Jaksot 13


Put Up Your Dukes

5 helmikuu 198330m

The Dukes are travelling the world to get away from Boss. They go to Australia and see their cousin who has a boxing kangaroo. Boss tries to kidnap the 'roo but it gets away from them and the fun begins!

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Jungle Jitters

12 helmikuu 198330m

The Dukes' race across South America may come up short after Boss steals their spare gas. When the boys and Daisy take a shortcut they run into some volcano workshiping natives who want to sacrifice the General Lee.

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The Dukes of Venice

19 helmikuu 198330m

Two bank robbers steal the General Lee from in front of the Roman Colisseum to use as a getaway car. After the theives make their robbery, the boys and Daisy manage to get him back. Boss tells the police it must have been the Dukes so they'll get caught and he can win the race. Now the Dukes have to avoid the police and catch the crooks just to get back in the race.

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Morocco Bound

26 helmikuu 198330m

During a luggage mixup at the hotel, Rosco gets hold of Alladin's lamp. When the Dukes reach the hotel, Boss tells Rosco to hide the lamp, which he does in a hotel shop. Then Daisy purchases it as a souvenier. All this time, the evil Sharif Omar, who stole the lamp originally, is scheming to get it from Boss and the Dukes.

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The Secret Satellite

5 maaliskuu 198330m

While racing across the Artic Circle, the Dukes and Boss go after a crashed U.S. satellite. The Dukes do it for their country. Boss is after the $100,000 reward. Unfortunatly, some pesky people, who sound Russian, are also after the satellite.

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The Dukes of London

12 maaliskuu 198330m

Flash is accidentally switched with Her Majesty's pet basset, Regina. The Dukes wind up with Regina but are caught by the police for dognapping.

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The Greece Fleece

19 maaliskuu 198330m

Boss has the Dukes jailed on false traffic charges set up by his confederate, Big Nick. When Boss finds out whoever marries Big Nick's daughter gets a huge dowrey, he sets up a scheme to marry her and make off with the money.

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The Dukes of India

26 maaliskuu 198330m

Boss has his buddy, the Grand Vazir, set up traps to slow down the Dukes. The Grand Vazir is trying to keep his nephew, Prince Ahmed, from coming to his corination ceremony. That way, the Grand Vazir can claim the throne. Turns out, Vance is a dead ringer for Prince Ahmed. So when he is caught instead of the Prince, the Dukes and Ahmed have to free him and claim the throne.

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The Dukes in Uzbekistan

2 huhtikuu 198330m

The Dukes help an english archeologist find her missing father who was looking for an Uzbeki diamond mine. Boss follows along to find the fortune. They find the father, but the Uzbekis have no intention of letting any of them go.

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The Dukes in Hong Kong

9 huhtikuu 198330m

Boss hires some local pirates to capture the Dukes and hold them while he buys cheap goods he can resell for a profit back in Hazzard. The pirates capture the Dukes, then capture Boss, steal all his goods and make him and Rosco walk the plank. It's up to the Dukes to keep Boss and Rosco from becoming sushi.

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The Dukes of Scotland

16 huhtikuu 198330m

The Dukes and Boss visit Billy Bob and June Stewart of Hazzard. They inherited a castle that's haunted, but it turns out the ghosts are counterfiters trying to keep their hideout. When Boss steals the money, the crooks force Coy and Vance to get it back or they'll do away with the Stewarts and Daisy.

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The Dukes Do Paris

23 huhtikuu 198330m

Boss sets out to buy a rare stamp, the Blue Wazoo, from Blancy LeBlanc. However, Daisy runs into Blancy and, thinking she is with Boss, gives her the stamp. Now, Boss and Blancy are both after the stamp before the Dukes find out what they have.

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The Dukes in Switzerland

Season Finale
30 huhtikuu 198330m

The Dukes meet up with a father and daughter on the run from the Slavonia secret police. They defected after the father developed a formula to turn seawater into gasoline. Unfortunatly, Boss finds out about the formula and steals it first. The Dukes have to save the family and get the formula before they can get back in the race.

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