Über Psych diskutieren

I miss Psych so much! But at least I have my DVD set.

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I also enjoyed the show, but it would've been a mistake to continue. The show started to decline from season 5 onwards and there were some unbearable moments in the last season.

I'm currently having a rewatch for the first time since it ended. Watching S04E03 as I type. No show can go on forever and I'm just happy we got 8 Season's of Shawn & Gus adventures.

I liked most of the shows on USA. Psych was funny and zany. I've missed Monk and his OCD. Some of the shows on TV aren't that great. I have my Netflix and Hulu. What was Shawn's obsession with pineapples and pretzels?

@R3troChick said:

I miss Psych so much! But at least I have my DVD set.

AND; now, at least we have Psych: The Movie (December 2017) to look forward to lift our spirits and brighten our holiday season. right_facing_fistleft_facing_fist

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