Über Elementary diskutieren

Nelsan Ellis (November 30, 1977 - July 8, 2017)

Thought I recognized the face when I saw the article in the paper; had to check his profile page to be sure.

I didn't know him from anywhere else (seems he was well-known for "True Blood"); but I certainly enjoyed his turn as Shinwell on "Elementary".


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I was a big fan of "True Blood" and I did not recognize him when he first appeared on "Elementary" (just catching up on the first five seasons now!). The beard did it, probably. His character in TB was clean shaven and very different. Credit to him as an actor there were no give-a-ways. RIP.

Just getting started on S6.

There was a tribute to Ellis at the end of the E1--thought it was a nice touch.

It’s interesting that his storyline remains afloat since Sherlock’s condition is Shinwell-related.

We always think that if we had that kind of fame and fortune our feet would never slip like that. But so many celebrities fall-through; some over-and-over that, no doubt, it isn’t as easy to “stay clear” as we’d like think.

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