Jaksot 24



13 syyskuu 200544m

When a Death Row inmate mysteriously and suddenly collapses after hallucinating, House jumps at the chance to take the case for its difficulty and because it's "cool."

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20 syyskuu 200544m

A girl's unimaginable bravery toward her terminal illness makes House suspicious as he puts a life-or-death decision about her case in her young hands.

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Humpty Dumpty

27 syyskuu 200544m

Cuddy struggles with a case of guilt when her handyman is injured while at her place, and House and his team have to work fast to save the young man's pursuit of the American Dream.

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TB or Not TB

1 marraskuu 200544m

House's patient is willing to die in order to further his social cause.

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Daddy's Boy

8 marraskuu 200544m

Lies between a father and son may prevent House and his team from saving their patient.

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15 marraskuu 200544m

House's wheels start turning when a pro-cyclist admits to taking performance-enhancing drugs.

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22 marraskuu 200544m

A patient with AIDS stalks House to get him to take his case; House and Stacy stalk a mouse in her attic; and Cameron faces a health scare of her own.

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The Mistake

29 marraskuu 200544m

A patient's death prompts an investigation into whether Chase or House may have been responsible for her death.

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Mid-Season Finale
13 joulukuu 200544m

With Foreman as House's supervisor, the team must figure out if a woman who cried wolf too many times is really ill.

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Failure to Communicate

10 tammikuu 200644m

A journalist's head injury results in unintelligible speech, leaving House and his team at a loss; and the heat is turned up between House and Stacy when they're out of town.

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Need to Know

7 helmikuu 200644m

While House's staff tries to diagnose a woman whose uncontrollable muscle flailing caused her to crash her car, House and Stacy try to resolve their relationship issues once and for all. Cameron refuses to take her HIV test, wary of the results.

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14 helmikuu 200644m

While a severely burned teenager is admitted and his blood tests come back with strange results, House makes himself the guinea pig in his own unofficial tests of a new drug designed to treat migraines to prove a former medical school colleague is wrong about the drug.

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Skin Deep

20 helmikuu 200644m

House uncovers a startling secret when he treats a teenage supermodel for heroin addiction. Meanwhile, Wilson hopes the increased leg pain in House's leg is an indication his leg nerves are regenerating.

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Sex Kills

7 maaliskuu 200644m

House takes the case of a man who experienced a seizure but wasn't aware it happened. When the man suffers a heart attack and needs a heart transplant, the team races to diagnose a dead woman's illness so they can harvest her heart to save their living patient.

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28 maaliskuu 200644m

Häävalokuvaaja saa hengenahdistuskohtauksen kesken villien seksileikkien, ja hätääntynyt vaimo toimittaa hänet sairaalaan. Housella on oma teoriansa, mutta kovakalloinen tiimi ei suostu uskomaan siihen. Eronnut Wilson ja House kokeilevat yhdessä asumista, mutta ahtaissa oloissa parhaatkin kaverukset ajautuvat helposti törmäyskurssille.

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4 huhtikuu 200643m

Teini-ikäinen sydänsiirtopotilas saa anafylaktisen kohtauksen. Ylihuolehtivainen äiti on huolesta sekaisin, mutta Housen tiimi ei saa koottua sairauspalapelin paloista järkevää kokonaiskuvaa. House yrittää piristää avioeroaan murehtivaa Wilsonia omintakeisin keinoin.

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Kaikki peliin

11 huhtikuu 200644m

Sairaalan henkilökunta viettää rattoisaa pokeri-iltaa, kun ensiapuun tuodaan äkillisestä veriripulista kärsivä kuusivuotias Ian. Wilsonin harhauttaessa Cuddya House alkaa tutkia tapausta, joka manaa esiin menneisyyden haamun.

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18 huhtikuu 200644m

27-vuotias nuori nainen ei ole saanut unta yli viikkoon. Housen tiimi ryhtyy tutkimaan unettomuuden syytä, eikä tilannetta helpota se, että potilaan maksa vetelee viimeisiään. Cameron kantaa Foremanille kaunaa erään artikkelin tiimoilta.

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House vs. God

25 huhtikuu 200644m

House treats a 15 year old faith healer, while Wilson feels left out when he finds out House has a weekly poker game.

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Euforia, osa 1

2 toukokuu 200644m

Häijy poliisi alkaa käyttäytyä tavallistakin oudommin, ja Housen tiimi ryhtyy tutkimaan asiaa. Tuota pikaa oireet tarttuvat Foremaniinkin, ja House kokee itselleen tuiki harvinaisia tunnontuskia altistettuaan neurologinsa taudinaiheuttajille.

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Euforia, osa 2

3 toukokuu 200644m

Mystisen sairauden piinaama Foreman on kuoleman kielissä, mutta Cuddy kieltää Housea tekemästä ruumiinavausta samaan tautiin kuolleelle poliisille. Foremanin isä tulee hyvästelemään poikansa, mutta onko hyvästien heittäminen asioiden edelle menemistä?

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9 toukokuu 200644m

A young mother has a seizure while bathing her newborn son and nearly drowns him. House and the team have two cases at one time as they try to save the infant and determine the cause of the mother's seizures.

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Who's Your Daddy?

16 toukokuu 200644m

A 16-year-old Hurricane Katrina victim suffering from hallucinations as a result of the tragedy is brought to House by his former bandmate who recently found out the girl is his daughter. Although House fears his friend is being scammed, he takes the case. As he works his way through the girl's lies so he can diagnose and treat her, he's forced to tell a few lies of his own.

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No Reason

Season Finale
23 toukokuu 200644m

House is shot by a former patient and must share a recovery room with the gunman.

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