know to walk out of the elevator and everyone is just like like, "Oh Dougie! You so silly!". Seriously? Nobody acts like that. I could possibly buy him acting like this for a day or so and people just letting it slide but now it is getting to be a bit much. I am starting to not like the show and the original tried my patience at times (especially in the second season) so I am not ready to give up on the show and say it is sh!t but it is definitely starting to lose it's luster. At least the other elements of the show are still intriguing.

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@Invidia) said:

At the INLAND EMPIRE FORUM one poster even made the USE of COLORED INKS a part of his SIGNATURE asking that they NOT be used.

Wish you'd been there then.

It would have been nice to have a friend who was in support of the use of them.

Aww-ww two_hearts two_hearts

YES I would have argued shield the TROLLS for you, and there really were a lot of TROLLS there.

I was there for 12 years and NOW I find out I MISSED OUT on the best part. I probably was somewhere at IMDB stumbling around in a comedy show thread.

I NEVER posted there like I do here- I have posted more here in a few months than ALL of my 12 years there. I had never heard of IE ( no I was not under a rock rofl ) until I 'board met' YOU.

Anyhow, it's also kinda nice to have COOP in the same position as BENJY was in FAULKNER'S NOVEL called THE SOUND and the FURY.

And it's also kinda FUN to stumble around in the same kind of a CONFUSED STATE of MIND as the CONFUSED COOP seems to be in now.


... speaking of comedy shows (I did above) I was watching IDIOTSITTER on COMEDY CENTRAL and guess who makes a guest appearance (season 2 episode 6)?



@Invidia said:

Laura Palmer was treated like a whore because let's face it, she was a whore

Calling her a WHORE also IGNORES all of the other things she was as well.

She was also the HOME COMING QUEEN (which made her the ENVY of other girls who also see wearing that CROWN as making her like being the PRINCESS of the town).

In other words, that CROWN also means she's been recognized as being one of the best looking girls in town as well as being one of the most ADMIRED (like PRINCESS DI was before people learned the TRUTH about her marriage to CHARLES).

PLUS Laura also delivered MEALS on WHEELS to others who were less fortunate than she was, which is still another reason why it's not really FAIR to call her a WHORE (because she was also MORE than just a WHORE as was illustrated by the relationship she had with the other disabled people she delivered MEALS to).

And she also only did the DRUGS because she was being REPEATEDLY RAPED over and over again ever since she was age 12.

And the DRUGS were also a way to try to SELF MEDICATE herself, due to the kind of MENTAL and EMOTIONAL PAIN she'd been in for 4 YEARS as a result of the NON STOP RAPES.

So she also becomes a WHORE (as you put it) as a way to pay for the DRUGS that she takes, as a way to try and seek relief and ESCAPE from the CONSTANT RAPES that she endures.

Imagine living in a home where you're father INVADES your bedroom each night (or how ever often that it happens) and ABUSES you.

Maybe you'd also use drugs as well as a way to try and FORGET about what keeps happening to you?

Yes, she was a straight A whore. I didn't delve into why she became a whore but she received money for sexual favors. In other words, she was a whore. NOT JUDGING, just stating the facts.

@Invidia said:

Forums are great places for discussing shows and films that others you know have no interest in discussing with you.

Like the case with you, I'd also just had my 12th anniversary of being a poster there.

But I'd also been more chatty than you say you were.



As for LELAND ...

it was a disappointment that FARGO ends without any more reference being made about him in the FINALE.

ITA. That's what I meant by my "was a waste" comment over in the Fargo thread-they should have given us MORE OF HIM.

@Invidia said:

So do you also feel like she was just a WHORE and nothing MORE?

Nothing more? I don't believe I ever said nothing more. Whores are people too and I do not hold them beneath other people. In fact, I find that prostitution being illegal is ridiculous as I believe consenting adults should be allowed to choose how and when they use their bodies. But facts are facts. If someone trades sexual favors for money they are by definition a whore. I believe you are stuck looking at this through the uptight puritan lense that labels whores as wrong doers or evil. I do not feel that way at all. They perform a necessary service IMO and we would all be better off if they were allowed to operate in a safe, controlled environment.

@Invidia said:

I find that prostitution being illegal is ridiculous

facts are facts. If someone trades sexual favors for money they are by definition a whore. I believe you are stuck looking at this through the uptight puritan lense

You're forgetting about another ISSUE and some FACTS .

That LAURA PALMER was only age 12 when the RAPES began.

And that also means she wasn't OLD ENOUGH yet to CONSENT to having SEX with anyone.

And technically speaking (and according to the law) the men who had sex with her were also PEDOPHILES or CHILD RAPIST.

Surely you don't also think it's ok for CHILD MOLESTERS to have sex with children who are MINORS even IF they consent to having it?

Those other two 15 year old straight A students that you called WHORES were also MINORS as well.

I am not talking about the acts performed on her as a child. I am talking about the acts she willfully participated in as an adult. She willfully work at One EyedJack's and also willfully picked up clients through Jacque and Theresa. Not sure why you think her molestation is relevant to the discussion of whether or not she worked as a prostitute. I am not arguing she was not abused and I am not arguing that she did not have a rough childhood. My original point was she did in fact work as a whore.

@Invidia said:

I am not talking about the acts performed on her as a child. I am talking about the acts she willfully participated in as an adult. She willfully work at One EyedJack's and also willfully picked up clients through Jacque and Theresa. Not sure why you think her molestation is relevant to the discussion of whether or not she worked as a prostitute. I am not arguing she was not abused and I am not arguing that she did not have a rough childhood. My original point was she did in fact work as a whore.


She was MURDERED while she was still a STUDENT in HIGH SCHOOL.

Remember how DONNA looks over at her EMPTY DESK in the classroom and gets upset when she sees she's NOT THERE in class?

Therefore, LEGALLY, she also didn't WILLFULLY WORK at a place where she also wasn't OLD ENOUGH yet to CONSENT to having SEX.

Those other two 15 YEAR OLDS also wouldn't be able to LEGALLY CONSENT to having SEX either.

Thus the reason why the MEN who had SEX with LAURA and with the other UNDER AGED girls are also GUILTY of what's called STATUTORY RAPE even if the girls also consented to have sex with them.

And we also KNOW the MEN having sex with them are also aware that they're breaking the LAW. due to the way LAURA was also chosen as the TOWN HOMECOMING QUEEN, and because of the way the CLIENT complains about the 2 girls who are only age 15 (thus also letting us KNOW that the MEN who have sex with these MINORS also already KNOW they are NOT yet at the AGE of CONSENT to have sex).

And the reason why they WILLFULLY BREAK the LAW is because they're also PEDOPHILES or CHILD RAPIST who prefer having SEX with an UNDERAGED CHILD rather than having it with an ADULT.

She was 17 years old. That is considered an adult in lots of states and most of Europe. 16 is actually the age of consent is Washington state where the story takes place:


@Invidia said:

Because ONE EYED JACKS is also a place that is there to SERVICE the TASTES of PEDOPHILES or CHILD RAPIST (the same way as other places in other countries do the same thing and cater to TOURIST who prefer having SEX with children).

Huh? Where do you get this? Pedophilia is having sex with PREPUBESCENT children. I don't remember seeing anything that sick going on there.

Also NOTE the way ONE EYED JACKS was also not located HERE in this country either.

Of course not because I believe in parts of Canada prostitution is LEGAL as it should be.

So anyway you look at it, LAURA was still also RAPED by the men who had SEX with her at AGE 15.

AGAIN, I never said she was never raped.

And it also still looks like anyone who is AGE 20 or OLDER is also still GUILTY of STATUTORY RAPE with a 16 year old (due to the 4 years older AGE limit that states someone 4 YEARS OLDER than a MINOR can't have CONSENTUAL sex with them).

Shame on you Invidia. smile You did not go to the link I provided that clearly states the laws of Washington do not have an age difference clause. Here is the link again:


And it also MAKES NO SENSE to claim that a MINOR CHILD who can't DRINK ALCOHOL until they're AGE 21 (or age 18 depending upon the state) is also old enough to have SEX.

That kind of contraction is extremely SILLY.

Actually, it makes perfect sense. If you are abiding by the law and not partaking in alcoholic consumption at age 16, then you are more than likely to make the right decision about who you sleep with and HOW (using protection and birth control) . Throwing alcohol in the mix almost insures the right decisions are NOT made. I tell you what REALLY makes no sense. You can join the miliary and DIE for your country at age 18 but you cannot partake in alcohol until 21. That's some BS right there.

Either a CHILD is an ADULT or they are NOT.

And even IF the law states that they're OLD ENOUGH to SELL their BODY, that still doesn't MEAN they're EMOTIONALLY or MENTALLY capable of DEALING with the HORRIBLE kind of RESULTS that come from being USED by MEN that way as if they're nothing more than a USED PIECE of KLEENEX to CAST away after having used it to MASTURBATE with.

Well, perhaps you should look at it from an empowering perspective. It is the woman in control of your body and it is her USING them with it. As long as she is not FORCED into the situation it is HER that is in control and she chooses when and IF she decides she wants to use her body in that manner. Look, if a women is pretty enough and smart enough she is able to retire by the time she is 40 years old IF she plays her cards right. Can a man say the same thing? THAT is EMPOWERMENT. muscle_tone3

@Invidia said:

Did she also KNOW he was a MANUFACTURED being?

And How could she NOT KNOW?

If they're MARRIED, how did they get a MARRIAGE LICENSE?

How did he get a BIRTH CERTIFICATE to get a DR. LICENSE, etc?

Where did he get a SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER from to get a JOB?

I am not trying to hijack this thread or interfere with you and Movie's debate, but these questions you asked above about Janey-E and Dougie are the reasons I said to you in that other thread (OF COURSE I don't remember where) That DOUGIE had to have been a REAL PERSON in the beginning BEFORE EVILCOOP/BOB manufactured the one that turned back into the gold bead- yet another reason I am still believing the body in the morgue is the body of the REAL/ORIGINAL/HUMAN Dougie Jones.

@ScorpionQ2 said:

@Invidia said:

Did she also KNOW he was a MANUFACTURED being?

And How could she NOT KNOW?

If they're MARRIED, how did they get a MARRIAGE LICENSE?

How did he get a BIRTH CERTIFICATE to get a DR. LICENSE, etc?

Where did he get a SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER from to get a JOB?

I am not trying to hijack this thread or interfere with you and Movie's debate, but these questions you asked above about Janey-E and Dougie are the reasons I said to you in that other thread (OF COURSE I don't remember where) That DOUGIE had to have been a REAL PERSON in the beginning BEFORE EVILCOOP/BOB manufactured the one that turned back into the gold bead- yet another reason I am still believing the body in the morgue is the body of the REAL/ORIGINAL/HUMAN Dougie Jones.

So what you are saying that there is a person that looks EXACTLY like Dale Cooper and that person is Dougie Jones?

@movie_nazi said:

So what you are saying that there is a person that looks EXACTLY like Dale Cooper and that person is Dougie Jones?

YES of course. There WAS a person that looks EXACTLY like Dale Cooper. Why is that odd?

People look like each other ALL the time with differences such as hair, weight,etc.

Maybe I have not been expressing my thoughts correctly,

EVILCOOP /BOB "manufactured" a being. There HAD TO HAVE BEEN an ORIGINAL/HUMAN/REAL Dougie Jones in the Beginning- BECAUSE they COULD NOT have manufactured HIS WHOLE LIFE AND BACKGROUND nor the people around him that HAVE KNOWN him for 40 something years. They did NOT make his WHOLE life up -wife/kid/job/boss/old friends- an ORIGINAL had to exist before they could make a copy.

See what I'm saying?

All reasons why I say the body in the morgue is the REAL DOUGIE JONES.

@Invidia said:

Thus the reason why he's also a RAPIST (because this same guy or someone who looked just like him also had SEX with LAURA the night she's MURDERED).

I thought that looked like/ was him.

@ScorpionQ2 said:

@movie_nazi said:

So what you are saying that there is a person that looks EXACTLY like Dale Cooper and that person is Dougie Jones?

YES of course. There WAS a person that looks EXACTLY like Dale Cooper. Why is that odd?

People look like each other ALL the time with differences such as hair, weight,etc.

You are losing me hun. YES it is very odd for someone to look EXACTLY like someone else unless they are twins. I mean, people can share similarities and look a lot like one another but never EXACTLY alike.

Maybe I have not been expressing my thoughts correctly,

EVILCOOP /BOB "manufactured" a being. There HAD TO HAVE BEEN an ORIGINAL/HUMAN/REAL Dougie Jones in the Beginning- BECAUSE they COULD NOT have manufactured HIS WHOLE LIFE AND BACKGROUND nor the people around him that HAVE KNOWN him for 40 something years. They did NOT make his WHOLE life up -wife/kid/job/boss/old friends- an ORIGINAL had to exist before they could make a copy.

Uh yeah, he used a copy of HIMSELF to make Dougie.

@Invidia said:

@movie_nazi said:

@Invidia said:

Because ONE EYED JACKS is also a place that is there to SERVICE the TASTES of PEDOPHILES or CHILD RAPIST (the same way as other places in other countries do the same thing and cater to TOURIST who prefer having SEX with children).

Huh? Where do you get this? Pedophilia is having sex with PREPUBESCENT children. I don't remember seeing anything that sick going on there.

IT comes from that 3 min SCENE where we see the GUY SWEEPING UP the PEANUT SHELLS that are on the FLOOR of the BAR.

Remember the PHONE CALL the other guy is having with someone?

He's discussing the RAPE of TWO 15 YEAR OLD GIRLS that he calls STRAIGHT A WHORES.

But this LAW also makes it CLEAR enough for us that the guy who says that also has NO RIGHT to PIMP them out the way he's doing even IF they were AGE 16:

RCW 9A.44.093Sexual misconduct with a minor in the first degree.

->(1) A person is **guilty of sexual misconduct with a minor in the first degree when: (a) The person has, or knowingly causes another person under the age of eighteen to have, sexual intercourse with another person who is at least sixteen years old but less than eighteen years old and not married to the perpetrator, if the perpetrator is at least sixty months older than the victim

Because the BIG FAT UGLY PIMP GUY behind the BAR is obviously also MORE than 60 MONTHS OLDER than the 15 year olds would be. And he's also 60 MONTHS older than a 17 YEAR OLD girl would be.

Thus the reason why he's also a RAPIST (because this same guy or someone who looked just like him also had SEX with LAURA the night she's MURDERED).

Also NOTE the way ONE EYED JACKS was also not located HERE in this country either.

Of course not because I believe in parts of Canada prostitution is LEGAL as it should be.

The TRANSPORTATION of a MINOR over the STATE LINE is also another CRIME called KIDNAPPING.

Doing it so that you can PIMP them out is also still another CRIME know as the SEX SLAVE TRAFFIC.

So anyway you look at it, LAURA was still also RAPED by the men who had SEX with her at AGE 15.

AGAIN, I never said she was never raped.

She was REPEATEDLY RAPED from the age of 12 until her death at AGE 16.

Thus the reason why it's also NOT FAIR to call her a WHORE when the LAWS also say that she WAS NOT at the AGE of CONSENT yet.

LEGALLY it's the same as saying a 3 YEAR OLD or an INFANT CHILD is also a WHORE who also has no LEGAL RIGHT to SELL their body.

And it also still looks like anyone who is AGE 20 or OLDER is also still GUILTY of STATUTORY RAPE with a 16 year old (due to the 4 years older AGE limit that states someone 4 YEARS OLDER than a MINOR can't have CONSENTUAL sex with them).

Shame on you Invidia. smile You did not go to the link I provided that clearly states the laws of Washington do not have an age difference clause. Here is the link again:


The link you provided was the FIRST LINK found which also SAYS the same basic thing before it STOPS and then list a NUMBER for you to call to find out more information.

That's why the OTHER LINK you've been given was provided for you (so you don't need to CALL the other NUMBER to find out MORE DETAILS about how SOMEONE UNDER the AGE of 18 is still considered to be a MINOR:

RCW 9A.44.093Sexual misconduct with a minor in the first degree.

>(1) A person is **guilty of sexual misconduct with a minor in the first degree when: (a) The person has, or knowingly causes another person UNDER the AGE of EIGHTEEN to have, sexual intercourse with another person who is at least sixteen years old but less than eighteen years old and not married to the perpetrator, if the perpetrator is at least sixty months older than the victim

SO SHAME on you for NOT FINDING this OTHER LINK that also CLEARLY STATES that even a 17 YEAR OLD is still considered TOO YOUNG to SELL their BODY.

And LAURA PALMER was also still only AGE 16 when she died (with 5 more MONTHS left to go until she would have been age 17.

And it also MAKES NO SENSE to claim that a MINOR CHILD who can't DRINK ALCOHOL until they're AGE 21 (or age 18 depending upon the state) is also old enough to have SEX.

That kind of contraction is extremely SILLY.

Actually, it makes perfect sense. If you are abiding by the law and not partaking in alcoholic consumption at age 16, then you are more than likely to make the right decision about who you sleep with and HOW (using protection and birth control) . Throwing alcohol in the mix almost insures the right decisions are NOT made. I tell you what REALLY makes no sense. You can join the miliary and DIE for your country at age 18 but you cannot partake in alcohol until 21. That's some BS right there.

Yes being OLD ENOUGH to DIE but not drink is also SILLY as well.

But the ISSUE is either one is an ADULT or one is NOT.


Because the LAW also CLEARLY STATES THAT anyone UNDER the AGE of 18 cannot do that or have someone else to that to them which the UGLY FAT GUY behind the BAR was also doing:

RCW 9A.44.093Sexual misconduct with a minor in the first degree.

->(1) A person is **guilty of sexual misconduct with a minor in the first degree when: (a) The person has, or knowingly causes another person UNDER the AGE of EIGHTEEN to have, sexual intercourse with another person who is at least sixteen years old but less than eighteen years old and not married to the perpetrator, if the perpetrator is at least sixty months older than the victim

Either a CHILD is an ADULT or they are NOT.

And even IF the law states that they're OLD ENOUGH to SELL their BODY, that still doesn't MEAN they're EMOTIONALLY or MENTALLY capable of DEALING with the HORRIBLE kind of RESULTS that come from being USED by MEN that way as if they're nothing more than a USED PIECE of KLEENEX to CAST away after having used it to MASTURBATE with.

Well, perhaps you should look at it from an empowering perspective. It is the woman in control of your body and it is her USING them with it. As long as she is not FORCED into the situation it is HER that is in control and she chooses when and IF she decides she wants to use her body in that manner. Look, if a women is pretty enough and smart enough she is able to retire by the time she is 40 years IF she plays her cards right. Can a man say the same thing? THAT is EMPOWERMENT. muscle_tone3

If a woman is a WOMAN (and DOESN'T STILL have the MIND of a CHILD) then she would also be MATURE enough to KNOW better than to SELL her BODY.

MOST FEMALES who SELL their BODIES do so as a way to SUPPORT a DRUG HABIT (which is also a way to try to ESCAPE from some other ISSUE such as the SEXUAL ABUSE they suffer from someone like a STEP FATHER RAPING THEM).

So it's also NOT an ISSUE of being EMPOWERED.

MOST often it's an ISSUE of NOT having the POWER to STOP the ABUSE, and then attempting to RUN AWAY from it, which ends up being a case of JUMPING OUT of the FRYING PAN right into the FIRE (when the RUN AWAY also encounters other PIMPS who USE and ABUSE THEM even more than they were before).

So the empower remark is just a RATIONALIZATION and an EXCUSE that's being used to USE the body of a FEMALE as a form of MASTURBATION.

MOST WOMEN who work and DO the EXACT same JOBS as MEN are also still NOT PAID as much as men. If fact since they're also only paid about 2/3RDS as much as MEN, that also results in their having to EITHER WORK LONGER (up to age 70 or later) or else take LESS in SOCIAL SECURITY and other RETIREMENT BENEFITS when they retire (due to having been PAID LESS and therefore have also PAID less into those plans).

So even IF a woman works the SAME NUMBER of HOURS throughout her life doing the same exact thing as a MAN (FEMALE DOCTORS for example), they still get SCREWED in the end by EMPLOYEES who take advantage of them and DON'T PAY THEM the same RATE for doing the EXACT SAME JOB.

So the next time before you try to say how well WOMEN have it in the WORK PLACE, you might also want to KEEP this fact in mind.

Here's a FAMOUS CASE that also further ILLUSTRATES this matter for you:


In 1979, Lilly Ledbetter was hired by Goodyear; she retired from Goodyear in 1998 and then sued the company for paying her significantly less than her male counterparts.[6] The lawsuit eventually reached the Supreme Court, which denied her claim because she did not file suit 180 days from her first pay check even though she said she didn't know it at the time.[7][8][8][9] In dissent, United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote:

Lilly Ledbetter was a supervisor at Goodyear Tire and Rubber’s plant in Gadsden, Alabama, from 1979 until her retirement in 1998. For most of those years, she worked as an area manager, a position largely occupied by men. Initially, Ledbetter’s salary was in line with the salaries of men performing substantially similar work. Over time, however, her pay slipped in comparison to the pay of male area managers with equal or less seniority. By the end of 1997, Ledbetter was the only woman working as an area manager and the pay discrepancy between Ledbetter and her 15 male counterparts was stark: Ledbetter was paid $3,727 per month; the lowest paid male area manager received $4,286 per month, the highest paid, $5,236.[8] Subsequently, the 111th United States Congress passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act in 2009 to loosen the timeliness requirements for the filing of a discrimination suit so long as any act of discrimination, including receipt of a paycheck that reflects a past act of discrimination, occurs within the 180-day period of limitations. Passage of the act did not result in Ledbetter receiving a settlement from Goodyear.[6][10] Speaking at an interview in 2012, Ledbetter said that the pay disparity further led to inequity in her "overtime pay, contributory retirement, 401(k), and social security."[11

I still say if a woman wants to sell her body then she should be able to. But back to my original POINT which you are such an expert of moving the conversation away from. She was, in fact, a whore. I don't care if she was raped in the past and I don't care if the law states she is not old enough to do it, those points are all irrelevant to my original point, which was, she WILLFULLY accepted money for sexual favors which according to the dictionary means she was a WHORE:


All the other stuff that happened to her, yes terrible. A downright tragedy but it doesn't change the fact she whored for kicks mostly cuz I don't believe I ever saw her shell out a penny for her drugs.

@Invidia said:

After 25 YEARS one would also think he would have changed and AGED like the rest of the characters have?

I thought he had aged.

@movie_nazi] said:

You are losing me hun. YES it is very odd for someone to look EXACTLY like someone else unless they are twins. I mean, people can share similarities and look a lot like one another but never EXACTLY alike.

all of a sudden you act as though you don't realize you are watching a TV show- A LYNCH series.

TALKING ARM TREE, ONE ARM MAN, manufactured Man DISSOLVES into a bead, man spent 25 years in the Lodge, gets thrown out , hurled through time and space, monster eats peoples faces off, midget going around stabbing people- BUT you find it ODD that there is a person that looks EXACTLY like Dale Cooper ? THAT is what is hard for you to believe? You're gonna suspend belief there huh?

and I STILL say People look like each other ALL the time with differences such as hair, weight,etc. You telling me you HAVE NEVER seen someone that looks like someone else?

EVILCOOP /BOB "manufactured" a being. There HAD TO HAVE BEEN an ORIGINAL/HUMAN/REAL Dougie Jones in the Beginning- BECAUSE they COULD NOT have manufactured HIS WHOLE LIFE AND BACKGROUND nor the people around him that HAVE KNOWN him for 40 something years. They did NOT make his WHOLE life up -wife/kid/job/boss/old friends- an ORIGINAL had to exist before they could make a copy.

Uh yeah, he used a copy of HIMSELF to make Dougie.

Makes NO sense-

SO where did Janey-E, their kid, the boss, people at work that know him/ have known him for years ALL COME FROM? He made them ALL up too?

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