Suporte do The Movie Database


We have an API key for an old account since 2014, and it seems that this key does not work anymore since several months.

It was an old employee from my company that had created this API key, and it asked to have a commercial use of this key. We used this key for several years but now it don't work anymore.

I wanted to know why this key did not work ? Was there an expiration date ? Or an update required from themoviedb and we did not answer to it ? Or something else ?

I can provide the API key and the original email of the accound ( I ve just changed it because the employee is no more in the company since 2019 ).

the difficulty for us is that the API key is still used in an old software, and the key is not configurable, only embedded in the source code and we are not able at this time to rebuild the software with a new API key.


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@Michel ALLAIN said:
API key that has expired
We have an API key for an old account since 2014, and it seems that this key does not work anymore since several months.
It was an old employee from my company that had created this API key, and it asked to have a commercial use of this key.
We used this key for several years but now it don't work anymore.
I wanted to know
why this key did not work ? Was there an expiration date ?

No, it does not have an expiration date.
See below for instructions on how to take the test.

Or an update required from themoviedb and we did not answer to it ? Or something else ?
I can provide the API key and the original email of the accound
( I ve just changed it because the employee is no more in the company since 2019 ).
the difficulty for us is that the API key is still used in an old software, and the key is not configurable,
only embedded in the source code and we are not able at this time to rebuild the software with a new API key.

Take a Test
Using a computer, desktop or notebook.
On some mobile devices this test may not work correctly.
In the URL below, change THE_KEY to your API Key.
Use this example to do a search using a new tab or window in your browser.
You will receive the basic data of the Movie Fight Club (1999)
If it works, your Key is OK.

When there is a problem, the TMDb Server sends a message.
Can you tell which message the server sent?
Here is a list of possible messages:

If it does not work, let us know right here.


Thank you for your answer. I ve just tried again the API key, it seems to work again now. Did you change something ?

I have an old capture with the message. For your information, it was : { "status_code" : 7 , "status_message" : "Invalid API Key: you must be granted a valid key", "success" : "false" } , but now it is ok, I have the metadata. I have also tested my software linked to the API , I am again able to retrieve metadata.

I requested a new API key with the interface management , maybe it comes from here ? ( there was an email discussion with your support ).

Best regards,

@Michel ALLAIN said:
Thank you for your answer. I ve just tried again the API key, it seems to work again now.
Did you change something ?


I have an old capture with the message. For your information, it was :
{ "status_code" : 7 , "status_message" : "Invalid API Key: you must be granted a valid key", "success" : "false" } ,
but now it is ok, I have the metadata. I have also tested my software linked to the API ,
I am again able to retrieve metadata.


I requested a new API key with the interface management ,
maybe it comes from here ?

I do not know how to answer.

( there was an email discussion with your support ).
Best regards,

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