Über The Lost Kitchen diskutieren

Item: The Lost Kitchen

Language: en-US

Type of Problem: Bad_image

Extra Details: I added two images yesterday only to find them removed today. Both images were not low in quality in were from the show.

Any reason i should be aware of why they were removed?

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Please take a closer look, they both are very low quality. Don't re-upload images that were removed.

Thank you for clarifying that, will check for something like that in the future. Sadly that's exactly the image the network uses for their website. So the only way i could see to make it look less "bad" is to downsize it to 1920x1080. They currently have this image on their site which isn't really better but would look good at 1920x1080 as you can see with the second version.

They currently have this image on their site which isn't really better but would look good at 1920x1080 as you can see with the second version.

That one is much better than the old artwork! ok_hand

Better at 3840 or better at 1920? Just making sure.

In my opinion the 3840px one is fine. But if you would rather play it safe, you can add the 1920px one.

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