Episodis 227

Alejandra is a manager at an automotive company and strives to fulfill her dream of having a great wedding. Rafael is a hardworking man who makes his living as a salesman. They both have money problems and take a loan.

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To avoid a crash, Rafael hits Alejandra's car and she suffers a terrible accident. Rafael takes Alejandra in poor condition to the hospital and pretends to be her husband with the police. Ramon begins to seize the things of Rafael's family.

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One reason [Una razon - Episode 3]

1 g de 20091h

Rafael tries to escape from Marco and the police, but is arrested for Alejandra's accident. Alejandra's life is in danger and she needs emergency surgery. Marco insists that the wedding take place and put Rafael in jail.

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Rafael is at risk of being in jail for Alejandra's accident. Because she is still in serious condition, Alejandra does not show up for her appointment and is penalized for breach of contract, in addition she is not being able to close the truck's sale.

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Rafael has to pay Alejandra five million Mexican pesos in order to get out of jail and Marco shows him all the expenses he must cover when signing the agreement. Francisco hires Claudia, by recommendation.

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Rafael signs the payment agreement and Marco convinces Alejandra to also sign it according to his conditions. Rafael gets a surprise when he gets home and sees all the wedding stuff, so he decides to have a party.

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Alejandra's family begins to have money problems, while Rafael looks for work to start paying. Pepeto offers Rafael a risky business. Jorge has problems with his farm.

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Rafael repents and leaves the business of delivering the car to Pepeto. Alejandra gets nervous when she sees Jorge show the house to a friend to sell. Vicky gets her dad to loan Rafael money on the condition that they marry.

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Not this [No esta - Episode 9]

9 g de 20091h

Impulsive Rafael does not agree to marry Vicky and manages to get his car back. Alejandra returns to the automaker ruining the vendors' party. Alejandra finds herself in trouble when the bank's attorney arrives to claim the house.

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Rafael goes to Alejandra to propose a business, at first she does not recognize him, but the situation gets out of control when he confesses who he is.

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Claudia tricks Gulmaro into keeping the commission from her sales. Ramirez exposes Gulmaro and Claudia with Beltran and Alejandra fires her. Rafael decides to marry Vicky. Beltran intercedes for Claudia and Gulmaro is fired

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Great idea [Gran idea - Episode 12]

14 g de 20091h

Marco convinces Alejandra to hire Rafael to make sure he pays her. Marco interrupts Rafael before he asks for Vicky's hand. Alejandra, seeing Rafael's curriculum, decides to invent one.

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Goals [Metas - Episode 13]

15 g de 20091h

Alejandra gets upset with Marco for having set a date for her wedding without consulting her. Rafael is late for the meeting where Alejandra will introduce him as the new salesman. Alejandra establishes the goals of each seller and Rafael must sell a lot.

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Rafael meets all the salespeople and Alejandra trains him as a salesperson. Julieta goes through an awkward moment during a teamwork. Marino tries to take Rafael's client list away.

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With love [Con amor - Episode 15]

17 g de 20091h

Alejandra puts Rafael's salesmanship skills to the test. Marino takes Rafael's customer list to make copies of it and divide it among all the salespeople. Claudia approaches Rafael to distract him and help Marino.

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The salespeople share Rafael's clients while he and Alejandra go with a client. Rafael manages to close a sale together with Alejandra in a very particular way. Alejandra and Rafael try to regain passion in their respective relationships.

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Stolen? [¿Robo? - Episode 17]

21 g de 20091h

Alejandra forces Rafael to arrive at Auto Siglo at dawn. Julieta asks Pepeto for help to sell some bottles and get money. Rafael discovers that his customer list was used by the other salespeople.

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Stolen [Robo - Episode 18]

22 g de 20091h

Alejandra confronts the salespeople about the theft of the customer list. Julieta sells Rafael's bottles at a bar. Rafael gets tired and questions the honesty of Alejandra. Rafael goes out to eat with the salespeople and discovers more about them.

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Alejandra believes that she is losing Marco and plans to surprise him in his apartment, without knowing that he is with another woman. Claudia takes advantage of Rafael's mistake and steals the sale.

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Pick up lines [Piropos - Episode 20]

24 g de 20091h

Marco resists spending the night with Alejandra and she berates his rejection to her. Julieta lies to Rafael about the way she gets money. Vicky's siblings ruin her and Rafael's night. Alejandra takes her frustration out on Rafael.

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Jaime discovers that Julieta has been selling Rafael's bottles. Rafael defends himself against Marco's attacks. Rafael goes out to visit clients, but cannot make any sales.

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Rafael defends his field against Marino. Rafael makes Alejandra feel loved and improves her spirits, giving him another chance to get sales. Vicky breaks up with Rafael. Marco adjourns the date with Alejandra while he spends with Karen.

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Bet [Apuesta - Episode 23]

29 g de 20091h

Rafael confirms that Claudia stole a client from him. Alejandra is torn between her disappointment towards Marco and her concern for the disappearance of her father. Jorge arrives at the state and finds Marco.

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Problems [Problemas - Episode 24]

30 g de 20091h

Beltran gives Alejandra and Rafael an ultimatum to sell at least one car or he will be fired. Alejandra continues to allow Marco to deceive and manipulate her. Vicky and her brothers show up at the carmaker, getting Rafael into trouble.

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Displaced [Desplantes - Episode 25]

31 g de 20091h

Time is running out for Rafael so he does everything possible to make a sale and thus keep his job and beat Marino's bet. Marco takes Karen on the ride, but Alejandra decides to accompany him to the event.

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Karen's uncle puts Marco in jeopardy by recognizing him and exposing his relationship with Alejandra. Marino has to fulfill the bet and shave his hair. Alejandra has a strong fight with Marco and Rafael comforts her. Rafael gets accidentally engaged to Vicky.

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Karen asks Marco to commit to their relationship and break up with Alejandra. Marino becomes teased because of his wig. Rafael tries to fix his engagement with Vicky, but he complicates everything. Marco asks Alejandra to marry him immediately.

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Despite her doubts, Karen introduces Marco as her boyfriend before her friendships. Rafael seeks the advice of his colleagues to sell cars. Alejandra asks the doctor to operate on her so she can get married, but he recommends a clinic abroad.

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Tired [Cansada - Episode 29]

6 e de 20091h

Marco makes Karen believe that he is crazy to make her leave him. Marco proposes to give the money for Alejandra's therapy and then get married. Julieta finishes selling all the bottles. Rafael's sales attempt is complicated by his new client.

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The ranch [La hacienda - Episode 30]

7 e de 20091h

Karen decides to stay with Marco and invites him to say goodbye to her uncle. Rafael gets drunk while he tries to make a sale. Jorge confirms Marco the delivery of part of the farm to his name on the day of his wedding to Alejandra.

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Julieta is scammed with the sold bottles. Karen insists on staying with Marco and taking him to a better psychologist. Rafael tries to convince Alejandra to lend him a truck so he can close an important sale.

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Jealousy [Celos - Episode 32]

11 e de 20091h

Alejandra accompanies Rafael to close the sale of the trucks, but the meeting takes place during a wedding for which they suffer several interruptions. Alejandra starts drinking while Rafael tries to show the truck to sell.

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Drunk [Borracha - Episode 33]

12 e de 20091h

Chavez makes Karen believe that Marco tried to kill Alejandra, in order to make her forget about him. While Rafael continues trying to close the sale of him, Alejandra does not stop drinking. Rafael sings at his client's wedding.

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In love [Enamorada - Episode 34]

13 e de 20091h

Alejandra and Rafael finish enjoying the wedding singing and dancing, but without being able to close the sale. Little by little, the two begin to get closer and feel something else, while Marco gets jealous of Rafael.

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I forgot [Olvido - Episode 35]

14 e de 20091h

Rafael discovers that Julieta sold her bottles and is now in trouble with Jimenez. Rafael is under pressure to close the sale of the trucks while Marco and Chavez plan to take the house from him.

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Cheers [¡Salud! - Episode 36]

17 e de 20091h

Thanks to the help of the town girls, Rafael manages to close the sale of the trucks. Alejandra gets jealous when she sees Rafael with the girls. Despite the sale, Rafael is unable to complete the payment that he must deliver to Alejandra.

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Liar [Mentiroso - Episode 37]

18 e de 20091h

Marco is at risk of being discovered when the real Urdiales shows up at the same restaurant where he is with Alejandra. Rafael berates Alejandra that Marco has threatened his mother and gives her his resignation.

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Rafael becomes the salesperson of the month causing Marino to disagree. Sales people are paid to cover their debts and needs. The mothers of Marino's children show up to claim money from him.

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Persuade [Persuadir - Episode 39]

20 e de 20091h

Rafael is left with none of the money he received from profit. The vendors hide to avoid paying Mrs. Dolores. Marco gets money for Alejandra's trip. Gaston agrees that Rafael and Vicky marry in three months.

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Shopping [Compras - Episode 40]

21 e de 20091h

Alejandra leaves instructions to the vendors before going on her trip and leaves Susana in charge. Alejandra asks Susana to watch everything Rafael does. Alejandra takes Rafael to buy a new suit and knows a little more about his life.

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Alejandra takes from Rafael the photos they took at the wedding. Rosario and Alejandra make Marco star with Jorge during their trip. Alejandra gets ready to go on a trip and thinks about Rafael.

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Operation [Operación - Episode 42]

25 e de 20091h

Marco moves into Jorge's house. Susana has a difficult start as the sales manager. Despite the distance, Rafael and Alejandra think of each other. Alejandra's surgery is carried out successfully.

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Rafael takes advantage of a rich man's wake to seek sales. Alejandra begins her rehabilitation. Rafael and some vendors are invited to a fifteen birthday party of one of his clients.

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Marco learns that Chavez sold an important painting from the estate. Vicky reaches the fifteenth birthday of Rafael's client and makes a fuss. Rafael manages to close his sales on time even though Marino secures a major sale.

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The return [El regreso - Episode 45]

28 e de 20091h

Marco gets into trouble when some brothel girls ask him for help with the police. Marino loses a major sale due to the presence of all his children. Alejandra returns from her trip with a different look.

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New look [Nuevo Look - Episode 46]

31 e de 20091h

Alejandra is impressed with Rafael's sale, but he still can not make the payment for the month. All the salespeople ask Rafael to borrow, but he no longer has any money. Alejandra discovers that the vendors left before closing.

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Alejandra scolds the salespeople for leaving before closing and is surprised to hear that Rafael is getting married. Marco confesses Alejandra that Jorge has two months to live. The salespeople complain to Beltran about Alejandra's treatment.

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Gripes [Queja - Episode 48]

2 n de 20091h

Chavez advises Marco to prevent the family from going to the ranch so that they do not discover everything that has been lost. Alejandra raises a report to the sellers. Beltran claims Alejandra's treatment of the salesperson.

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Evidence [Evidencia - Episode 49]

3 n de 20091h

Rafael helps a group of nuns. Dandy initiates the plan to conquer Susana, but fails. Chavez tries to stop Alejandra from having the wedding at the estate, but the situation spirals out of control when he confronts Jorge.

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Rafael hangs out with Vicky and her family at a picnic, but they are attacked by a lion. Rafael has problems with Alejandra because of the money she lent him and Beltran is about to discover the bond that unites them.

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Ramirez's dynamic for salespeople to vent against Alejandra makes everyone take out their frustration and anger from her. Marco desperately searches for Chavez, who is nowhere to be found.

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Hurt by her dynamics, Alejandra resigns, but Beltran convinces her otherwise. Marco apologizes to Chavez. Rafael discovers Marco in a club with other girls. Alejandra surprises Beltran and the vendors with a change of attitude.

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Jorge decides to go as a surprise to the estate. Rafael starts with a new strategy to find a new client. Marco looks for a way to make Alejandra happy and appoints her at a hotel.

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The lock [El trancazo - Episode 54]

10 n de 20091h

No tenim una sinopsi traduïda en català. Ajudeu-nos a expandir la nostra base de dades afegint-n'hi una.

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Marco continues to avoid being intimate with Alejandra and removing her scarf. Rafael resigns himself to selling his car. Ramírez asks Alejandra to go back to being the boss from before and demand more of them.

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Rafael sneaks into the cocktail party to intercept the president of Refri Transportes. Dandy continues with his plan to win over Susana. Alejandra is surprised to see that Urdiales is not included in the wedding’s guest list.

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Mockery [La burla - Episode 57]

15 n de 20091h

Rafael uses Rosaura's gossip to get closer to Lemet's wife, the plan is a success and he can finally speak to the president of Refri Transportes. Beltran tells Alejandra the anguish he has for the sales of the month.

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Green light [Luz verde - Episode 58]

16 n de 20091h

Refri Transportes asks Rafael for a quote for 70 units and with this he would be able to pay Alejandra enough to not owe him anything. Alejandra advises Rafael to travel to the beach meeting and close the business with Refri Transportes.

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Alejandra and Rafael have mixed feelings because if they manage to close the business with Refri Transportes, they will never see each other again. Beltran asks Alejandra to go with Rafael to close the business at Playa Estrella.

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Both Marco and Vicky are against Alejandra and Rafael traveling together. Leonor accuses Vicky and her brother with Gaston for the scandal at her house. Rafael gets on a plane for the first time.

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While Rafael is delighted to know the sea, Alejandra suffers having to share a room with him in a passing hotel. Nelson attends a spiritual event with Susana.

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Rafael and Alejandra spend the day together enjoying the trip to the beach. The sale with Refri Transportes is in danger because Flores wants to take advantage of Alejandra. Rafael goes into the sea, but begins to drown.

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Claudia flirts with Marco and he invites her on a date. Marino tries to ruin Rafael's business with Refri Transportes. Alejandra realizes the intentions of Ledesma and pretends that Rafael is her husband.

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Partying [De fiesta - Episode 64]

24 n de 20091h

Rafael and Alejandra have to stay one more day at the beach, causing Marco and Vicky annoyance. Dandy agrees to give Susana a foot massage, but she gets a surprise. Alejandra interrupts Rafael's celebration.

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Dandy is determined to win over Susana and bets the salespeople for her commissions, but Ismael threatens to give them away. Alejandra and Rafael manage to close the business with Refri Transportes and realize that everything is over.

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Salespeople do their best to secure more sales. Marino believes that Alejandra is having an affair with Rafael. Alejandra becomes jealous of the attention Rafael generates with the girls on the beach.

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The kiss [El beso - Episode 67]

29 n de 20091h

The constant coexistence between Rafael and Alejandra makes them let themselves be carried away by what they feel and kiss. Marco and Claudia continue to hook up. Vicky and Rafael have a fight and their relationship ends.

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After the kiss, Rafael and Alejandra enjoy a romantic night on the beach while Marco sleeps with Claudia. Vicky asks Jaime to help her understand her relationship with Rafael, but she ends up kissing him.

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Alejandra feels bad for having betrayed Marco and asks Rafael to forget everything they lived through. Jaime regrets having kissed Vicky and she continues to seduce him. Alejandra and Rafael do not know how to behave when they're alone.

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Alejandra keeps Rafael's shirt and Marco finds it. Under pressure, Rafael agrees to be Vicky's boyfriend again. Alejandra and Rafael open up with Susana and Jaime about what happened on the trip.

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Jaime feels guilty and tries to confess to Rafael that he kissed Vicky. Alejandra and Rafael get ready for the end and she asks him to write a letter of resignation, Beltran gets into a mess by asking them to be present at the signing of the contract.

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Refri Transportes organize a new dinner to close the business. Claudia makes Marco suspicious about what Alejandra did on the trip to Puerto Vallarta. Sad, Rafael hands Alejandra her resignation letter.

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Rafael says goodbye to all Auto Siglo’s salespeople. Marcos discovers the truth about the Puerto Vallarta trip and confronts Rafael and Alejandra in front of Refri Transportes investors causing them to lose business.

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Although Rafael confesses how he feels about her, Alejandra rejects him and tries to fix her relationship with Marco, but he, full of jealousy, cancels the wedding.

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Resignation [Renuncia - Episode 75]

9 e de 20091h

Marco gets drunk, hurt by Alejandra's betrayal, and Chavez can not make him see reason. Jorge eavesdropped that Alejandra is not getting married because of Rafael. Beltran is affected after the news of the business failure.

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Jorge gets upset with Alejandra for the cancellation of the wedding and locks himself in his room. Rafael talks with Gaston to postpone his wedding with Vicky. Rosario talks to Marco to try to convince him to forgive Alejandra.

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Rafael confronts the businessmen of Refri Transportes in front of their wives for the harassment of Alejandra. While Rafael celebrates Leonor's birthday, Alejandra can not stop thinking about him. Rafael gets a job in the Auto Siglo competition.

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Chavez makes Marco see that there is no proof that Alejandra was unfaithful to him. Claudia spreads the rumor in Autos Siglo of what happened between Rafael and Alejandra. Rafael finally manages to communicate with Alejandra to ask for a reference letter.

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Lies [Mentiras - Episode 79]

15 e de 20091h

Marino makes everyone believe that Medina spoke bad of Alejandra, fracturing the relationship between her and Rafael. Alejandra has to confess the truth about her trip to the beach to the salespeople so they stop talking about her.

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In front of Alejandro, Mili asks Hugo to tell the truth about what they did in her room and he lies to separate them. Andrea advises Constancio to convince Luciana to give him her shares. Regina hands Hugo Carmen's diary.

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Vicky assures Jaime that he took advantage of her weakness and spent the night with her. Beltran introduces Rafael's substitute. Jorge's health worsens. Rafael has his first day at Cloautos and feels haunted by Alejandra's comments.

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While Marino trains Zetina, Rafael discovers that in Cloautos the way of working is totally different. Marco decides to support Alejandra with Jorge's hospital bill. Karen accidentally finds Marco at the hospital.

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Beltran pressures Alejandra to make Zetina sell the same as Rafael. Dandy's old love shows up surprisingly. Chávez informs Marco that the fraud with Alejandra's ranch may be discovered.

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Jaime and Julieta become boyfriends during their birthday party. Dandy tries to prevent Susana from finding out that Lucia is staying in her apartment. Chavez offers Enrique money so that he will not reveal the situation of the state.

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Marco tries to repossess Rafael's house, but Gaston stops him by lending money to pay the monthly fee. Alejandra is moved by Marco's help and attention to Jorge.

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Beltran berates the salespeople for low sales. Rafael covers his debt with Gaston. Susana discovers that Dandy conquered her just to win a bet. Rafael plans to beat Alejandra in car sales as revenge.

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Susana asks Dandy not to look for her again and Alejandra slaps him for everything she did. Chavez advises Marco to hire a dancer to be Jorge's nurse. Rafael has a fight at the bar.

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Dandy suffers for having lost Susana and Marino tries to cheer him up. Jorge is encouraged to see Rubi, his new nurse. Rafael presents his plan to generate sales in Cloautos and beat Autos Siglo.

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Marino declares war on Rafael and they start a battle for his clients. Alejandra tries to recover, without success, the clients that Rafael won from Autos Siglo. The women in Jorge's house begin to have differences with Rubi.

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War [La guerra - Episode 90]

30 e de 20091h

Despite the fact that Rafael and Alejandra have great love for each other, the war for sales reaches a new level and neither thinks to give in. Rafael begins to lose clients because of Alejandra and Marino.

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Rafael manages to take the sale away from Marino and Alejandra. Beltran pressures Alejandra to comply with the sales. Beltran collides with a patrol car. Rafael and Alejandra drown their sorrows in alcohol.

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Both Rosario and Leonor scold Alejandra and Rafael for their drinking. While Alejandra celebrates Jorge's birthday, Rafael is confronted by Vicky, who discovers Alejandra's letter of recommendation and a photo of her.

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Alejandra defends her relationship with Marco to Susana, who doubts that she feels anything for him. Ramirez makes Zetina believe that he can make Alejandra fall in love. Marino and Rafael set their sights on the Transorganic company.

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Monica tries to get Rafael's attention, but he rejects her. Alejandra and Rafael face off to win the sale of Transorganic. Rubi disavows Rosario in front of Jorge and decides to leave. The meeting between Rafael and Alejandra awakens old feelings.

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Marino plans to keep Alejandra's position and asks Ramirez to convince Beltran to consider him. Alejandra delivers her letter of resignation. Marco decides to take Rubi away. Arcadia, the owner of Autos Siglo, shows up as a surprise.

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Monica tries to kiss Rafael. Claudia makes Marco distrust Alejandra and Rafael. Ismael advises Zetina to stay away from Alejandra. Jorge is upset due to Rubi's absence.

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Rosario despairs because Jorge does not want to do his part to improve and decides to accept Rubi again. Susana proposes to Alejandra that she say goodbye to her employees, starting with Claudia.

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Alejandra continues to meet with her employees to say goodbye to them and make them see where her faults are as people, achieving a special connection. Jorge recovers his spirits thanks to Rubi.

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Beltran summons Rafael to a meeting with Arcadia, owner of Autos Siglo, to return to work with them as the new sales manager. Alejandra makes Marino see that he does not have the qualities to be a manager.

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Collection [Cobranza - Episode 100]

13 r de 20091h

During his last day at Cloautos, Rafael says goodbye to Monica, Pepeto asks him to take him to Autos Siglos and Marco arrives to collect the monthly payment. The sales people invite Alejandra to a party.

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The vendors meet in Jimenez's apartment, but things get complicated when his wife gets upset about the party. Vicky is upset when she finds out that Rafael is going to return to Autos Siglo.

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Dandy makes one last effort to get Susana back and she accepts him back next to her. Marco discovers that Jorge's house has tax problems. Beltran announces to Alejandra and the vendors the restructuring of the area.

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Beltran appoints Rafael as the commercial advisor to the presidency and Alejandra maintains her position as manager of Autos Siglo, causing Marino annoyance. Marco warns Rosario that they run the risk of having her house repossessed.

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Marino is opposed to following Rafael and Alejandra's orders, so he confronts Beltran by telling him that there was a romance between Rafael and Alejandra. Rafael investigates who of the vendors spoke ill of him and Alejandra.

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Alejandra finds out that Marco wanted to seize Rafael. Jorge goes to Rafael's house and Leonor tells him about the debt she owes to Alejandra. Vicky threatens Alejandra to get away from Rafael. Jorge asks Rafael to get away from Alejandra.

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While Rafael promises Jorge not to have any romantic relationship with Alejandra, she promises Marco to stay away from Rafael. Marco informs Alejandra that they have to leave the house.

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Alejandra gives Rafael the photo that Vicky gave her and finds out about her visit. Pepeto joins Autos Siglo. Rafael and Alejandra present their new sales design to vendors and are forced to clear up with rumors from Vallarta.

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Rafael threatens to run Marino for the Vallarta gossip and presents evidence to Beltran of his guilt. Beltran asks Rafael and Alejandra to attend a cocktail party at an exclusive club.

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While Alejandra and Rafael attend the cocktail party and clear up misunderstandings, Marco tries to spend the night with Rubi. Rafael meets Marian Celeste and Alejandra is delighted to see them together. Rubi finds out about Jorge's ranch problems.

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Rafael confesses to Alejandra that he cannot forget how he feels about her, but Jorge's warning prevents him from kissing her. Vicky confesses to Jaime that she is pregnant. Beltran instructs Rafael to do business with Marian.

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Vicky plans to make Rafael believe that the child she is expecting is his. Rafael and Alejandra decide to share the best customers with all the salespeople to encourage sales. Rubi's bad attitude makes Jorge fire her.

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Blackmail [Chantaje - Episode 112]

1 " de 20091h

Rosaura makes Alejandra distrust Marian's intentions with Rafael. Marco offers Rubi to go on a trip in order to get away from her. Marian invites Rafael to his villa to close the truck business.

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Quintana manages to release Jorge's ranch and blackmails Marco into giving him money for his silence. Everyone at Autos Siglo celebrates the Anniversary of the agency and Alejandra is jealous of the women who approach Rafael.

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Rafael gets jealous when he sees Alejandra dancing with an executive. Vicky arrives at Autos Siglo's party and Marino takes the opportunity to flirt with her. While Pepeto steals a kiss from Rosaura, ‘La Generala’ and Jimenez get carried away with alcohol.

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Missing [Desaparecido - Episode 115]

4 " de 20091h

As Rubi gets ready to go on a trip, Azucena returns to Jorge's house. Jimenez falls in love with ‘La Generala’, but she tries to keep him away. Ramirez arrives beaten to the meeting, causing Marino to feel guilty.

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Arcadia helps Claudia regain her confidence as a salesperson. Beltran scolds Alejandra for not having reviewed Rafael's proposal for Grupo Celeste and she is forced to go to Cuernavaca to see him and Marian.

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Beltran gets furious with Vicky's call and berates Rafael. Marian becomes uncomfortable with Alejandro's presence in Rafael's negotiation. Alejandra faints while she travels with Rafael right at the place where she had the accident.

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Rafael confirms that Alejandra still has feelings for him. Alejandra decides to break up with Marco. Rafael plans to break up with Vicky because of how he feels for Alejandro and because of the call she made to Beltran.

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Rafael explains to Gaston the reasons why he has decided to break up with Vicky, but she refuses to listen to him. Marco accepts that he loves Alejandra and does not intend to lose her. Rosaura announces during the meeting that she left her husband.

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After leaving her husband, Rosaura looks for a place to live. Ramirez decides to stop helping Marino. Marco and Chavez try to solve the ranch issue. Alejandra is reunited with Guillermo and Rafael gets jealous when he sees them together.

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Rafael is sent to jail for assaulting Guillermo. Alejandra tries to persuade Guillermo to free Rafael. Generala asks the salespeople to help Rosaura. Marco tries to investigate if Rafael and Alejandra are together.

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Rafael and Alejandra decide to accept what they feel and start a relationship while Marco has to meet with the lawyer to resolve the issue of the farm.

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Alejandra and Rafael spend their first night together. Marco tries to be intimate with Carmela, but cannot because he has a hallucination. Rosaura spends her first day at Isabel's house.

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Marco and Chavez set a trap for Leonor to affect Rafael. The return of Alejandra and Rafael to the agency provokes comments among the sellers. Beltran asks Rafael to close the contract with Marian.

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It's said [Está dicho - Episode 125]

18 " de 20091h

Rafael assures Alejandra that he will make Vicky understand that there is nothing between them anymore. Marian complicates the sale for Rafael, but she ends up asking him to meet at her state to close the business.

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Soft spot [Debilidad - Episode 126]

21 " de 20091h

Rafael tries to clear things up with Vicky, but upon arriving at her house, he finds out that she suffered a sudden faint. Rafael and his family make plans with the money from the supposed prize. Rafael's jealousy ruins his date

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Rafael accepts the challenge of singing to Alejandra at the restaurant. Alejandra is about to announce her relationship with Rafael when she receives the letter about the sale of Leonor's house.

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Alejandra refuses to believe that Leonor sold the mortgaged house in her name and asks Rafael for an explanation. Marco shows up at Alvarez del Castillo's house to ensure that Alejandra believes the lie about the sale of the house.

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Rafael tries to clarify the situation of the sale of the house with Alejandra, but she does not believe anything and feels betrayed. Rafael realizes that everything is Marco's trap, but he threatens him to make him leave Alejandra.

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Rafael manages to convince Marian to close the business in exchange for selling her trucks. Forced by Marco and to prevent Leonor from going to jail, Rafael ends his relationship with Alejandra.

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Jimenez finds Marco kissing Carmela. Alejandra is sad and disappointed by what Rafael did. Marco convinces everyone that Rafael is guilty and Jorge demands Alejandra to put him in jail.

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Jorge finds the letter where Quintana declares her love for Rosario. Vicky continues to manipulate Gaston and her siblings into making Rafael return to her. Despite the failures of some sellers, Rafael presents the earnings for the month.

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Dandy [El 'Dandy' - Episode 133]

30 " de 20091h

Rafael takes the first place in sales from Marino for not attending the meeting. Rafael confesses to Nelson and Jimenez that he was the one who caused Alejandra's accident. Beltran refuses to accept Alejandra's resignation.

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Alejandra hands over her position to Rafael and asks him to cover his entire debt. Leonor asks Gaston to lend them the money to cover Rafael's debt. Alejandra argues with Rafael by refusing to receive the commission from Grupo Celeste.

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Doubtfully [Con dudas - Episode 135]

1 n de 20101h

Jorge is upset because Rosario went out with Quintana and makes a scene at Hernan's house. Marian offers Rafael her support and asks him to go to a meeting with her friends. Alejandra tells Marco that she intends to take over the ranch.

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Marian falls into the pool and Rafael saves her from drowning. Jorge clings to fighting Quintana in a boxing ring. Marian tries to show Rafael her interest in him.

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Carmela refuses to help Marco to prevent Alejandra from managing the ranch. Alejandra gets jealous when she hears Rafael talking to Marian. Gaston agrees to lend Rafael the money on the condition that he pays attention to Vicky.

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Rafael accepts Gaston's loan and makes it clear to Alejandra that he is going to keep his word to pay the debt. Rafael asks Zetina to follow Marco to the cantina. Alejandra and Marian get drunk talking about Rafael.

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Alejandra and Marian compete to see who drinks more tequila and end up confessing their feelings for Rafael. Alejandra gets drunk and Rafael tries to help her, but Marco interrupts them. Jorge gets ready for his boxing match.

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Rafael signs Gaston a promissory note in exchange for the loan of four and a half million pesos and asks him to marry Vicky within a month. Alejandra has problems at her house because of the drunkenness the night before.

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Rafael goes through several problems to get the money to Autos Siglo. Arcadia installs several cameras in the agency. Marco puts several obstacles to prevent Alejandra from receiving Rafael’s money. Marian gives Rafael 24 hours to sell the trucks.

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Trial [Tela de juicio - Episode 142]

12 n de 20101h

Alejandra cannot resist being near Rafael and she decides to leave Autos Siglo. Marco manages to convince Carmela to help him stop Alejandra from going to the ranch, but she insists on going. Zetina witnesses the meeting between Carmela and Marco.

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Vicky continues to use her pregnancy to make Jaime get Rafael closer to her. Rosario cannot stop the fight between Jorge and Quintana and decides to leave the house. Rafael manages to get Alejandra to stay one more day at Autos Siglo.

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Homeless [Sin hogar - Episode 144]

14 n de 20101h

To prevent Rosario from leaving the house, Jorge agrees that she marry Quintana. Zetina tells Rafael that Marco is having an affair with a woman from the courthouse. Both Marco and Rafael take advantage of the signing of the documents to retain Alejandra.

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Alejandra agrees to stay at Autos Siglo and become Rafael's partner in the sale of the trucks. Marco is upset with the news that Alejandra will not leave Autos Siglo and plans to prevent her from resuming her relationship with Rafael.

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Alert [Alerta - Episode 146]

18 n de 20101h

Rafael meets with Marian to close the old truck business, but Alejandra, believing that he left with another woman, sends Vicky to surprise him. Arcadia scolds sellers for their poor sales results.

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The riot [El disturbio - Episode 147]

19 n de 20101h

Rafael cannot get Marian to return the money from the business and she reiterates her invitation to go to a convention in Monterrey. Zetina follows Marco and Carmela to the hotel. Marco fails to perform in bed with Carmela and she plans her revenge.

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Rafael has to explain to De la Parra what happened with Alejandra and the money. Alejandra apologizes to Leonor and they talk about Rafael. Marco plans to escape to prevent Alejandra from doing something against him.

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Alejandra is devastated to learn that Rafael is going to marry Vicky. Alejandra has to vacate her house and Marco offers to give them shelter. Rafael and Marian go on a trip to Monterrey.

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Flight [Huida - Episode 150]

22 n de 20101h

Chavez, for fear of being arrested, decides to leave the country. Carmela tries to seduce Jaime and he cannot investigate anything. Marian does everything possible to win Rafael’s heart. Alejandra and her family come to live at Marco's apartment.

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Quintana offers to help Rosario and Alejandra with their house problem. Ramirez has a date with one of Marino's ex-wives. Marian proposes to Rafael to work for Grupo Celeste.

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Alejandra does not allow Rafael to clarify his situation with Vicky and Marian. Out of spite, Alejandra asks Marco to get married. Carmela gives Marco a month to pay her back. Rafael finds out that Alejandra will marry Marco.

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To prevent Alejandra from getting married, Rafael asks Pepeto to investigate the relationship between Marco and Carmela. Marino invites his new girlfriend to a reunion with the vendors. Vicky overwhelms Rafael's family with the details of the wedding.

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Marino makes his new conquest believe that he has no children. Marco confesses to Claudia that Rafael falsified his resume. Marino's presence in the meeting creates tension between the vendors.

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Rafael and Pepeto discover a phone call from Marco on Claudia's cell phone. Rafael makes Rosaura give him information about Marco. Marino and Claudia team up to get Rafael fired from Autos Siglo.

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Address [Dirección - Episode 156]

1 i de 20101h

Marino makes Beltran investigate Rafael's resume. Pepeto manages to seduce Carmela to get information from her. Beltran confronts Alejandra and Rafael about the false resume and fires them from Autos Siglo.

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Alejandra and Rafael fear losing their money now that they have been fired and ask Beltran to give them a month to leave. Pepeto fails to perform in bed with Carmela. Marco tries to convince the Alvarez del Castillo family to sell

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Jaime asks Vicky if she is really pregnant. The Alvarez del Castillo have trouble spending the night at Marco's house. Susana asks Nelson to tell her everything he talks about with Rafael. Rubi comes to Marco's house by surprise.

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Denial [Desmentidora - Episode 159]

4 i de 20101h

Marian confesses to Rafael that she can not stop thinking about him. Chavez returns to Mexico to find Marco. Rafael and Alejandra announce to the salespeople that they will only work for one month at Autos Siglo. Quintana and Rubi team up against Marco.

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Fed up [Harto - Episode 160]

5 i de 20101h

Chavez proposes that Quintana join him to prevent Marco from taking over the ranch. Rafael confesses to Alejandra the whole truth about Marco and his wedding, but she does not believe him. Marco takes Jorge with Rubi.

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Vicky berates Leonor for the lack of interest in her wedding. Dandy tries to convince Susana to forgive him. Rosario is upset by Rubi's return. Marino has problems with Sandra's ex-husband.

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Leonor asks Rafael to accept his reality and stop dreaming of impossible situations. Alejandra tells Marco and her family that they will only get legally married. Susana makes it clear to Dandy that she no longer believes in him.

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Marco makes a new lie to prevent Alejandra and Rosario from discovering that he does not work for Urdiales. While Alejandra and Rafael visit an important client, Vicky unexpectedly arrives at Autos Siglo to distribute her wedding invitations.

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Marco takes the Alvarez del Castillo family to the ranch, on one hand they discover that Chavez stole several things and on the other, they witness the appearance of the headless man. Jaime cannot confess to Rafa the truth about Vicky's pregnancy.

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Requested [Solicitado - Episode 165]

12 i de 20101h

Marco and Quintana begin to think that the ranch is haunted. Marian is devastated to learn that Rafael is getting married and asks him not to. Vicky is upset to discover that Rafael is having a bachelorette party.

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Marian offers Rafael an important position in her company and a promise to make him happy. Dandy is unable to get any information from Carmela because he is interrupted by a call from Alejandra.

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Vicky causes chaos at Rafael's bachelor party. Alejandra, Marco and Rosario try to arrange Jorge's trip to Switzerland. Vicky's siblings find out that she is pregnant.

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Rafael objects to Julieta working with Marian. Marino fights with Pepeto. Jorge signs the document that certifies Marco as his legal representative. Susana finds Dandy kissing Carmela.

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Chatty [Habladora - Episode 169]

18 i de 20101h

Susana is devastated after seeing Dandy with Carmela and breaks up with him. Marco surprises Alejandra with the news that their honeymoon will be in Brazil. Arcadia and Beltran talk to Alejandra and Rafael about their dismissal.

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Alejandra says goodbye to Rafael and asks him to pay the money he owes her. Carmela gives Marco an idea to be able to sell the farm and benefit from it. Marian tries to investigate why Rafael is forced to marry Vicky.

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Marian interrupts Vicky's wedding rehearsal at Rafael's house. Susana resigns from Autos Siglo. Alejandra holds her last meeting with the salespeople. The wedding day between Rafael and Vicky has arrived and Marian attends

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Vicky passes out before marrying Rafael. Alejandra and Susana go to a bar to vent their sorrows. Jaime confesses that Vicky is expecting his child. Gaston requests a medical test to confirm that Vicky is pregnant.

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Rafael and Vicky's wedding is canceled. Gaston asks Rafael to return the money he lent him. Vicky, Julieta and Leonor reject Jaime for his betrayal. Alejandra and Rosario worry about Jorge's disappearance.

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Vicky falls into depression after the cancellation of her wedding. Rafael must convince Alejandra and Susana to return to Autos Siglo in order to keep his job. Jaime tries to apologize to Rafael and his family, but they reject him.

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Rafael does snot show up to deliver the trucks as he was trying to stop Alejandra's wedding. Marian plans to help Rafael pay off his debts. Chavez confirms to Marco that the headless one is real.

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Rafael cannot stop Alejandra's wedding and is forced to close the truck business. Alejandra promises Marco to do everything to fall in love with him. Rafael and Dandy were left stranded on the road with the money from the sale.

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Police take Rafael's car with the business money in it. Alejandra and Marco have trouble spending the night together. Vicky's brothers ask Rafael to pay his debt. Susana agrees to return to Autos Siglo.

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Alejandra is upset with the news that Rafael did not marry. Rafael and Vicky's brothers go to the car depot to get their money back. Rafael refuses to accept Marian's loan. Marco objects to Alejandra returning to Autos Siglo.

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Alejandra receives a visit from her mother from beyond. Marco and Vicky coincide in their visit to the psychologist. Rafael travels to Monterrey with Marian for a conference and is mistaken for the speaker.

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Marian and Rafael enjoy an unforgettable walk through Monterrey. Rafael finds a client in Monterrey to sell his trucks. Daniel interrupts the dinner between Marian and Rafael.

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Chavez and Marco plan a way to buy the ranch. Rafael sends Zetina to take pictures of Marco. Marian makes it clear to Daniel that she is only interested in Rafael. Jimenez tells Rafael he found Marco with the sex therapist.

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Julieta begins to work with Marian. Arcadia congratulates Jimenez for his work as an architect. Rosaura finds out that Gabo is dating another woman. Jorge returns from his trip and confirms to his family that he has a bank

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To jail [A la cárcel - Episode 183]

10 l de 20101h

Rafael and Jaime make up. The sexologist explains to Marco how he can solve his problem in bed. The police take Jaime away for being illegally on public roads. Daniel asks Marian to marry him.

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Vicky makes it clear to Rafael that she will do whatever it takes to win his love back. Marian hesitates to accept Daniel's marriage proposal. Marino starts his plan to sell trucks. Zetina manages to take a picture of Marco and Carmela kissing.

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Arcadia receives the salespeople and their families at her home in Cuernavaca. Alejandra gets jealous with Marian's presence at the party. Marian asks Rafael to define how he feels about her, but Daniel interrupts them.

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Rafael and Daniel fight over Marian. Dandy confesses to Susana the truth about his meeting with Carmela. Rafael sings a song to Arcadia to celebrate her birthday. Vicky asks Jaime to help her get Rafael back.

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Julieta is disappointed in Jaime again after finding him with Vicky. Alejandra asks Marco about his relationship with Carmela. Jorge discovers that Marco and Alejandra sleep separately. Marian accepts that Daniel tries to win her love.

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Arcadia instructs Jimenez to visit the construction site at Veracruz. Dandy confesses to Susana that Rafael already knows that Alejandra and Marco have no intimacy. Jaime is reunited with his cousin Rizos.

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Jaime tries to convince Rafael and his family that he has nothing to do with Vicky. Tired of Marco's jealousy, Alejandra asks for the divorce. Camaron and Chavez confirm that ‘El Descabezado’ is a real ghost.

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David Bisbal visits Auto Siglo. Vicky insists on wearing her wedding veil. Rafael tells Alejandra that the money was stolen from his safe.

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[Episode 191]

22 l de 20101h

Doña Arcadia goes to Trancazo to find her company's salespeople. Cesar asks Juliet out.

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Confession [Confesión- Episode 192]

23 l de 20101h

Vicky makes a fuss with Rafael. Daniel flirts with Alejandra. Chavez tells Marco that he needs to get his wife pregnant. Pepeto invites Rosaura to dance

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Shock [Shock - Episode 193]

24 l de 20101h

Rafael tries to make Vicky understand that the relationship ended. Jorge and Rosario decide to leave Marco's apartment. With tricks, Daniel makes Alejandra accompany him to his cabin.

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Seduced [Seducida - Episode 194]

25 l de 20101h

Daniel tries to abuse Alejandra. Rosaura's husband quarrels with Pepeto. Doña Arcadia wants to run Rosaura. Rafael goes out in search of Alejandra.

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Rescued [Rescate - Episode 195]

26 l de 20101h

Alejandra is lost in the forest. Marco makes a scandal because no one gives him reason for Alejandra and Medina. Marian goes out with Daniel again.

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Rafael and Alejandra spend the night in a cabin and decide that they are lovers. Vicky's traumas surface with Jaime. Daniel tries to convince Marian of his innocence.

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Reunion [Reencuentro - Episode 197]

30 l de 20101h

Marco and the others find Alejandra kissing Rafael. Marco hides Alejandra's infidelity from his in-laws. Cetina manages to take a picture of Marco with her lover.

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Susana thinks that Rafael kissed Marian. Daniel speaks wonders of Alejandra with Doña Arcadia. Juliet agrees to go out with Cesar. Rafael tells Marian that he loves Alejandra.

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Marco arrives drunk at Auto Siglo to look for Alejandra. German tries to get along with the woman his mother chose for him. Alejandra tells her family that she will file for a divorce.

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Cetina deleted the photos of Marco kissing Carmen. Jorge receives a loan to recover the farm. Marco tells his father-in-law that Rafael wants to seduce his daughter so as not to pay the debt.

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Divorce [Divorcio - Episode 201]

5 , de 20101h

Alejandra tells Rafael that she will no longer live with Marco. Cesar shows up at Juliet's house. Quintana threatens Marco again. Alejandra and Rafael go out to dance.

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Lost [Pérdida - Episode 202]

6 , de 20101h

Rafael and Alejandra meet their rivals in the club. Claudia and Marco spend the night together.

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Joint [Antro - Episode 203]

7 , de 20101h

Vicky is afraid of the witcher's prophecies. Alejandra tells Marco that she wants to start the divorce proceedings. Susi dreams that Nelson is cheating on her with Galilea Montijo.

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Doña Arcadia overlooks Alejandra and Rafael's relationship. Ramirez and Marco want to take revenge on Rafael by putting his mother in jail. Jorge is lost again.

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Jorge arrives at a neighborhood where they offer him to eat. Nelson puts Susana's love to the test. Rafael and Alejandra find Jorge. Jaime changes his image.

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In a fight [En lucha - Episode 206]

12 , de 20101h

Alejandra breaks up with Marco forever. Carmela makes Alejandra think that she lost the farm. In the end, Rafael will sell the trucks he needs.

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Chance [Oportunidad - Episode 207]

13 , de 20101h

Doña Leonor is arrested because of Marco. Rosaura tells Pepeto that she will return to her husband. Marian declares war on Alejandra. Rafael visits his mother in jail.

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Revenge [Venganza - Episode 208]

14 , de 20101h

Rafael and Julieta are desperate for their mother's situation. Marco blackmails Rafael, demanding that he leave Alejandra so that her mother can get out of jail.

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Marino closes a major sale and demands management. Vicky asks Rafael for another chance. Alejandra agrees to go out with Daniel in order to get the farm back.

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Alejandra lies to save her father and ends up with Rafael. They all go to Alejandra's former farm, invited by Daniel. Marco accepts Vicky's deal.

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Thunder [Truene - Episode 211]

19 , de 20101h

Alejandra tells her father that they will get the farm back. Julieta is surprised to learn that her mother will get out of jail thanks to Vicky. Vicky accompanies Rafael on his date with Marian.

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Liberty [Libertad - Episode 212]

20 , de 20101h

Vicky tries to seduce Rafael and take him to a hotel. Marco and Daniel argue over Alejandra. Everyone celebrates the freedom of Doña Leonor. Rubi does his thing again.

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Marco talks to Carmela about the farm. Alejandra feels terrible for having broken up with Rafael. Daniel tells Doña Arcadia that now he is the owner of the hacienda.

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Suspicions [Sospechas - Episode 214]

22 , de 20101h

Alejandra and Rafael are in a restaurant with their respective partners. They all get ready to go to the ranch. Jimenez tells Marino he envies the owner of the hacienda.

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Vicente disguises himself to go unnoticed at the hacienda. Everyone enjoys the pool. Julieta decides to forgive Jaime. Milagros surprises everyone with her makeover.

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Vicky and Marian fight. Claudia proposes to Marco to make love secretly. Marco asks Alejandra to rescue his marriage. Jaime is happy because Julieta rejected Cesar.

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Alejandra fears that Marco will not sign the divorce. Urdiales goes to Auto Siglo and Alejandra is surprised when she hears that he does not know Marco. Quintana confesses to Rosario that at first he approached her out of interest.

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Lies again [Mentiras - Episode 218]

28 , de 20101h

Jaime and Cesar propose to Julieta. Alejandra tells her family that Marco always lied to them. Rafael pays off his debt to Vicky's father. Cetina spies on Marco and Vicente.

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Doña Arcadia scolds all of her employees. Vicente tells Alejandra that Marco cheated on his family with the farm business. Marino receives his daughter's first ultrasound.

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The Promise [Promesa - Episode 220]

30 , de 20101h

Jimenez rebels against his family. Vicente tells Marco that they lost the farm because Camaron betrayed them. Daniel teams up with Marian to separate Rafael from Alejandra.

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Doña Leonor receives an envelope with photos of her family. Julieta is happy for Jaime's title. Doña Arcadia confronts the Lioness. A mysterious man looks for Rafael to marry him to his daughter.

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They blame Rafael for a pregnancy. Marian's plan got out of hand. Auto Siglo wins the award for the best car agency. Vicky and Marian team up to separate Rafael from Alejandra.

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Rafael rejects his new-found father. Nelson and Susi do a love ritual. Marian helps Rafael's father to get his family back. Alejandra and Marian smooth things over.

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Lurking [Al acecho - Episode 224]

6 de 20101h

Jorge remembers his account password. Vicky and Marco collide in the Pantera. Rafael's father apologizes to his family. Alejandra rejects the deeds of the hacienda. Claudia agrees to marry Urdiales.

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Alejandra and Rafael confront Marco and Vicky to end the problems. Jimenez will work with Daniel. Rafael and Julieta forgive their father. Susi and Alejandra want to join their weddings.

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The girls of Auto Siglo put their weddings together. Finally, Alejandra and Rafael get married. Everyone celebrates their wedding at the Slendid. Rafael and Alejandra sing.

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The End [Fin - Episode 227]

Final de temporada
11 de 20101h

Chavez will work for Alejandra and Rafael to pay for what was stolen. Ramirez receives royalties for his book. Marco marries Vicky. The Alvarez del Castillo family reclaim their home.

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