Über The Good Wife diskutieren

They killed off Will Gardner. I was shocked and couldn't watch again after that.

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You should have stayed with it (or pick it back up). The Good Wife has a place in my books as one of the best of all time.

There's one weak season (maybe season 5, hmm, having trouble remembering exactly) but one thing I always remembering thinking is how they made such a high quality show episode after episode. Somehow they pulled that off with ~22 episodes a year. I rarely get into network TV because 20-24 episodes is just too many to make consistent, high quality programming (as opposed to what HBO, AMC, FX, Starz, etc.. does with the more common 10-13 episode approach).

If you liked the story, pick it back up. They continue to drive a really great story even in Will's absence.

We just finished watching all 7 seasons for the first on Hulu. We watched a few episodes nightly. We really enjoyed it overall, but seeing it one episode after another the whole back and forth with the law firm partnering and backstabbing storylines got rather old.
The ending kind of left you hanging. Was Jason or Leeca right? I’m hoping Alicia left Peter’s ass, the firm and went to find Jason.

Just finished watching the entire 7 seasons and the ending was almost Seinfeld-like. Suddenly, Alicia appears to wake up to the crook she married and the main characters (herself included) are exposed as the conniving, backstabbing corrupt people they are. Jason rides into the sunset apparently being the ONLY moral person of the lot! Good show if you accept the unlikely legal gymnastics and they could have made it a more sober REALISTIC courtroom drama, but that's not American TV anymore!

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