Über Orange Is the New Black diskutieren

When the authorities came in at the end and discovered a dead guard, would the governor have really honored his promises? Didn't Figueroa ask if all the guards were alive/unharmed? And Caputo assured her that they were (without knowing the truth, of course).

So it seems unlikely to me that the negotiations really would have gone the prisoners' way once the authorities discovered that a guard had been killed in the riot.

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It would've worked but stupid Tastee f*cked it up saying we want justice for Poussey when in fact she's being super selfish which in turn made everyone lose everything and got treated like animals by the SWAT team. She should've just accepted MCC's offer and made the prison better which is for sure what would've Poussey wanted. Of course Ruiz released the hostages and pretty much f*cked it up even before Tastee did.

Would they have really "won" the negotiations?


The authorities can never give in to prisoners demands, not fully. That would only encourage prisoners in the future to riot.

@diadara said:

The authorities can never give in to prisoners demands, not fully. That would only encourage prisoners in the future to riot.

Was it not the company that owned the prison that gave in to their demands? Rather than the authorities.

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