Епизоди 20


Episode 1

31 октомври 198847m

AU YEUNG WEI HAN is abandoned by her boy friend and tries to commit

suicide. However, she is saved by CHUN TAK who is taken ill after

rescuing her from the fury sea. . HAN looks after him with great

care and visits him often. The two gradually grow fond of each

other and HAN proposes marrying him who gladly consents. -

LEUNG MIU LING finds herself carrying the baby of LAM HUNG who

refuses to marry her and even forces her to go for an abortion.

LING's mother stops her from doing so and makes HUNG promises

to marry LING.

HUNG, GHENG YEE and two other gays plot to kidnap the son of a

tycoon, TONG TUNG SHING. It just happens that the boy has got

hold of his mother's diamond necklace. HUNG, being greedy,

take. it and hides it inside a Buddha figure. LING is sent by

HUNG to get the ransom and yet she is still in the dark about

everything. However, LING is arrested by TAK.

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Episode 2

1 ноември 198847m

LING tells the police that she is only sent by HUNG who is behind

the whole plot. YEE uses his wits to get the ransom and releases

SHING's son. At first, SHING refuses to cooperate with the

police. and yet he changes his mind when he learns that the

kidnappers are in possession of his wife's diamond necklace.

HAN feels dissatisfied when she finds TAX too indulged in his

work making him neglect the preparation of their wadding.

TAK eventually locates the whereabouts of HUNG and YEE who are

caught with the remaining two guys still. at large.

HUNG pretends to know nothing about the necklace. So TAK

suspects that it is still in the hands of the rest of the gang,

who forces LING to give them the necklace. However, LING has

no idea where the necklace is.

HUNG and YAE are sent to prison. The latter works hard in his

studies and gets a very good result.

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Episode 3

2 ноември 198846m

LING gives birth to a son called MAN KEUNG to China. She leaves

him in the care of her aunt and she returns to Hong Kong alone.

Yet, she loves ease and hates work. So for a long time, she

remains jobless.

HAN is pregnant and she urges TAK to leave his job and switch

to business. TAK refuses and they fall out. Their gap widen.

when TAK does not turn up at the hospital during HAN's labor.

HAN feels unhappy about TAK paying too much attention to work and

neglecting her and their daughter. To pacify her, TAK gets

into partnership with his colleagues to start a detective agency.

YEE gets a good result in the public examinations and because of

his good conduct, he is released from prison earlier.

LING always dreams of becoming famous and wealthy and so she

joins the television station.

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Episode 4

3 ноември 198846m

YEE works hard and successfully gains a seat in the post-secondary

college. LING develops special feelings for YI and later being

encouraged. by her mother, she reveals to YEE her affections for

him only to find that YEE just treats her as his friend.

Upon graduation YEE gets a job in the Loans Department of a bank

and yet he dares not mention a word about his being once in ,jail.

HUNG is finally released from prison but is tracked by his former

accomplice who want to have a share of the diamond necklace.

They even entrust TAK to locate the whereabouts of HUNG. HUNG

goes to find LING and asks her to bring him home. He hopes to

get back the necklace but LING family try to kick him out.

HUNG is chased by DOR and YANG, his former accomplices and he

seeks refuge from YEE

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Episode 5

4 ноември 198845m

Seeing HUNG being wounded, YEE pities him and lets him stay in his

house. Yet his whereabouts is boated and the whole gang fall

out. In the end, HUNG accidentally kills BOR’s brother and runs

for his life.

YEE involved and under investigation. He loses his job when

his employer discovers that he has been in jail.

At first, YEE and TAK are not on friendly terms. However, TAK

offers him financial help when he is in difficulty.

HUNG want to leave Hong Kong but lacks money. In the end,

he becomes a killer in the south-east Asian countries.

YEE is later employed in a big corporate and works under HONG


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Episode 6

7 ноември 198846m

To satisfy HAN's wish, TAK emigrates with his family to Canada.

YEE is of course sad to see him go.

YEE and KIU do not get along well but he remains self-confident

and strives hard for achievement. He is also eager to show his

competence to his boss, TO TPNG KWOK. Eventually, he gets the

opportunity and KWOK is impressed by his outstanding performance.

KWOK wants to make him his personal assistant and KIU asks him

to be patient and observes YEE for some more time before deciding

what to do. Knowing that, YEE thinks that KIU is jealous of

him being too competent and wants to resign.

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Episode 7

8 ноември 198846m

Unaccustomed to the life in Canada, TAK returns to Hong Kong

alone and takes abode in YEE's house.

To stop him from resigning, KIU promises to promote him to

become KWOK's personal assistant. This delights YEE and he

works even harder than before.

YEE feels unhappy when he sees KWOK neglecting his achievement

and hard work. KWOK tries to pacify him and entrust him and

KIU to cooperate in a big housing project.

YEE and KIU work together and the project goes on fine. Before

the sale of the flats, KWOK makes a great loss in his overseas

investment. So he suggests lowering the prices of the flats

but YEE and KIU suggest him taking a risk and raising the price

instead. Yet the plan falls through.

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Episode 8

9 ноември 198846m

YEE proposes another scheme to help remedy the situation. Though

illegal, it turns out to be successful and through this, YEE

wins the favor of KWOK who sends him a car and a flat as presents.

YEE meets KWOK 'DUNG NAY and is attracted to her. On the other

hand, his relationship with KIU has grown better.

A journalist, TSO LAP KIN suspects that KWOK's corporate is

engaged in some illegal dealings overseas: He starts his

investigation and this arouses KWOK's fear. In the end, KWOK

hires HUNG to kill KIN.

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Episode 9

10 ноември 198847m

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Episode 10

11 ноември 198845m

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Episode 11

14 ноември 198846m

LING is disqualified and her dream of becoming a beauty queen

shatters. She get so depressed that she tries to kill herself.

TAK feels sorry for her and goes to visit her who refuses to

see him.

LING is later deceived to work for a pornographic magazine

but is in time stopped by TAK who gives her a good lesson.

In the end, she understands that TAK really cares for her and

she decide to reform.

KWOK again puts KIU and YEE in charge of a big project. Yet

YEE neglects his duty because his mind is' fully occupied by

TAI who is at that time suffering from lung cancer. KIU

understand his situation and undertakes the whole project


Before TAI dies, YEE and NAY do their best to fulfill her last

wish and she dies happily.

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Episode 12

15 ноември 198847m

YEE grieves over TAI's death and asks KIU for a month's leave

but is refused. The two fall out and NAY acts as a go-between

bringing the two together again and at the same time offering

comforts and encouragement to YEE.

LING takes up a decent ,job as a saleslady and this delights

TAK. Yet her love for money drives her to work part-time

in a nightclub and this arouses anger on TAK's part. The

two eventually make up when LING promises not to go astray.

They gradually grow fond of each other and fall in love.

LING's brother is caught shoplifting in a supermarket.

LING seeks help from TAK whose connection at the police

station saves him from being charged. However, LING's

mother thinks that TAX is very influential in the police

force and brings embarrassment to TAK.

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Episode 13

16 ноември 198846m

YEE feels lonely and longs to have a family of his own but KIU

is too competent and devotes much attention to her work. This

widens the gap between them threatening their relationship.

NAY offers comforts to YEE who feels much relieved but he

remains unaware of NAY's intention.

Again LING cannot resist the temptation of money and becomes

a bargirl. TAK feels very unhappy about this.

HANG LEE, the friend of LING's mother, is engaged in drug-

trafficking. Once, he asks LING to help her without selling

her that the packet he gives to her contains drugs. Eventually

LING is caught while LEE remains at large. Again TAK is

called upon to give assistance to her.

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Episode 14

17 ноември 198847m

TAK does his best to locate LEE and surrenders his savings as a

reward to those who can provide information concerning the

whereabouts of LEE. Finally, TAK discovers LEE who admits all

the charges. LING is then released and she thanks TAK for

his concern and help. Their love for each other deepens after

this incident.

The relationship between KIU and YEE turns sour and YEE feels

lonely as ever. NAY offers to provide him company and YEE

does not want to get involved in a tangle since he still has

KIU oh his mind. Coldly he refuses NAY's: affection for him.

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Episode 15

18 ноември 198845m

The relationship between KIU and YEE finally breaks when KIU

discovers that YEE has used illegal means to help KWOK bring -

in quick profits.

After their separation, YEE feels lonely and empty. NAY

sympathizes with him and offers him comforts. In the end,

the two have an affair. KWOK learns of their separation and

in order to avoid bringing them embarrassment, he asks YEE

to be his personal assistant again.

TAK is asked to probe into a commercial intrigue which involves

YEE's company. With YEE's help, he gets a job in the company

as a security guard.

HAN and their daughter returns to visit TAK. Since TAKI.

daughter and LING's son cannot get along well, this brings

trouble to TAK who often quarrels with LING over this.

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Episode 16

21 ноември 198846m

YEE's love for NAY deepens but he is shocked to discover that

NAY is KWOK's mistress and is asked by him to get lose to

YEE using his affection for her as a means for KWOK to exert

influence over him. However, NAY really falls in love with

YEE and this puts her in a dilemma.

TAK eventually gets the opportunity of gaining access to

the confidential, files of the corporate but is discovered

by YEE. Though YEE knows that KWOK is contemptible, he still

stops TAK from taking away the evidence against KWOK. YEE

finds himself in a dilemma as whether he should help TAK

or stop him so as to maintain his own position. Despite

this, he keeps his lips sealed over this. Only NAY's

comforts give him some feeling of ease.

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Episode 17

22 ноември 198846m

When NAY learns that YEN is in possession of evidence against

KWOK , she urges him to surrender that to KWOK. Knowing the

relationship between NAY and KWOK, YEE feels infuriated at

NAY's suggestion.. However, NAY convinces YEE that she really

loves him dearly. YEE is touched by her sincerity and promises

not to disclose KWOK's crime. On second thoughts, YEE's sense

of justice urges him to reveal KWOK's evil deeds. He resigns

from KWOK's corporate. Fearing that they. will run into poverty,

NAY leaves YEE.

When KIU learns of KWOK's crime from YEE, she also resigns and

this makes KWOK very angry.

KWOK intends to bribe the representative of the JMP Finance

Company but MAUBA LIM refuses KWOK's offer.

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Episode 18

23 ноември 198847m

LIM asks TAK to escort him to leave Hong Kong. However, he is

murdered by HUNG who is hired by KWOK. Before he dies, he

passes. those evidences against KWOK to TAK who in turn hands

them to the police. Nevertheless, because of insufficient

evidences the police fails to charge KWOK.

TAK recognizes HUNG to be the murderer. .'The police orders

arrest of him and HUNG needs to get money so as to leave

Hong Kong. So he goes to LING's. house and ties the whole

family up. Then he ransacks the whole house for the

diamond necklace hidden there by him years ago.

He searches everywhere but cannot find it. At that time,

TAK and YEE arrive and they have a fight. In the end, Hung

tries to escape and YEE is injured.

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Episode 19

24 ноември 198846m

KIU invites YEE to he her partner to establish a real estate company.

However , that does not help to draw the two together again. Eventually they


LING's mother urges TAK to marry LING but TAK refuses & this antagonize LING.

FOR & YAN kidnap LING asking TAN to surrender the diamond necklace to them.

TAK asks HUNG where he has hidden the necklace but he keeps his lips sealed.

After much effort. TAK & YEE find the necklace.

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Episode 20

Season Finale
25 ноември 198846m

TAK surrenders the necklace to HOR & YAN who free LING. Yet, her love for

wealth drives her to snatch the necklace from them & runs. for life with TAK.

They hide themselves in a deserted house & LING insists on keeping the

necklace. They are later discovered by HOE &'YAN. In the end, TAN is

taken captive while LING escapes. At first, LING forsakes TAK's safety &

wants to hide in China. However, her sense of guilty urges her to go to

save TAN. In a fight, LING hurts YAN while the police arrive in time to

catch them all.

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