Episodios 110


Episodio 1

30 de julio de 19841h

This great soap opera begins with a flashback to a party in honor of Channing Capwell Jr. in Santa Barbara, California in 1979. Channing and his older brother, Mason, are entertaining the guests until the butler, Phillip, gives Channing a note. Channing asks the maid, Santana Andrade, if he'll see her tonight. He then follows instructions to go to the Capwell study. When Channing enters the study, it's clear that someone was waiting behind the desk. The person points a gun and pulls the trigger. Seconds later, Channing is lying dead on the floor. ""Santa Barbara"" then cuts five years ahead in time to the San Quentin prison on July 30, 1984.

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Episodio 2

31 de julio de 19841h

It's obvious to Peter that Kelly is thinking about Joe Perkins. Joe gets off the bus and is reunited with his mother, Marisa, and his sister, Jade. The mysterious woman growls, ""Damn! He's back."" Joe is disappointed because his father didn't show up. Marisa is happy to have her Joey back. When Rosa Andrade gets the gun away from Santana, the gun falls to the floor. Mason Capwell puts his foot on the gun, preventing Santana from picking it up. Mason asks Santana why she brought the gun to the bus station. Santana admits that she thought about shooting Joe, but adds that she couldn't have done it. She then starts to cry, and Mason comforts her.

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Episodio 3

1 de agosto de 19841h

Mason tells Santana that two people saw her with the gun yesterday. He reminds Santana that she had no permit to carry the gun. ""I'm here to help,"" Mason smiles. Santana doesn't trust Mason at all and decides to talk to a lawyer friend. Rosa feels betrayed by C.C. and decides to confront him. She wants to know what happened to Santana's child. C.C. claims he doesn't know and denies that he forced Santana to give up her baby. Rosa thought C.C. trusted her. After all, she started working for C.C. twenty years ago and mothered his children when his wife passed away. C.C. explains to Rosa that he had dreams for Channing and imagined that one day maybe Channing might even be president.

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Episodio 4

2 de agosto de 19841h

Someone is making a bomb. Santana is about to take a bath when she spots Mason. Naturally, Santana becomes upset and gets Mason to leave. Kelly sees Joe, and Peter notices how if affects her. He thinks something should be done about Joe. C.C. arrives with two thugs, and Joe gets thrown into the water. Thanks to a carrier pigeon, Ted receives a note from Danny and learns that Danny wants to go to Hollywood. Jade pays a visit to the restaurant Danny is working.

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Episodio 5

3 de agosto de 19841h

Laken has a romantic fantasy about Ted. John goes home and is shocked when he sees what happened to his house. Worried about his daughter, John wants Jade to stay with him. Jade refuses to make a choice between her parents, though. At the warehouse, the stranger informs Joe that he's the one who called the fire department tonight after the explosion. Joe reveals to the stranger, whose name is Dominic, that he found Channing dead with a guest at Channing's big party. However, the witness never came forward.

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Episodio 6

6 de agosto de 19841h

Joe & Kelly argue on the yacht, Peter comes in with a gun, Santana leaves for Acapulco.

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Episodio 7

7 de agosto de 19841h

Ted & Danny arrive in Hollywood, Santana talks to the doctor who delivered her baby, Peter gets hurt at polo.

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Episodio 8

8 de agosto de 19841h

CC has a cocktail party and calls Mason Channing, Joe convinces Jade to take a vacation.

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Episodio 9

9 de agosto de 19841h

Kelly reads some of Joe's letters, Jade arrives in Hollywood, Santana back from Acapulco.

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Episodio 10

10 de agosto de 19841h

Santana hires a private investigator, Augusta offers Joe a job, Joe breaks into the Capwell house.

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Episodio 11

13 de agosto de 19841h

Cruz arrives to help with the oil rig fire, Kelly asks Peter if he wants to move to New York.

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Episodio 12

14 de agosto de 19841h

Cruz in the hospital, Santana finds out her private investigator is working for CC, Dominic arranges a meeting for Kelly & Joe.

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Episodio 13

15 de agosto de 19841h

Peaches gets her purse stolen, Laken arrives in Hollywood, Joe & Kelly meet at the stables, Joe goes to work for Augusta.

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Episodio 14

16 de agosto de 19841h

Cruz goes to the Capwell house to rest, Peter and Augusta chat about old times.

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Episodio 15

17 de agosto de 19841h

CC has a party on his yacht, Augusta tries to blackmail Peter, Joe breaks into the Capwell house again.

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Episodio 16

20 de agosto de 19841h

Cruz helps Joe get out of the house, but Joe gets caught by Kelly.

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Episodio 17

21 de agosto de 19841h

Kelly helps Joe get out of the house, Santana brings CC a present to give to her son.

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Episodio 18

22 de agosto de 19841h

Kelly sees Augusta & Joe while riding her horse, cuts herself on the fence, Joe kisses Kelly, Cruz & Santana look at the houseboat.

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Episodio 19

23 de agosto de 19841h

Joe kisses Kelly (replays), Jade has a screen test with a sleazy producer, Joe gets drunk and goes to Augusta's, Kelly goes to Peter's.

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Episodio 20

24 de agosto de 19841h

Morning after - Joe & Augusta wake up together, as do Peter & Kelly, Laken wants to go to Hollywood.

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Episodio 21

27 de agosto de 19841h

Augusta follows Joe, Dominic tells Joe to stay away from Augusta, Joe goes to see Santana.

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Episodio 22

28 de agosto de 19841h

Joe & Santana argue at the stables, Mason & his secretary get it on in his office.

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Episodio 23

29 de agosto de 19841h

A sarcophagus arrives at the Lockridge house, Santana out cold after falling off a horse, Lionel arrives in Santa Barbara.

**First appearance of Nicolas Coster (Lionel Lockridge).

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Episodio 24

30 de agosto de 19841h

Santana gets bitten by a rattlesnake, CC rescues her and she is taken to the hospital.

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Episodio 25

31 de agosto de 19841h

Danny goes to rescue Jade from the sleazy producer, Augusta cooks Laken's pigeon, Joe gets in Dominic's trunk to follow him.

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Episodio 26

3 de septiembre de 19841h

Laken upset, goes to the Capwell house, Dominic goes to the cemetery, Joe figures out Dominic is his witness.

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Episodio 27

4 de septiembre de 19841h

Lionel goes to the Capwell house to get Laken, Joe takes a gun and goes to meet Dominic.

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Episodio 28

5 de septiembre de 19841h

Ted & Laken leave the Capwell house and go to a motel, at the warehouse Dominic admits to Joe he is Joe's witness.

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Episodio 29

6 de septiembre de 19841h

Ted & Laken at a motel, Mason searches the Lockridge house, Kelly meets Joe at La Mesa.

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Episodio 30

7 de septiembre de 19841h

Kelly and Joe dance at La Mesa, Peter arranges for the two-way mirror to be installed in the presidential suite, Jade in trouble at the movie shoot.

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Episodio 31

10 de septiembre de 19841h

Kelly and Joe meet at Cruz's houseboat, Danny saves Jade from the sleazy producer.

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Episodio 32

11 de septiembre de 19841h

Joe and Peter fight at Cruz's, Augusta and Lionel create their circle of truth, David Hasselhoff cameo, Kelly goes to see Joe at Cruz's and gives him the ring back.

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Episodio 33

12 de septiembre de 19841h

Peter tells Mason that Kelly has seen Joe a few times, Ted & Laken return to Santa Barbara & invite their parents to the snack bar for a meeting, Joe sends Kelly flowers with the ring.

**Last appearance of Peter Mark Richman (C.C. Capwell)

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Episodio 34

13 de septiembre de 19841h

Ted & Laken meet their parents at the snack bar, Peter & Kelly fight and she leaves, Santana tells Cruz she & Channing used to meet at the gazebo.

**First appearance of Paul Burke (C.C. Capwell)

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Episodio 35

14 de septiembre de 19841h

Kelly missing, Dominic breaks into Santana's apartment and steals her letters, Dominic goes to the gazebo.

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Episodio 36

17 de septiembre de 19841h

Joe finds Dominic at the gazebo, they find Santana & Channing's letters, Lionel watches Augusta & Peter in the presidential suite.

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Episodio 37

18 de septiembre de 19841h

Peter records Mason and Veronica talking in the presidential suite, Cruz finds out from Joe about Santana's baby.

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Episodio 38

19 de septiembre de 19841h

Auction for the Lockridge beachfront property starts, CC takes Santana for a plane ride, Kelly returns to Santa Barbara.

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Episodio 39

20 de septiembre de 19841h

Bidding for the property starts - Mason wins, Dominic and Joe each visit the Yucca Dunes Motel, Gina & Brandon arrive.

**First appearance of Linda Gibboney (Gina DeMott) and Scott Curtis (Brandon DeMott)

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Episodio 40

21 de septiembre de 19841h

Kelly goes looking for Joe, Veronica juggles Lionel, Peter & Mason, CC offers Cruz a full-time job on the rigs.

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Episodio 41

24 de septiembre de 19841h

Joe takes Kelly to meet Dominic, Ted, Laken, Danny, Jade look at renting the motel for a hangout, Santana meets Gina & Brandon.

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Episodio 42

25 de septiembre de 19841h

Ginger and her thugs show up at Peter's and blackmail him, it's revealed Dominic is a woman, CC and Santana make love.

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Episodio 43

26 de septiembre de 19841h

Kelly's dressmaker turns out to be Ginger, Danny has a soccer match, Mason says CC slept around a lot before he met Sophia.

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Episodio 44

27 de septiembre de 19841h

Joe goes to Alaska to find out info on Dominic.

**First appearance of Jonna Leigh Stack (Summer Blake)

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Episodio 45

28 de septiembre de 19841h

CC's birthday, Peter plants drugs on Joe's bike, Eden flying on her way to Santa Barbara.

**First appearance of Marcy Walker (Eden Capwell)

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Episodio 46

1 de octubre de 19841h

Eden parachutes onto the Lockridge property, CC hears the tape of Mason trashing him, at the sanitarium in Alaska Joe learns Dominic is a woman, Eden and Cruz "meet".

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Episodio 47

2 de octubre de 19841h

Warren burns some things at a storage locker and injures his hand, the cops find the cocaine on Joe's bike, Veronica denies it's her voice on the tape, Kelly moves out of the Capwell house.

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Episodio 48

3 de octubre de 19841h

Cruz tells CC he knows that Santana's baby is Brandon, Ginger tells Joe about Peter's past, Eden & Cruz meet at the cemetery, Lionel gets drunk and goes to Sophia's grave.

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Episodio 49

4 de octubre de 19841h

Dominic confronts Lionel in his car, Augusta tries to get Warren to confide in her about the fire at the pawn shop, the cops go to La Mesa to arrest Joe, Joe later escapes towards the ocean.

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Episodio 50

5 de octubre de 19841h

Lionel dreams of Sophia/Eden, Joe is presumed killed by sharks, Ted & Laken get "married" in class, Warren admits to Augusta he stole the things from the Capwell house.

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Episodio 51

8 de octubre de 19841h

Mason tells Ted that the things that were stolen in the robbery belonged to Sophia, Lionel leaves things for Eden at Sophia's grave.

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Episodio 52

9 de octubre de 19841h

Kelly meets Dominic, Brandon is missing and Gina tells Mason that he was adopted, Joe is picked up in a rowboat.

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Episodio 53

10 de octubre de 19841h

Joe wakes up on a yacht, Danny and Ted put a camel in Mr. Bottoms' classroom.

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Episodio 54

11 de octubre de 19841h

Brick arrives, Santana calls Brandon and finds out his birthday and realizes he's her son.

**First appearance of Richard Eden (Brick Wallace)

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Episodio 55

12 de octubre de 19841h

Santana goes to LA and CC confronts her, someone is following Kelly - it turns out to be Joe.

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Episodio 56

15 de octubre de 19841h

CC and Santana fight about Brandon, Kelly realizes Joe is alive, Joe and Kelly make love.

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Episodio 57

16 de octubre de 19841h

Amy arrives, CC & Santana break up, Joe's funeral starts.

**First appearance of Kerry Sherman (Amy Perkins)

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Episodio 58

17 de octubre de 19841h

At the funeral Jade tells Marisa Joe is really alive, Jeff breaks up with Amy, Cruz finds out Joe is alive.

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Episodio 59

18 de octubre de 19841h

Marisa tells John that Joe is alive, Amy gets drunk, Peter goes to the presidential suite with a gun to spy on Kelly.

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Episodio 60

19 de octubre de 19841h

Joe and Kelly spend the night in the presidential suite and Peter realizes she's seeing someone, Peter goes in with a gun.

**Last appearance of Paul Burke (C.C. Capwell)

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Episodio 61

22 de octubre de 19841h

Kelly breaks up with Peter, Lionel accuses the Capwells of sinking the Amanda Lockridge.

**First appearance of Charles Bateman (C.C. Capwell)

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Episodio 62

23 de octubre de 19841h

Mason finds out Gina is in Nice, Ginger breaks into Peter's apartment and decides to use Kelly to get money out of Peter.

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Episodio 63

24 de octubre de 19841h

Ginger wants Peter to help her kidnap Kelly, Kelly goes to meet Ginger.

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Episodio 64

25 de octubre de 19841h

Santana arrives in Nice, Ginger's goons drug Kelly after "knocking out" Ginger, Mason gets a ransom call from Ginger.

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Episodio 65

26 de octubre de 19841h

Santana babysits Brandon, Mason tells CC Kelly was kidnapped, Joe calls Dominic to help find Kelly.

**Last appearance of Rosemary Forsyth (Sophia Capwell Armonti)

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Episodio 66

29 de octubre de 19841h

Dominic gets a disguise for Joe so he can go look for Kelly, Amy temps at Peter's office, the cops go to Ginger's but Kelly is gone.

**First appearance of Judith McConnell (Sophia Capwell Armonti)

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Episodio 67

30 de octubre de 19841h

Ginger tells Mason some guys knocked her out and took Kelly, Dominic confronts Peter about his past with Ginger, Peter meets up with Ginger.

**Last appearance of Dane Witherspoon (Joe Perkins)

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Episodio 68

31 de octubre de 19841h

Peter "saves" Kelly, Halloween at the motel, Joe goes to the hospital to see Kelly, Peter sees Joe.

**First appearance of Mark Arnold (Joe Perkins)

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Episodio 69

1 de noviembre de 19841h

Joe visits Kelly at hospital, Eden flashes back to when she & Cruz met, Joe tells Kelly about Peter & Ginger, Peter decides to kill Joe.

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Episodio 70

2 de noviembre de 19841h

Dominic tells Joe the things Warren stole were Sophia's to cover up Sophia & Lionel's affair, Eden takes Lionel flying, Mason flies to Nice.

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Episodio 71

5 de noviembre de 19841h

Peter tells Kelly he wants to help her find Channing's killer, Mason arrives in Nice, a minor quake hits, Lionel goes to the cemetery.

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Episodio 72

6 de noviembre de 19841h

Sophia's "ghost" haunts Lionel at the cemetery, Gina, Brandon, Mason & Santana fly back from France, Lionel thinks Eden is the ghost.

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Episodio 73

7 de noviembre de 19841h

Party for Marisa & John, Peter plants a fake note from Dominic to lure Joe, Ted & Laken planning to spend the night, Joe goes to meet "Dominic".

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Episodio 74

8 de noviembre de 19841h

Peter shoots at Joe at the wildlife refuge, Santana planning to take Brandon to Rio, Peter and Joe struggle, Ted goes after Warren.

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Episodio 75

9 de noviembre de 19841h

Peter is wounded and Joe is arrested, Ted chases Warren on horseback, Eden and Lionel at the cemetery, Santana and CC fight.

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Episodio 76

12 de noviembre de 19841h

Earthquake! A major earthquake hits Santa Barbara...

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Episodio 77

13 de noviembre de 19841h

John Perkins dies from injuries after the earthquake, Warren saves Ted, Augusta & Lionel trapped at the bottom of a cliff.

**Last appearance of Robert Alan Browne (John Perkins)

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Episodio 78

14 de noviembre de 19841h

There's an explosion at the Andrade's from a gas leak, Kelly trapped - she and Joe get "married", it's revealed Dominic is Sophia.

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Episodio 79

15 de noviembre de 19841h

Kelly, Joe, Lionel, Augusta rescued but Dominic is gone, Gina arrives from LA, Mason promises Kelly he'll drop the charges against Joe.

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Episodio 80

16 de noviembre de 19841h

Sophia visits the hospital to check on Kelly, Warren retrieves the coins from the cave, the Lockridges provide well water for Santa Barbara.

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Episodio 81

19 de noviembre de 19841h

Peter goes into cardiac arrest but is OK, Eden befriends Matt, a young boy whose parents are missing from the quake, Kelly goes to see Peter.

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Episodio 82

20 de noviembre de 19841h

Lionel follows Dominic to his apartment but finds a woman, Peter about to tell Kelly who he saw in the study the night of Channing's murder.

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Episodio 83

21 de noviembre de 19841h

Peter tells Kelly he saw Mason in the study, Lionel visits Sophia's grave with the coins.

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Equipo 0

Dirigido Por: No se ha añadido al director.

Escrito por: No se ha añadido ningún guionista.

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Episodio 84

23 de noviembre de 19841h

Peter admits to Mason he lied about Mason being in the study, Brandon having nightmares, Matt's parents are found.

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Episodio 85

26 de noviembre de 19841h

Peter's press conference on TV, Joe is cleared, Mr. Bottoms arrested but Ted gets him out of it and they call a truce.

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Episodio 86

27 de noviembre de 19841h

Amy learns she's pregnant, CC makes a statement supporting Joe, Joe formally exonerated, Brick decides not to leave town, Mason & Peter argue.

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Episodio 87

28 de noviembre de 19841h

Peter falls into a coma after he and Mason argue, Kelly starts to tell CC what Peter said about Mason.

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Episodio 88

29 de noviembre de 19841h

CC overhears Kelly and Mason arguing and throws Mason out, then disinherits him, Jade learns Amy is pregnant.

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Episodio 89

30 de noviembre de 19841h

Mason and CC argue and CC pulls a gun, Warren tells Lionel about Channing and the party, Mason learns Santana is Brandon's mother.

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Episodio 90

3 de diciembre de 19841h

Amy tells Brick she's pregnant and they go to San Francisco to see Jeff, Mason confronts Santana about Brandon.

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Episodio 91

4 de diciembre de 19841h

Eden asks Cruz to teach her to dive, Brick & Amy meet Jeff & stay overnight in San Francisco, Santana & Mason fight and she pulls a knife on him.

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Episodio 92

5 de diciembre de 19841h

Santana decides to leave town after Mason threatens to tell Brandon and Gina the truth.

**Last appearance of Ava Lazar (Santana Andrade)

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Episodio 93

6 de diciembre de 19841h

Amy tells Jeff she's pregnant but he says it's not his, Lionel finds Eden diving, Mason smuggles Peter out of the hospital.

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Episodio 94

7 de diciembre de 19841h

Ted & Laken plan to spend the night on the yacht, they see Eden and Lionel together on the Lockridge boat.

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Episodio 95

10 de diciembre de 19841h

Ted & Laken's evening ends, Mason takes Peter to a clinic, Dominic breaks into Lionel's closet to plant the note in the tux.

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Episodio 96

11 de diciembre de 19841h

Jeff sends Amy a letter offering to pay for an abortion, Dominic puts the note in the tux and knocks Lionel out.

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Episodio 97

12 de diciembre de 19841h

Liz Peale arrives, Veronica finds out where Peter is, Lionel & Liz plan to put forgeries on the Amanda Lockridge.

**First appearance of Lauren Chase (Elizabeth Peale)

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Episodio 98

13 de diciembre de 19841h

Dominic plants the coins in Lionel's briefcase, Veronica tells Mason she visited Peter, Lionel visits Peter.

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Episodio 99

14 de diciembre de 19841h

Lionel & Augusta take Peter from the clinic, CC tells Eden & Ted about Peter's accusation.

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Episodio 100

17 de diciembre de 19841h

Gina offers to be CC's secretary, Summer tells Gina Hank raped her, Amy decides to keep the baby, Lionel & Liz bring up the safe.

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Episodio 101

18 de diciembre de 19841h

Lionel & Liz go through the safe, Dominic plants clippings of Channing's murder in Lionel's desk.

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Episodio 102

19 de diciembre de 19841h

Lionel puts the safe back, Warren & Lionel publicly dive for the safe, Peter has a press conference & says he couldn't see the killer.

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Episodio 103

20 de diciembre de 19841h

Party at museum for opening of safe, Mason searches the Lockridge house and finds the coins.

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Episodio 104

21 de diciembre de 19841h

Mason finds the clippings, Lionel opens the safe and Mason has him arrested.

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Episodio 105

24 de diciembre de 19841h

Mason tells Kelly that Lionel was arrested for stealing the coins, Dominic tips off Mason about the tux and he finds the note, Christmas Eve.

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Episodio 106

25 de diciembre de 19841h

Christmas - the Lockridges have Christmas in jail, Marisa & Jade surprise Amy with a nursery, Mason searches the Lockridge house again.

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Episodio 107

26 de diciembre de 19841h

Lionel & Warren discuss Sophia and the affair, Mason charges Lionel with Channing's murder.

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Episodio 108

27 de diciembre de 19841h

Mason tells CC Lionel & Sophia had an affair, Liz gets Augusta bail money, Lionel realizes the note was in Warren's tux.

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Episodio 109

28 de diciembre de 19841h

Cruz & Eden both end up at the museum to look at the log book, Lionel, Warren & Augusta burn Lionel's tux.

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Episodio 110

Final de temporada
31 de diciembre de 19841h

New Year's Eve - Eden & Cruz locked in the museum together, Danny & Jade get stuck in the snow, Kelly wants Joe to marry her today.

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