Dyskusje Homeland

And when she tried to drown it in the bath tub. All along I thought Carrie was a hero but the writers turned her into a psychopath. She woos the father, has irresponsible unprotected sex with him. She says that she loved him but then tries to kill their baby? Wtf? She could have just aborted the child but I suppose that that would have been too impersonal. Better to just kill the child with her bare hands instead. I really have a hard time watching a show about this bitch Carrie. It would have been better if they gave Carrie a better reason to be away from her child.

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@rarebreed said:

And when she tried to drown it in the bath tub. All along I thought Carrie was a hero but the writers turned her into a psychopath. She woos the father, has irresponsible unprotected sex with him. She says that she loved him but then tries to kill their baby? Wtf? She could have just aborted the child but I suppose that that would have been too impersonal. Better to just kill the child with her bare hands instead. I really have a hard time watching a show about this bitch Carrie. It would have been better if they gave Carrie a better reason to be away from her child.

She's bipolar, and all of the actions you mentioned are symptoms of that. There's nothing rational about manic behaviour.

@diadara said:

@rarebreed said:

And when she tried to drown it in the bath tub. All along I thought Carrie was a hero but the writers turned her into a psychopath. She woos the father, has irresponsible unprotected sex with him. She says that she loved him but then tries to kill their baby? Wtf? She could have just aborted the child but I suppose that that would have been too impersonal. Better to just kill the child with her bare hands instead. I really have a hard time watching a show about this bitch Carrie. It would have been better if they gave Carrie a better reason to be away from her child.

She's bipolar, and all of the actions you mentioned are symptoms of that. There's nothing rational about manic behaviour.

That's not true. Murder is not a symptom of bipolar disorder. Don't let the show fool you. It's completely unfair to label people with bipolar disorder as murderers. She wasn't manic either. In the first season she was but after that she wasn't. You need to do more research you stupid bitch.

@rarebreed said:

@diadara said:

@rarebreed said:

And when she tried to drown it in the bath tub. All along I thought Carrie was a hero but the writers turned her into a psychopath. She woos the father, has irresponsible unprotected sex with him. She says that she loved him but then tries to kill their baby? Wtf? She could have just aborted the child but I suppose that that would have been too impersonal. Better to just kill the child with her bare hands instead. I really have a hard time watching a show about this bitch Carrie. It would have been better if they gave Carrie a better reason to be away from her child.

She's bipolar, and all of the actions you mentioned are symptoms of that. There's nothing rational about manic behaviour.

That's not true. Murder is not a symptom of bipolar disorder. Don't let the show fool you. It's completely unfair to label people with bipolar disorder as murderers. She wasn't manic either. In the first season she was but after that she wasn't. You need to do more research you stupid bitch.

I wasn't talking about "murder" as you put it but the behaviour leading to her having a baby in the first place. During her pregnancy she consumed a lot of alcohol meaning she didn't bond at all with the baby inside, not caring if he/she took damage from her behavior. After Franny was born she still couldn't bond, she suffered from post-partum and maternal mental disorder which is VERY COMMON AMONGST WOMEN WHO ARE BIPOLAR. Add that to the fact that she's never shown a genuine interest in children, not even her niece. That's why she eventually saw to it that she got sent to Afghanistan and left Franny behind, because she didn't trust herself with her and couldn't feel any love for her. It was a mature decision but you wouldn't know about maturity, would you?

Oh and the scene with the bath tub, it wasn't murder, Franny is very much alive. It was Carrie contemplating what life would be like without her, "maybe it's for the best". If you had ANY idea how many new mothers contemplate the same thing but never go through with it, split second thoughts that creates such guilt that they never talk about it. Google it.

I'm bipolar 2 so I haven't experienced the life of Carrie, nor did I have any problems after my kids' birth, but I do know a thing or two about psychology. From your little outburst and the way you called the baby "it" I would say you might be suffering from RAD which ironically is a result of being neglected as a child and not feeling attached to your parents.

Don't ever call me that again.

@diadara said:

@rarebreed said:

@diadara said:

@rarebreed said:

And when she tried to drown it in the bath tub. All along I thought Carrie was a hero but the writers turned her into a psychopath. She woos the father, has irresponsible unprotected sex with him. She says that she loved him but then tries to kill their baby? Wtf? She could have just aborted the child but I suppose that that would have been too impersonal. Better to just kill the child with her bare hands instead. I really have a hard time watching a show about this bitch Carrie. It would have been better if they gave Carrie a better reason to be away from her child.

She's bipolar, and all of the actions you mentioned are symptoms of that. There's nothing rational about manic behaviour.

That's not true. Murder is not a symptom of bipolar disorder. Don't let the show fool you. It's completely unfair to label people with bipolar disorder as murderers. She wasn't manic either. In the first season she was but after that she wasn't. You need to do more research you stupid bitch.

I wasn't talking about "murder" as you put it but the behaviour leading to her having a baby in the first place. During her pregnancy she consumed a lot of alcohol meaning she didn't bond at all with the baby inside, not caring if he/she took damage from her behavior. After Franny was born she still couldn't bond, she suffered from post-partum and maternal mental disorder which is VERY COMMON AMONGST WOMEN WHO ARE BIPOLAR. Add that to the fact that she's never shown a genuine interest in children, not even her niece. That's why she eventually saw to it that she got sent to Afghanistan and left Franny behind, because she didn't trust herself with her and couldn't feel any love for her. It was a mature decision but you wouldn't know about maturity, would you?

Oh and the scene with the bath tub, it wasn't murder, Franny is very much alive. It was Carrie contemplating what life would be like without her, "maybe it's for the best". If you had ANY idea how many new mothers contemplate the same thing but never go through with it, split second thoughts that creates such guilt that they never talk about it. Google it.

I'm bipolar 2 so I haven't experienced the life of Carrie, nor did I have any problems after my kids' birth, but I do know a thing or two about psychology. From your little outburst and the way you called the baby "it" I would say you might be suffering from RAD which ironically is a result of being neglected as a child and not feeling attached to your parents.

Don't ever call me that again.

First of all it isn't common for women having bipolar disorder to have postpartum depression any more than women without bipolar disorder. Maternal mental disorders isn't more common with women who have bipolar disorder either.

Secondly, Carrie's other behavior like, drinking and smoking during her pregnancy, is a symptom of addiction not bipolar or postpartum.

I am talking about Carrie trying to drown her baby in the bath tub! She put her baby's head under the water and then held its legs together so that it couldn't struggle. She knew what she was doing. She was trained to understand the human condition. She knew how that baby would feel. She gained the baby's trust all that day. All that baby knew was that someone was being loving to it. And then suddenly that same person tried to kill them!

Carrie trying to drown her baby after doing activities that bond a child to its caregiver has nothing to do with postpartum depression or bipolar disorder. I don't even understand how anyone who knows what they are talking about could link those behaviors together. I don't know what made her change her mind either. Maybe she didn't want to go to jail for killing a helpless baby. The CIA would never help her cover up a murder like that as they did with the other murders going on. The writers should have done more research about those illnesses before they attributed it to the character. You can't blame bipolar disorder and postpartum depression for all their behavior. Carrie has more than just bipolar and postpartum. Postpartum depression doesn't lead to a mother trying to kill her child.

I cannot believe that people like you believe this completely erroneous misinformation about what causes psychopathy.

Carrie nothing but a cold hearted psychopath. Bipolar has nothing to do with it. Postpartum depression has nothing to do with it either. She acted the same way with Brody. She didn't love Brody. She doesn't love her own family. Carrie only cares about chasing and killing terrorists even if innocent lives are lost in the process. Carrie has no empathy nor conscience. In season four she seduced a young man and called it "recruiting".

I hate Carrie.

Saul is the same way. Quinn is no better. The only reason I watch this show anymore is because I've spent 3 seasons invested in the story.

@rarebreed said:

And when she tried to drown it in the bath tub. All along I thought Carrie was a hero but the writers turned her into a psychopath. She woos the father, has irresponsible unprotected sex with him. She says that she loved him but then tries to kill their baby? Wtf? She could have just aborted the child but I suppose that that would have been too impersonal. Better to just kill the child with her bare hands instead. I really have a hard time watching a show about this bitch Carrie. It would have been better if they gave Carrie a better reason to be away from her child.

Wow! You really should educate yourself on mental illness.

Bipolar disorder and postpartum depression or postpartum psychosis would be a suggested starting point.

@rarebreed: I'm puzzled by your quickness to call someone a "stupid bitch" as a result of their reply to your post.

Their reply was neither rude nor disrespectful and you immediately went off the rails. Especially when you're expressing your views of losing respect over a television character based upon the actions of the character.

That reaction was seriously fucked up!

The other person responding deserves a nobel peace prize for keeping their composure.

@MangeSkeevesOutKlam said:

He seems bipolar.

(NGL though, I lmao when he said that )

I would be embarrassed for myself if I sent that post and then read it after I sent it. It doesn't make any sense. And then to add..."don't let the show fool you". WTF is that about?!

It's like the pot calling the kettle black.

Like I said, nobel peace prize to the person on the receiving end of that reply.

@MangeSkeevesOutKlam : You think so? I don't.

But since you do...I will rephrase the statement.

It's like the OP is looking at themself in the mirror while making those comments. Everything the OP accused the other person of, applies to the OP. Truly a rarebreed.


So you think the OP is black too?

I don't know or care what race the OP is because race doesn't factor in with the topic.

By the way, why are YOU making it about race? I don't get that.

The pot calling the kettle black phrase is about a pot and a kettle.

The word black with respect to my comment is used within the context of color not race.

I'm not understanding why you brought race into the conversation.

@Invidia: Thank you so much for your post.

I think the OP is the one that has no clue or idea about bipolar and mental illness in general.

I'm glad you took the time to share such an informative post.

And yes, Carrie's character was abandoned by her mother so it would speak to her initial relationship struggles with her daughter, especially with everything else she was dealing with in her life at that time.

At the end of the day, Carrie got herself together and has been a great mother to her daughter.

What's lacking from the OP is empathy as it relates to mental illness and a blatant lack of respect towards others.

@Invidia: All I can say is, thank you again! You really went above board and did your homework and to then share that knowledge. You have my respect and admiration.

Carrie's mother left her father and her sister when they were still young...school age.

They briefly introduced her mother to the storyline which allowed the viewers some insight into their history. It was after their father had passed away. The mother saw the obituary in the paper and decided to pay a visit after 15yrs of abandonment. It wasn't a good first meeting. Carrie dropped the hammer on her...so to speak.

The audience and Carrie learns simultaneously the real reason why her mother left. (I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen the episodes). It was a very healing moment for Carrie that gave her hope.

Yes, Tim was introduced and it was positive. He was portrayed as a nice and well rounded individual.

@rarebreed said:

You need to do more research you stupid bitch.

this point_up_tone2

@Beepositive said:

@rarebreed said:

You need to do more research you stupid bitch.

this point_up_tone2

If you don't have anything more to add than four letters and an emoji that means you didn't think for yourself, couldn't come up with something useful to contribute with and therefore you're useless in this discussion. Go away.

@Nubyan, @Invidia, it's been a while since I wrote those posts I almost forgot about them. Thank you for having my back. I guess I took it a bit personal being bipolar myself, though I don't have the same exact symptoms as Carrie. I'm a kitten compared to her 😊 Anyway, this message board is still a hundred times better than IMDb ever was so as long as we don't feed the hate/trolls we'll be fine.


Ps. @Invidia, stellar research you did on mental health 👍

@Invidia: I've witnessed spoiler alerts gone awry on these boards where the fan who warned about the spoiler gets crucified. And, this is way after an episode aired and is in repeat mode. I was trying to spare myself. grin

Thank you for the kind words.

So you discovered some info online about the episode already.

To confirm... Her mother left because she slept around a lot and her father seemed to forgive her every time. I don't even think that he knew why his wife left because according to her...she didn't want to hurt him anymore. Furthermore, I believe her father would have told Carrie the truth at some point.

He wouldn't want her to think that it was her fault why the mother left.

I think one of the worst thing that people can do to each other, is to leave someone with unanswered questions. It's haunting and leaves a person to form their own conclusion, which in many cases are most likely wrong. Just like with Carrie.

In my opinion, that's more hurtful than to just tell the truth. So, in my opinion...the mother spared no one. Most of all she didn't spare Carrie, because she was left to believe that no one could or would love her because of her bipolar.

It seemed like the sister had already reconciled with the mother and perhaps was told earlier by their mother about the affairs and her brother who was a product of one of the affairs. If I remember correctly, the sister searched for and found the mother. But it wasn't until after they became adults and after the sister had her own family.

I think that when the mother found out she was pregnant, that was her... "I need to get my shit together" moment. After that, I do believe that she did everything to give her son a good life that included her being a stable mother. He was her redemption.

And, there you have it...in a nutshell. I hope you found that useful and helpful. It was my pleasure.

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