Jaksot 8


Hardly Working

24 kesäkuu 2007

Craig and Smokey are back at it! Enjoy every outrageous episode with the continuing misadventures of the dynamic duo in the hilarious FRIDAY: THE ANIMATED SERIES, based on Ice Cube's successful Friday film series.

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Craig and Smokey are back at it! Enjoy every outrageous episode with the continuing misadventures of the dynamic duo in the hilarious FRIDAY: THE ANIMATED SERIES, based on Ice Cube's successful Friday film series.

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Craig and Smokey are way above their heads..in water. As South Central is flooded big time and chaos and anarchy ensue in the 'hood.

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In other to impress Debbie, Craig signs up for a Big Brother Program called The Happy. He winds up being a big brother to none other than ..Deebo. It changes Deebo for the better, but is that "good" for the 'hood?

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Craig has a fling with Condoleezza Rice when she flees the pressure of her office and hides out in the hood. Later, Craig finds out that breaking up with the most powerful woman in the world is hard to do.

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As Craig and Smokey celebrate their favorite holiday, Smokey is shown his past, present and future in the style of A Christmas Carol.

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Pops is determined to teach Craig and Smokey about some of the little known moments in black history.

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Uncle Craig's Cabin

Season Finale

Craig and Smokey agree to take over Pop's dog-catching route for a day and wind up picking strawberries with immigrants.

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