Über Arrow diskutieren

This recap from EW confirms what I thought I had remembered from Legends of Tomorrow episode Star City 2046.

At the end of the prior episode, we see the current Green Arrow as of 2046, and in this episode, we are introduced to his secret identity as Connor Hawke. Later on in the episode, he goes to talk to Oliver and it is revealed that Connor Hawke is actually John Diggle, Jr. This episode aired a full 8 months before Flash revealed that John's daughter Sara was now a son named John due to the Flashpoint Paradox.

This week's episode of Arrow, "Brothers & Sisters," appears to have a continuity error. Dinah seems surprised to find out that Connor Hawke is John's son. The writers could have easily had him clarify that he is John, Jr., and that she hadn't seen him since he was a child and before he started using an alias. Instead, they have Connor Hawke declare that John Diggle was his adoptive father.

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Looks like a different actor than the one they used in the Flashpoint Paradox.

With the Flashpoint Paradox never happening, the real John Diggle Jr never had to take on the Connor Hawke identity. With this new future though, it appears John at some point adopted a child and gave HIM the Connor Hawke identity, which begs the question where is John Diggle Jr.?

My theory is this Connor Hawke is the son of the Ernie Hudson character that's going to be in one of the upcoming episodes.

@RodimusConvoy said:

Looks like a different actor than the one they used in the Flashpoint Paradox.

Joseph David-Jones is the same actor credited for both the first season of Legends and the current season of Arrow.

I stand corrected then.

In that case, apparently John was only ever going to have one biological child before adopting Connor Hawke.

Pre-Flashpoint: He has Sara, later adopts Connor. I'm guessing in this original timeline Connor never met his biological father Bronze Tiger and thus was given the name John Diggle Jr. Later, coincidentally, uses the name Connor Hawke to fight crime

Post-Flashpoint: He has John Jr. Later adopts Connor, who in the new timeline already both had Bronze Tiger in his life and the name Connor.

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