Jaksot 10


Active Citizenship

4 heinäkuu 20215m

You have the power to be an active citizen! A young woman finds her voice building community and making change, to the groove of a H.E.R. song.

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The Bill of Rights

4 heinäkuu 20215m

These are our rights, what makes the USA the USA: speech, press, religion and more — and no one can take them away. Performed by Adam Lambert.

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4 heinäkuu 20215m

The subject of taxes can be a lil complicated. But when rapper Cordae breaks it down, it all begins to make sense.

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The Three Branches of Government

4 heinäkuu 20215m

Lin-Manuel Miranda, Daveed Diggs, Brittany Howard and the "Frozen" songwriters lay out a musical lesson about checks and balances in our government.

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The First Amendment

4 heinäkuu 20215m

Brandi Carlile delivers a message for the young: speak out against the forces that try to silence you — because your right to free speech is protected!

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Federal vs State Power

4 heinäkuu 20215m

States do some things, feds do others. But when federal and state governments link up, it's a beautiful balance of power. Performed by Kyle.

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4 heinäkuu 20215m

A Bebe Rexha song celebrates Nikola Tesla, Isabel Allende, Eddie Van Halen and more who started life somewhere else before becoming Americans.

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The Courts

4 heinäkuu 20215m

A citizen's anthem from Andra Day says, "All rise!" When you need the law, the courts heed the call. Justice for one should mean justice for all.

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We the People

4 heinäkuu 20215m

We the people hold the power, and when we struggle, we pick each other up and get a little bit… stronger! Performed by Janelle Monáe.

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The Miracle of Morning

Season Finale
4 heinäkuu 20215m

Amanda Gorman, America's first-ever National Youth Poet Laureate, recites an original poem that celebrates people coming together.

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