Über Les beaux malaises 2.0 diskutieren

Item: (1x5)

Language: en-US

Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Extra Details: The last time something like that happened, Banana asked me to warn you that the credits are incorrect.

The credits at the end of this episode are the wrong one, it look like , they rolled the credits of episode 4 by mistake.

So i have done my best to enter the good guest stars, of all the important roles, there's just 1 actor missing, "The Meeting chairman/moderator", i have see this actor before, but i don't remember his name or where i have seen him before.

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Thanks for the heads up @NickNightingale. This is much appreciated.

edit: Maybe take a screenshot not the missing actor if you can? Two heads are better than one.

The missing actor: screenshot 1 screenshot 2

What about this guy?

It's definitely him and Les beaux malaises 2.0 is on his CV.

Good job

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