Über Star Trek: Raumschiff Voyager diskutieren

Does anybody know how many shuttlecraft Voyager was supposed to have? It seems that every other episode one is either blown up or given away as a lovely parting gift.

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Cool thanks.

It's like how fast is fast. They randomly throw out speeds and distances without realizing that we pay attention. On Voyager they seem to use impulse engines a lot where on TOS they used impulse to look for a good parking space. The other day on The Orville they mentioned a speed and nailed it down to 4 light-years an hour.

A little OT, but I love how the word "warp" and the phrase "Warp Speed" have have been fully intergrated into the English language.

Something else just occurred to me. Well, not "just" ...Let's call it Thursday.

Sci_Fi is the only genre I know that cares about how fast anybody travels. Everybody else says "It will take us a couple of days to get there." or show some mode of transportation a train or plane or stage coach or further afield a red line on a globe (Indiana Jones) My favorite is the old Man From U.N.C.L.E.. They're in New York, a swirly color bar is shown and Hey Presto our heroes are in Istanbul.

But nobody says:" If we travel at such-and-such speed, we'll get there in this many days.

Just a thought.

They had build-it -yourself shuttle program in the replicator although one must ask the replicator clearly other one ends up with a cheese sandwich. laughing

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