Jaksot 12


Live from Pickford

13 syyskuu 200030m

: News reporter Seth Blanders is looking for a big story and what could be bigger than the Pickford Monster?

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Tracy's Jacket

20 syyskuu 200030m

: Tracy wants a fancy jacket to make her look cool, but she gets more than she bargained for!

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Billy Caves In

27 syyskuu 200030m

Warren, Tracy and Billy go to Pickford Cave in search of The Golden Otter

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The Big Dig

4 lokakuu 200030m

Dr. Fossell takes Warren, Tracy and Wesley on an archeological dig at the Amberson ruins

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Soap Box Derby

11 lokakuu 200030m

Wesley the rich kid shows off his new car and challenges Warren to a race.

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Thin Ice

18 lokakuu 200030m

The world famous skating coach Malovich takes on Tracy as a student, but all is not what it seems!

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Gargool's Pet

25 lokakuu 200030m

One of Warren's pet ants gets caught in a magic spell. While Tracy tries to reverse the spell, the giant ant becomes Gorgool's pet!

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1 marraskuu 200030m

When Tracy's science fair project gets wrecked, she uses a spell to fix it. But there's just one thing wrong!

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Cops and Monsters

8 marraskuu 200030m

There's a new police chief in town, and he doesn't believe in the Monster. When Dolores insists he's real, she's in for some trouble!

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Johnny's Reunion

15 marraskuu 200030m

A couple of Johnny's old friends show up.

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Moving Day

22 marraskuu 200030m

Bulldozers are coming to knock down the Amberson ruins. What will Gorgool do about it?

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Lights, Camera, Monster

Season Finale
29 marraskuu 200030m

Bulldozers are coming to knock down the Amberson ruins. What will Gorgool do about it?

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