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A billionaire learns there is something money can't buy, a lower-caste couple attempts to build a new life, and a corrupt city cop finds himself far outside of the law in Nair's slyly biting triptych on class in contemporary India.

시리즈 출연진

  1. Sahana Vasudevan

    Madhavi Mudiraj

    4 화

  2. Suhasini Mulay as Yayati Mudiraj

    Suhasini Mulay

    Yayati Mudiraj

    4 화

  3. Vineet Kumar Singh as Gautam

    Vineet Kumar Singh


    4 화

  4. Jaideep Ahlawat as Kuber

    Jaideep Ahlawat


    4 화

  5. Kani Kusruti as Ahalya

    Kani Kusruti


    4 화

  6. Palomi Ghosh as Laxmi

    Palomi Ghosh


    4 화

  7. Victor Banerjee as Mr. Ashwa

    Victor Banerjee

    Mr. Ashwa

    4 화

  8. Lillete Dubey as Mrs. Ashwa

    Lillete Dubey

    Mrs. Ashwa

    4 화

  9. Ashish Vidhyarthi as Galava Mudiraj

    Ashish Vidhyarthi

    Galava Mudiraj

    4 화

  10. 더 보기

총 출연진 & 제작진

지난 시즌

Temporada 1

2021 • 4 화

Tryst With Destiny의 1번째 시즌이 11월 3, 2021년에 방영되었습니다.

A Beast Within

(1x4, 11월 3, 2021) Season Finale

전체 시즌 보기

Tryst With Destiny
Tryst With Destiny


상태 방영 종료


  • Sony Liv의 TV 프로그램 더 보기

Type 스크립트

원어 힌두어


입력된 키워드 없음.

문서 점수 


완성 직전입니다

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