June Chan Kei : 役

エピソード 20

Episode 1


YIN returns home after graduation from overseas. He meets a man who is suffering from epilepsy. YIN seizes KI’s mobile phone so as to save this man. His act makes KI suffer great loss. YIN’s father, TONG, presses the firework button mistakenly in the hotel ballroom. He blames KI who should have obtained the certificate from the fire service department. KI is very upset. She tells her sister, YEE, her grievance. KI and YIM have been dated for many years. However, KI’s mother, YING and YEE do not like YIM very much. YIN does not want to depend on his father. He writes application letters to many hotels to apply for a job. It does not as smooth as he thought. He has no alternative but goes for an interview in the hotel where TONG works at. YIN again meets KI. KI makes YIN all wet. TONG is shocked and angry to see YIN in a mess. TONG is going to slap YIN.


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Episode 2


All elect MAY to assist YI, the eldest daughter of the boss, to organize a charity fashion show. YI orders MAY and her subordinates to work overnight for all logistic works including the show name and invitation card arrangement. MAY forces KI and CLARA to work on behalf of her. The next day MAY pretends that she has worked very hard and earns all merit. TSUI expresses to TONG that he intends to offer YIN the post of customer service executive. TONG is glad. However, YIN tells TONG that he has got another offer. TONG throws away the letter of employment sadly. YUK discovers the letter. YIN knew what TONG wants and reports duty in his hotel. KI is responsible to give YIN an orientation. KI intends to play trick on YIN. Unexpectedly, she involves herself into trouble instead. KI and YIN stain YI’s gown for the fashion show carelessly. YIN tries to use alcohol to remove the stain. Both KI and YIN believe that they could settle the case……


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Episode 3


YI scolds KI terribly. MAY asks KI to resign. YIN sees that TONG tries to stir trouble and feels very sorry. He decides to take up all responsibility. KI intends to tell YIM her grievance but YIM takes the opportunity to win KI’s sympathy. KI consoles YIM instead. PAK is glad to see YI so embarrassed. KI scolds YIN when she found out that YIN has gone to confess. KI believes that they would have been fired. KI walks in the conference room with YIN bravely to negotiate with the management. Unexpectedly, the management does not sack them. Later, YIN follows his mum, SIN, to collect rent from his uncle, TAT. TAT and his wife devise to delay rent payment. SIN has no way out. MAN, who has his legs hurt, accidentally strikes KI. KI thinks that he is an indecent man. MAN again meets KI. He again involves KI into trouble. MAN then buys KI some flower to apologize. This leads to further misunderstanding……


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Episode 4


YIM fears that KI would find out that MABLE is also his girlfriend, he thus proposes to marry KI. Happiness makes KI forget all suspicion. KI starts to prepare for her wedding. All agree MAN to work in the security department first in the meeting. TONG arranges a fire drill to welcome MAN. TONG even leads his team to run to the rooftop with a fire extinguisher. TONG faints on his way to the rooftop. YIN scores few hits in the ‘Annual Hotel Industry Football Match. PAK is very jealous. PAK then assigns YIN to look for customers in the industrial area. MAN rotates to the Public Relations Department. MAN has got nothing to do. He then suggests accompany YIN to make cold-call in the industrial area.


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Episode 5


MAN and YIN are being rejected initially by all factories. MAN sees that most office ladies enjoy taking advantages and eventually finds a few customers. YIN appreciates MAN. MAN and YIN then become good friends. PAK arranges his staff to watch MAN. PAK even takes an opportunity to make MAN drunk. MAN discloses his hearty words after drunk and expresses that he aims at excel his brother. YEE witnesses YIM who is dating another girl in a barbecue spot. KI questions YIM. YIM speaks a few sweet words to sooth KI. KI believes in YIM’s words. KI intends to book the hotel ballroom for her wedding. Unexpectedly, YIN booked the same venue on the same day for a customer. KI is very dissatisfied and argues with YIN. Soon the customer cancels the booking. YIN thinks that it is because of KI. YIN teased KI in public.


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Episode 6


TONG sees that YIN is arguing with his superior. TONG immediately apologizes for YIN. YIN thinks that he has done nothing wrong and scolds TONG that it is none of his business. TONG and YIN quarrel. YIM lies that he is very busy and has no time to prepare for the wedding. KI believes that YIM is busy due to his recent promotion. KI then prepare the wedding by herself. YING misses KI who will marry soon. YING buys KI a pair of traditional golden bangle. YIN buys some delicious barbecue food for TONG on the day he gets his first salary payment. FAI asks YIN to lend him money. He then rents a car to date YEE. FAI and YEE try to find out each other’s background during the dinner. YIN sees YIM who is dating another girl. YIN does not know how to tell KI the truth. He seeks for advice CLARA’s advice. CLARA spreads KI’s case to the whole company. KI waits for YIM at the marriage registry for a long time……


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Episode 7


MABLE teases KI and expresses that she is now pregnant. KI is heart-broken and leaves with tears. When KI is trying to figure out how she can deal with her colleagues and friends, YIN calls KI and tells her that all staff knew about her case. KI backs to the office angrily and locks YIN in the conference room. TONG and other staff burst in. KI falls into YIN’s arm mistakenly. HOI sees that KI is so pity. He then throws away her resignation letter and transfers her to another department. CLARA knew that HOI has had bad intention on KI. MAN wants to reform the hotel, he requests the management staff to rotate to the frontline. HOI finds it a torture. With PAK’s support, HOI announces that it is MAN’s idea to require staff working overtime. However, YIN is the only one who can leave the office as usual. All think that YIN has great influence on MAN.


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Episode 8


All staff try to win YIN’s favour. KI and YIN go out to deliver promotion leaflet. She sees YIM’s car. She immediately hides at the nearby restaurant. When a police intends to give YIM’s car a fine slip. KI hurries to beg the police. YIM and MABLE tease KI. KI is very angry and swears that she will learn how to drive very soon so as to get back her car. With YEE’s advice, KI has had a new look. CLARA informs the media how unreasonable the reform of her hotel is. CLARA then becomes the magazine cover girl. LIM is very angry. HOI requires KI to work overtime. He has had bad intention on her. Fortunately, YIN arrives in time and stops HOI. However, KI misunderstands YIN.


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Episode 9


KI sees HOI who has just left and knew that she has wronged YIN. KI forces YIN to keep this secret. However, all suspect HOI and KI’s relationship. MAN has conducted a research and suggests LIM to set up an IT department. When he found out that it needs heavy capital investment, LIM immediately changes the topic and asks PAK about the initial public offering issue. PAK asks his mistress, BIBI, to shop at his wife, LIN’s, boutique. LIN pretends that she knew nothing. YI returns her gown to LIN’s boutique as she has made stain on it. However, YI is reluctant to pay a penny. KI is forced to have a business meeting with MABLE. MABLE deliberately puts KI in a difficult position. MABLE pretends to be very sick. YIM warns KI not to hurt MABLE. KI is so angry that she throws his car key into a pass-by lorry.


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Episode 10


MAN gives YEE a ride home. She deliberately leaves her lipstick in MAN’s car so as to create one more chance meeting MAN. MAN again raises the IT department issue. LIM rejects him. PAK supports. PAK arranges those who have possessed computer knowledge to transfer to the IT department. He even posts an internal transfer memorandum. CHU insists to attend the hotel annual ball wearing YAU’s red diamond accessories. YAU refuses. LIM is in a dilemma. ON advises LIM to postpone the annual ball to the date when CHU has to attended the Women Association function. LIM could then attend the annual ball with YAU. YIN joins the IT department ignoring TONG’s objection. All department heads arrange some useless staff for YIN according to PAK’s instruciton. HOI takes the chance to get rid of KI. ON buys a set of second-hand computer for YIN.


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Episode 11


PAK’s computer elite, a team of four, claims that the production of a website with animation needs over ten million dollars. YIN expresses that he could produce such with an ordinary computer at a cost ten times less than what they claimed. This team of four is very dissatisfied and leave the IT department. MAN requires his staff to be familiar with the computer operation within three weeks. KI again failed in obtaining the driving license. She cries in the ballroom secretly. She tells YIN her grievance and shows him the fines. YIN takes KI to dinner. They meet YIM and MABLE. YIN scolds YIM for KI’s sake. KI leaves. KI expresses that it is of no use to scold him. The only way out is getting a driving license so that she could get back her car. MAN demands them to complete the website production before the annual ball and present it to LIM that night. MAN even takes KI and other staff to relax by playing war game. YEE follows them.


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Episode 12


YEE pretends to be interested in learning computer so as to get close to MAN. YIN, KI, YAN and CINDY have to take a computer test, only YIN passes the test. MAN scolds them. KEUNG believes that this IT department will soon be closed. He volunteers to work for HOI and becomes a spy working for HOI. CLARA’s boyfriend, ALEX kidnaps CLARA in the hotel as he was disappointed in love. MAN suppresses ALEX. CLARA finds MAN very brave and blossoms admiration on him. Both YEE and CLARA bring coffee to MAN. They know that both of them do love MAN and swear to work overtime for MAN’s sake. YIN and KI work overnight and complete the initial website production. YIN makes use of a toy frog to help KI overcome her fear and regain her confidence in driving. On the day of driving test, KI encounters a robbery. A police jumps on KI’s car and requests her to chase the robbers.


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Episode 13


KI eventually obtains the driving license. She celebrates in the game centre with YIN. She is so excited that she turns her ankle. YIN takes KI to see the bone-setter. KIN invites YIN to dinner. TONG sees them and thinks that they are dating. YIN sees that KI is walking with difficulties, he thus carries her home on his back. KI blossoms a very special feeling on YIN. MAN works so hard that he faints in the washroom. Fortunately, YEE discovers him. YIM changes his job and moves away. KI cannot find him. KI eventually sees him in a garage. KI intends to scold YIM. However, YIM leaves in a hurry with her car. Unexpectedly, the brake does not work and YIM crashes her car to the lamp pole.


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Episode 14


YIN suggests incorporating a short video on the website with the theme of a wedding couple to promote the hotel. YIN is the bridegroom. They then post a memorandum to look for the bride. They are busy to interview girls from all departments. Both YEE and CLARA attempt to ask KI to help but are in vain. PAK wants MAN to use SANDY. MAN ignores PAK’s request and selects YEE and CLARA. KEUNG asks HOI to put some cathartic into YEE and CLARA’s drinks. TONG tells KI that YIN is suffering from diarrhoea. KI makes some anti-diarrhoea soup for YIN. KI and YIN have participated in a lucky draw held by a restaurant. They win the prize of a trip to Japan.


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Episode 15


The hotel website production completed, MAN invites all to disco for celebration. Two rascals is trying to insult KI and YEE. One of the rascals even slaps YEE. MAN scares them away by pretending that he has called the police. MAN sends YEE home and even buys some ice for her to sooth her face. YEE feels very romantic. Both CHU and YAU are sick and cannot accompany LIM to the annual ball. MAN presents the website during the annual ball. However, there are some pornographic pictures in the website. LI is very angry. KEUNG is invited to transfer to another department. All then know that KEUNG is the spy. MAN disappears for a few days. He then backs to the office and expresses that the IT department will soon be dismissed. KI follows MAN to the island. MAN carelessly turns over KI’s noodle. KI rebukes MAN. MAN feels very sorry. YIN takes the earliest ferry to the island. He is shocked to see MAN and KI sleep together intimately.


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Episode 16


MAN claims that he wants to chase KI. YIN thinks that he is joking. MAN apologizes to LIM and commits to rebuild a positive image for the hotel. MAN introduces the Tourist Association committee member, JOYCE, to everybody and announces that their hotel will join the Tourist Association to arrange a series of promotion campaign. He even joins in the Sedan Ride Competition. All support MAN. JOYCE is the daughter of Duke LEE. She admires MAN. She sees that MAN takes very good care of KI and is very upset. HOI makes use of the stock share options to make FAI fall into his trap so as to win CLARA’s favour. YIN’s family urges YIN to chase KI. They even create opportunity for YIN. MAN expresses his love to KI. KI is shocked. Since then she keeps away from MAN. YEE is shocked to hear that MAN loves KI instead of her.


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Episode 17


YEE blames KI who competed with her for MAN. KI explains that she does not like MAN at all. KI indicates to YIN not to hesitate particularly for love affairs. YIN does not get her words at all. KI is mad. The reporters report PAK who is dating WAI. LIN rebukes PAK. PAK slaps LIN. On the day of the Sedan Ride Competition, KI’s sedan falls down from the hill. MAN and YIN hurry to save her. KI murmurs YIN’s name when she is in coma. MAN is shocked. TONG hurts himself when he is patrolling. He hurts himself again on the way home for the sake of catching an indecent man. WAI deliberately goes to LIN’s boutique to irritate LIN. The reporters shoot their fighting scene. LIM scolds PAK terribly. PAK irritates LIM. TONG cannot reimburse his medical fee and negotiate with HOI. HOI takes the chance to force TONG retire. PAK brings his lawyer to the hospital to force LIM to sign the document. PAK again makes LIM so irritated that he faints.


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Episode 18


PAK announces that WAI is his personal assistant All are shocked. PAK also announces the volunteered retirement scheme which greatly affects the morale. PAK discovers that CHIU is doing some part-time job secretly and a devise flashes to his mind. HOI imputes TONG the fault of taking special care of CHIU and fires TONG. TONG’s is then not entitled to receive the long-term service compensation. PAK forces the IT department to become an independent department with a separate profit and loss account. Otherwise, MAN has to dismiss this department. LIM finds that the hotel is in a mess. He suggests MAN to marry JOYCE for the sake of the hotel. LIN employs a private detective to collect evidence against PAK. YEE advises YIN to apply for a visa visiting Japan for KI and recites the love letter. YIN is not willing to do so. YEE is mad. When YIN intends to express his love to KI, KI heard that LIM is very sick. YIN and KI hurry to the hospital……


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Episode 19


PAK brings his lawyer to the hospital and claims that it is more convenience for LIM to announce his will. MAN wants to beat PAK. KI prays for LIM. LIM is getting better. MAN thanks KI. LIM’s health does affect the hotel go public-listed. PAK bribes the president of the bank, YU, to make a false account. LIN collects PAK’s criminal evidence. She intends to denounce PAK when he beat her again for the sake of WAI. PAK is arrested by the ICAC officials. All worry a lot for him. MAN asks JOYCE to help them to settle the bank loan. JOYCE leads MAN to see his father, LEE. LEE expresses that he will only help his son-in-law. MAN decides to marry JOYCE. When YIN has known the case, he scolds MAN.


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Episode 20

Season Finale

YIN hits MAN. MAN feels guilty and does not strike back. KI knew that YIN does care a lot about her. KI deliberately gives YIN a chance to express his love. YIN again hesitates. LIM visits PAK in the detaining room. LIM regrets. LIM and PAK eventually reconcile. The hotel promotes the overseas exchange project. KI participates in this project to irritate YIN. YIN has no response at all. KI is mad. LIM invites TONG to resume duty in person. TONG is proud of himself. On MAN and JOYCE’s wedding day, YIN finds out that JOYCE’s brother, EDMOND, is the person in charge of the overseas exchange project. KI and EDMOND get along well with each other. YIN is very jealous. YIN eventually got the courage to date KI. However, KI ignores him. One freezing night, KI finds YIN who is waiting for her in the street, KI hurries to met YIN. KI only sees a guy being moved to the ambulance covering with a white bed-sheet………


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