Über The Vampire Diaries diskutieren

I managed to watch until episode 5 of season 5 before i decided to drop it , honestly it's getting so boring now and it's just drama all over the place , it was entertaining til season 3 , after that it becomes a mess.

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When the show started out it was pretty much my favorite show on TV. I loved seasons 1 and 2 and parts of season 3. Then I started to lose interest in season 4, and by the end of season 5 I had just lost interest completely. So I decided to give up on the show 1 episode into season 6. Part of me always felt like I wanted to finish the series, so with it officially over and all the episodes up on Netflix I've decided to finish it off. I picked up from where I left off, and I'm back to enjoying the show again. I still don't love it as much as I used to, but overall I'm enjoying it. Season 6 is a really strong season. Much better than seasons 3-5. The writing is back to being really exciting and the storyline is good too.

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