Series Cast 11

  1. Chen Baoguo

    Chen Baoguo

    Bai Jingqi (39 Episodes)

  2. Wang Zhifei

    Wang Zhifei

    Tian Zihang (39 Episodes)

  3. He Qing

    He Qing

    Yang Jiuhong (39 Episodes)

  4. Zhang Xinyi

    Zhang Xinyi

    Lu Qingqing (39 Episodes)

  5. Fan Yulin

    Fan Yulin

    Lu Dayi (39 Episodes)

  6. Yuan Ran

    Yuan Ran

    Hong Hua (39 Episodes)

  7. Liang Tian

    Liang Tian

    Yang Yizeng (39 Episodes)

  8. Guo Degang

    Guo Degang

    Gao Jingjie (39 Episodes)

  9. Siqin Gaowa

    Siqin Gaowa

    Bai Wen Shi (39 Episodes)

  10. Liu Peiqi

    Liu Peiqi

    Bai Yingyu (39 Episodes)

  11. Jing Wang

    Jing Wang

    白玉芬 (39 Episodes)

Series Crew 1


  1. Guo Baochang

    Director (39 Episodes)

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