Über Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. diskutieren

So finally our Agents get a crossover of some kind I guess.... doubt they´ll do it in the movies or Netflix shows.

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@Master_YODA said:

So finally our Agents get a crossover of some kind I guess.... doubt they´ll do it in the movies or Netflix shows.

You would hope, but a recent EW article states there have been no discussions to crossover with or include characters from AoS. Certainly that could change. We'll see

It would be really lame writing if they ignore all the inhumans on AoS ...

I would love to force all the writers of AoS, Inhumans and Defenders on one table and make them discuss their shared universe!

I'd love for them to buy the rights to use mutants back from Fox and forget about Inhumans all together ... and then have that sit-down.

These aren't regular Inhumans. They're part of a royal family that's isolated from the rest of the world.

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