QI týraly talqylaý

Item: R Animals (18x14)

Language: en-US

Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Extra Details: Hi,

Please could this episode be deleted.

As per the BBC website, it is not part of Series R:


An episode entitled "R Animals" did air on 7th January, however this was part of QI XL, which is classified as a separate show by the BBC:



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The BBC website has removed the text that said "Episode 12" next to the "VG" episode and instead assigned that to the Christmas Special episode.

Someone has therefore re-ordered the episodes on TMDB.

However, as per the contribution bible, "When seasons are re-organized after a network change (e.g. American Dad, Futurama), we do not re-arranged the aired seasons/episodes."

I've therefore changed the order of the episodes back to how they were, but as there are 2 new episodes, it is now Episode 16 that requires deleting, rather than Episode 14.


Is QI XL on TMDB at all? I can't seem to find it. Having it as a separate show really is a pain as it's just extended episodes as those that have aired. I keep the XL versions as they air and delete the regular length ones so having the show split isn't ideal but it's the way it is.

Are there any suggestions on ways to get all episodes together and in order regardless of being XL or not?

TMDb typically does not support alternative versions or duplicates. So there probably shouldn't be a QI XL entry in the database.

"R Animals" did air on 7th January, however this was part of QI XL

Since no "regular" version of that episode was broadcast (right?), I think it would make sense to move the episode to the special. But are there more XL-only episodes? thinking

@banana_girl said:

TMDb typically does not support alternative versions or duplicates. So there probably shouldn't be a QI XL entry in the database.

"R Animals" did air on 7th January, however this was part of QI XL

Since no "regular" version of that episode was broadcast (right?), I think it would make sense to move the episode to the special. But are they more XL-only episodes? thinking

Hi Banana,

Thanks for the response.

In answer to your questions:

1) Correct, no regular version of the episode was broadcast. 2) No, there are no more XL-only episodes. This was a one-off.

If extended versions are not allowed on TMDB, then QI XL technically does not exist, therefore my initial request should be ignored and the episode left where it is. I appreciate what you're saying about moving it to Specials, but if you click on each episode on the BBC website, they are all given episode numbers, with Episode 13 missing. So this episode was clearly intended as Episode 13.


However, the "VG" episodes are not given episode numbers by the BBC. I'd therefore suggest these are moved to Specials as the current listing on TMDB has "VG: Part 1" which aired on 13th August 2020, listed after Episodes 12-16 which aired in December 2020-January 2021.


So this episode was clearly intended as Episode 13.

TMDb follows the original airing order for QI (not the intended order). If there's no TV broadcast for "R Animals," it can't be part of the original airing order. That being said, I'm assuming the planned broadcast on BBC Two is for the regular version. So I just moved the episode to the end of the season.

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