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I Got a Rocket is an Australian animated series centered on a boy named Vincent "Vinnie", who received a rocket for his 13th birthday. The rocket was also given a personality, acts as a best friend to Vinnie and is fond of assisting him. Although the series was short-lived, it received a 2008 Emmy Award for "New Approaches - Daytime Children's Entertainment".

I Got a Rocket was originally a book by Matt Zurbo, but was converted into an animated series. It features the voices of Thomas Bromhead as Rocket, Jamie Oxenbould as Vincent "Vinnie", Marcello Fabrizi as Vinnie's father, V. P. Stern, etc., Drew Forsythe as Ma Ducky, Biffo and Scuds Ducky, Trilby Glover as Gabby and Maya and Rachel King as Crystal and Frankie Ducky.

  1. Benjamin Townsend


  2. Stu Connolly


לַהַק סדרה

  1. Marcello Fabrizi

    VP Stern

    52 פרקים

  2. Jamie Oxenbould

    Vinnie Q

    52 פרקים

  3. Trilby Glover as Maya

    Trilby Glover


    52 פרקים

  4. Drew Forsythe as Ma Ducky

    Drew Forsythe

    Ma Ducky

    52 פרקים

  5. Tom Bromhead as Roket

    Tom Bromhead


    52 פרקים

  6. Rachel King


    52 פרקים

להק וסגל מלאים

עונה אחרונה

עונה 1

2007 • 52 פרקים

I Got a Rocket is an Australian animated series centered on a boy named Vincent "Vinnie", who received a rocket for his 13th birthday. The rocket was also given a personality, acts as a best friend to Vinnie and is fond of assisting him. Although the series was short-lived (2006–2007), it received a 2008 Emmy Award for "New Approaches - Daytime Children's Entertainment". I Got a Rocket was originally a book by Matt Zurbo, but was converted into an animated series. It features the voices of Thomas Bromhead as Rocket, Jamie Oxenbould as Vincent "Vinnie", Marcello Fabrizi as Vinnie's father, V. P. Stern, etc., Drew Forsythe as Ma Ducky (the mother of a trio of bullies known as The Duckies), Biffo and Scuds Ducky, Trilby Glover as Gabby and Maya and Rachel King as Crystal and Frankie Ducky (the youngest and only female of The Duckies).

To Wedgie Or Not To Wedgie

(1x52, ינואר 1, 2007) סיום עונה

הצג את כל העונות

I Got A Rocket!
I Got A Rocket!


מעמד הסתיים


  • -

סוג מתוסרט

שפה מקורית אנגלית

מילות מפתח

ניקוד תוכן 


כמעט שם

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  • סרטון

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