Unter Uns (1994)

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Unter uns is a German television soap opera, first broadcast on RTL on 28 November 1994. Centered around the lives of the people in a residential house, which is set in the fictional Schillerallee in Cologne. Since the show debuted the baker's family Weigel is the series core family. Unter uns isn't based on a foreign soap opera like Verbotene Liebe or Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten. After Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten, the show was the second daily soap for RTL, followed years later in 2006 by Alles was zählt. The show aired its 3,500th episode on 30 December 2008.

  1. Ray Kolle


  2. Jörg Brückner


Series Cast

  1. Petra Blossey as Irene Weigel-Küpper

    Petra Blossey

    Irene Weigel-Küpper

    3446 Episodes

  2. Isabell Hertel

    Ute Kiefer

    3422 Episodes

  3. Ben Ruedinger as Till Weigel

    Ben Ruedinger

    Till Weigel

    3098 Episodes

  4. Milos Vukovic as Paco Weigel

    Milos Vukovic

    Paco Weigel

    3098 Episodes

  5. Lars Steinhöfel as Easy Winter

    Lars Steinhöfel

    Easy Winter

    3098 Episodes

  6. Christiane Maybach as Margot Weigel

    Christiane Maybach

    Margot Weigel

    348 Episodes

  7. Björn Casapietra as Armin Franke

    Björn Casapietra

    Armin Franke

    348 Episodes

  8. Sebastian Feicht

    Alexander Albrecht

    348 Episodes

  9. Sylvia Honnef

    Tanja Pätzhold

    2 Episodes

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Last Season

Season 26

2019 • 80 Episodes

Season 26 of Unter Uns premiered on January 2, 2019.

Episode 80

(26x80, April 26, 2019) Season Finale

View All Seasons

Unter Uns
Unter Uns


Status Returning Series


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Type Scripted

Original Language German


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