Ashley McGuire as Matron

পর্ব সমূহ 62

O 1º Dia

এপ্রিল 6, 202025m

É o primeiro dia de aula em Malory Towers, e a recém-chegada Darrell Rivers mal pode esperar por um novo começo! Enquanto tenta se adaptar, seu passado será capaz de assombrá-la?

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As Calouras

এপ্রিল 13, 202024m

A ciumenta Gwen está determinada a descobrir mais sobre o passado de Darrell e deixa a escola em busca da verdade.

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O Truque

এপ্রিল 20, 202025m

Darrell começa a ajudar Alicia a pregar peças na aula, enquanto uma misteriosa marca de mão vermelha aparece na porta do dormitório.

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O Tapa

এপ্রিল 27, 202025m

Darrell lamenta ter perdido a paciência com Gwen, e as alunas debatem o assunto para decidir o que fazer a respeito. A reputação de Darrell foi manchada para sempre?

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O Jogo

মে 4, 202025m

Chega o dia da grande partida de lacrosse! Quando Darrell descobre que Malory Towers está jogando contra sua antiga escola, ela é forçada a ficar cara a cara com seu passado!

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O Banquete à Meia-Noite

মে 11, 202025m

As garotas têm o primeiro evento noturno na Torre Norte! Mas quando as coisas não saem como planejado, elas são forçadas a se esconder em uma área proibida da escola.

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Dia de Visitação

মে 18, 202026m

É dia de visita dos pais na Malory Towers. Enquanto isso, Darrell tem uma grande decisão a tomar sobre seu futuro na escola.

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O Empurrão

মে 25, 202026m

Quando Sally fica gravemente doente, Darrell se culpa e foge da escola para encontrar um médico. Enquanto isso, Alicia estimula a anarquia no dormitório.

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A Carta

জুন 1, 202025m

Os segredos de família de Sally estão prestes a ser revelados quando sua mãe chega a Malory Towers. Enquanto isso, a intromissão de Darrell causa problemas para a Srta. Potts.

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O Vestido

জুন 8, 202025m

Quando um lindo vestido chega à Malory Towers, as garotas ficam ansiosas para descobrir quem é a debutante.

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A Aranha

জুন 15, 202026m

Sally e Darrell traçam um plano para tornar Mary-Lou mais corajosa do que ela poderia imaginar, enquanto Gwen está determinada a manter sua melhor amiga a qualquer custo.

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O Fantasma

জুন 22, 202025m

Darrell e Sally estão determinadas a resolver o mistério do fantasma de Malory, mas descobrem que a verdade é muito mais complexa do que poderiam imaginar.

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O Último Dia

Season Finale
জুন 29, 202026m

Quando Darrell é acusada de quebrar a preciosa caneta de Mary-Lou, ela deve provar sua inocência antes que seja convidada a se retirar da Malory Towers para sempre.

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A Monitora da Turma

জানুয়ারি 10, 202225m

Darrell e a turma voltam a Malory Towers para o segundo ano! A primeira tarefa do período é nomear uma nova monitora. Quem as meninas vão escolher para liderá-las?

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O Chapéu de Burro

জানুয়ারি 11, 202225m

Alicia convence Darrell a pregar uma peça e acaba se desentendendo com Sally. Para tentar restaurar a ordem, o Sr. Parker traz o chapéu de burro...

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O Vira-lata

জানুয়ারি 12, 202225m

As meninas se esforçam para incluir Ellen na turma, mas as coisas não dão certo. Enquanto isso, Darrell descobre informações que ameaçam o futuro de Malory Towers!

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Os Testes

জানুয়ারি 13, 202226m

Numa tentativa de impressionar seus pais, Gwen faz um teste para o papel principal da peça de teatro da escola. Mas nem tudo funciona como ela esperava!

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A Caricatura

জানুয়ারি 17, 202225m

Alicia decide se divertir um pouco quando um presente enviado pelos seus pais não chega. Enquanto isso, a mentira de Gwen sobre a doença de seu pai começa a sair do controle.

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A fugitiva

জানুয়ারি 18, 202225m

Ellen está feliz por ter terminado o teste com tempo de sobra, mas ela não tem um bom resultado. Ansiosa e chateada, ela desaparece – e as meninas devem encontrá-la!

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A Peça

জানুয়ারি 19, 202225m

É dia de visitação na escola, e a Srta. Grayling convida um potencial investidor. As meninas se esforçam para impressionar, com Darrell conduzindo a visita e a peça de Georgina.

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জানুয়ারি 20, 202225m

Presa na enfermaria, Gwen escuta notícias que ameaçam a existência de Malory Towers! Mam’zelle confia a Sally as aulas do dia, mas Alicia prova ser uma aluna marota.

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Pegadinha do Espirro

জানুয়ারি 24, 202225m

A tensão chega ao auge entre Darrell, Alicia e Sally quando fazem uma brincadeira com Mam’zelle. E Gwen fica aflita quando a governanta anuncia uma inspeção dos baús!

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A Excursão

জানুয়ারি 25, 202225m

Gwen recorre a medidas drásticas para esconder sua recompensa roubada. Enquanto isso, Darrell e Sally fazem uma descoberta que pode levá-las ao tesouro de Lady Jane!

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O Quiz

জানুয়ারি 26, 202225m

A escola local para meninos enfrenta Malory Towers numa disputa entre escolas. A reputação de Ellen está ameaçada quando Darrell a pega agindo escondida no meio da noite!

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A Heroína

জানুয়ারি 27, 202225m

Gwen tenta se livrar dos itens roubados que ela juntou, mas durante o processo coloca Mary-Lou em perigo mortal!

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O Tesouro Perdido

Season Finale
জানুয়ারি 27, 202225m

É o último dia de escola e a Srta. Grayling está prestes a abrir mão de Malory Towers para sempre! A grande descoberta de Darrell e Sally poderá salvar a escola?

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New Arrivals

জুলাই 4, 202225m

The girls welcome Bill and her horse, Thunder, to Malory Towers, but Bill’s place in the third form is under threat when she is accused of spending too much time in the stables. Gwen’s father is offered the position of head of board at the school.

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The Trials

জুলাই 5, 202225m

Darrell scouts out players for the lacrosse team, and discovers that Gwen has some hidden talents. Mary-Lou discovers a skin condition that worries her. Matron must fill in for the biology teacher.

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The Surprise Picnic

জুলাই 6, 202225m

Darrell suggests a midnight feast in the stables, but they’re afraid of horse poachers. Mavis, a sixth former, is on the hunt for someone to accompany her on the piano for an important audition, and Irene might fit the bill.

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The Accident

জুলাই 7, 202225m

Bill struggles to balance her schoolwork with time spent at the stables with her horse, Thunder. Bill and Darrell need Thunder's help when someone at the school has a serious accident.

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The New Headmistress

জুলাই 11, 202225m

Miss Johnson enforces a list of tough new rules which get the better Darrell’s temper. An important lacrosse match is at stake when Darrell is given a particularly difficult punishment.

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The Voice

জুলাই 12, 202225m

Sally returns to a very different Malory Towers after her case of the mumps. The strict new rules keep Mavis and Irene from their audition, but the girls have a plan to cover for them and keep Miss Johnson at bay.

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The Dance

জুলাই 13, 202225m

Gwen goes a little overboard when she organizes a dance lesson with the Thackerton boys. Mary-Lou discovers a mysterious statue in the woods when Gwen asks her to break the rules to gather ivy.

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The Sisters

জুলাই 14, 202225m

Darrell’s sister Felicity visits to take an exam that will determine her acceptance at Malory Towers. Darrell wants to enjoy time with her sister but Miss Johnson's strict rules stand in the way.

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The Hamper

জুলাই 18, 202225m

Alicia sends a package for the girls filled with goodies and prank materials, plus a secret message. Darrell prepares for the lacrosse trial and sneaks in practice time.

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The Peaches

জুলাই 19, 202225m

With the third form on a trip to the circus, Darrell and Sally attempt to recover the confiscated peaches from Miss Johnson’s office, but they find more than they expected...

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The Ride

জুলাই 20, 202225m

Bill will stop at nothing when she discovers that her horse Thunder is sick with colic. Gwen is charged with keeping Bill away from the stables or else they will both be punished.

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The Arrest

জুলাই 21, 202225m

Ron shows Darrell and Sally a stash of art found in the stables, but where did it come from? Miss Johnson is caught off-guard when Miss Grayling arrives back at Malory Towers.

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The Thief

Season Finale
জুলাই 21, 202225m

With Darrell focused on clearing Ron’s name, Mary-Lou and Ellen uncover new information that changes everything they thought about the art thefts.

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The Ghost of Christmas Present

ডিসেম্বর 5, 202225m

When Darrell finds herself stranded at an empty Malory Towers for Christmas, she has to hold her nerve when strange things start happening around the school.

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The Ghost of Christmas Past

ডিসেম্বর 6, 202225m

With the strange goings-on still happening, the girls are determined to find help. However, when Gwen disappears on Christmas morning, their efforts turn to finding their friend.

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The Rivers Sisters

মে 8, 202325m

After being selected as head of lower school, Darrell soon feels the demands of leadership when Felicity, her younger sister just starting at Malory Towers, gets into trouble.

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The Doubloon

মে 9, 202325m

Darrell enlists the help of the first-year students when facing her first challenge to her authority as head of lower school.

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The Inter-Tower Match

মে 15, 202325m

Preparing for the inter-tower lacrosse match leads to disappointment for Darrell and Felicity. The rest of the team speculates why breakout star Clarissa is hesitant to play.

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The Essay

মে 16, 202325m

Ruth lets her sister Connie take credit for her essay. The first forms try to evade Darrell while searching for treasure.

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The Kiss

মে 22, 202326m

The first formers try to prank their teachers with Irene's help. Mademoiselle's reaction to the prank raises suspicions for Irene.

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The Midnight Surprise

মে 23, 202325m

Alicia plans an outdoor midnight feast for her and Darrell. Felicity and June sneak out to search for a hidden room within Malory Towers.

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The Speech

মে 29, 202325m

Darrell struggles to prepare a speech she is to give in front of the whole school. Sally and Bill organize a lacrosse match. Irene’s father delivers news Irene has not been looking forward to.

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The Connie Affair

মে 30, 202324m

June makes some itching powder for a prank that gets out of hand. Connie blames June for the unfortunate things that keep happening to her, even though June insists she had nothing to do with them.

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The Strong Heart

জুন 5, 202325m

When Clarissa receives troubling news that her pony has been sold, she breaks the rules to rescue him. Irene and Mademoiselle Rougier make efforts to strengthen their relationship.

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The Field Trip

জুন 6, 202325m

Felicity and June prove to be a handful when Darrell supervises the class field trip. Meanwhile, Gwen gets more than she bargained for when left with Mr Parker's pregnant wife.

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The Exam

জুন 12, 202326m

Darrell and her classmates await their exams while Felicity and June continue to explore the secret room. Gwen pretends to have heart issues to get out of the exam but then finds herself in a dangerous situation.

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The Terrible Day

জুন 13, 202325m

Ruth’s bullying of Connie reaches a new low when June is wrongly accused of playing pranks. Darrell encourages the lower form to find who is responsible and the whole class gets a lesson on accountability.

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The Wedding Day

জুন 13, 202326m

June and Darrell find themselves in danger when they leave the school to continue the search for the treasure in a cave during high tide. The rest of the school prepares for the wedding. Irene is given an important task by her father.

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The Rivers Sisters Return

জুন 10, 202425m

Felicity struggles to get out of Darrell's shadow in her second year at Malory Towers. Newcomer Jo struggles to follow the rules, getting Felicity caught in the crosshairs. Mary Lou debates how strict to be after becoming head of lower school.

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The Monitor Strike

জুন 11, 202425m

June leads the second form girls in a strike to protect Clarissa from Gwen's constant demands, resulting in a big change. When a pipe bursts, old memories resurface and a new friend is made. Archaeological research begins at Malory Towers.

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The Circus

জুন 17, 202426m

Felicity and Jo meet a young acrobat girl and Jo promises to take Felicity to the circus. When Jo breaks the rules to fulfill her promise, Miss Grayling teaches her a lesson about friendship. Twins Ruth and Connie start to notice their differences.

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The Beautiful Game

জুন 18, 202425m

Clarissa goes undercover to prove that girls can play soccer just as good as boys. Darrell and Susan help Mr. Murray look for ancient symbols in the garden as they continue their archaeology research.

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The Pocket Money

জুন 24, 202425m

Jo and Connie trick Felicity into helping them retrieve Jo's confiscated pocket money from Matron's safe. The Second Form girls protest Jo's rule-breaking.

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The Fugitives

জুন 25, 202425m

Afraid of being accused of stealing, Jo and Connie run away to the village. Darrell helps a worried Ruth search for her sister. When the girls return to Malory Towers, Jo's father learns about her misdeeds.

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The Babysitter

জুলাই 1, 202425m

Gwen has plans with Ron, but gets stuck watching Mr. Parker's baby. Alicia recruits Felicity to the cross-country team, much to Darrell's dismay. When baby Kathleen goes missing, Gwen attempts to pass off the blame.

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The Malory Oak

জুলাই 2, 202425m

June pulls a daring stunt to save the beloved Malory Oak from being chopped down by Mr. Murray. The Second Form girls learn about chores and hard work. Jo trusts Felicity and Connie with a secret about her mother.

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The Unexpected Visitor

জুলাই 8, 202425m

Mrs. Heather appears suddenly to take Susan home. The Second Form girls start a prank war with Mam'zelle. Ruth and Clarissa find a way for Susan to stay at Malory Towers.

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The Race

Season Finale
জুলাই 9, 202425m

On the day of the big race, Felicity cracks under the pressure of Alicia's tough coaching. Matron goes on vacation to see her family. The new nurse, Nurse Jane, has her hands full right away when Darrell gets injured looking for Felicity.

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