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That was not the direction I was expecting, but I really liked it. Feel bad for Oliver and I wanted to slap Felicity in the end. I don't know how I will feel about the jumps ahead in time. I read that the jump was supposed to be 20 years later. Not sure how I will like that. They do some predicting in Flash, but have leeway as the future isn't set. In this case it is set.

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I really liked the episode. At least I'm more interested than I've felt for the past couple seasons.

The jumps forward could be interesting and so far aren't too telling since they're characters not around in the present.

Haven't watched any of the episodes yet, in contrast with the Flash, so how is this season so far? How long is the time jump and is it convincing, especially in relation to the other shows, or nonsense, like the Desperate Housewives one?

I like this season so far, but not really getting into the time forward jumps. I dunno know. I can't really put my finger on it, but I am just not finding it that interesting.

I hate the time jump story its so boring I was happy to be done with the island flashbacks but this is so much worse it really adds nothing.

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