The Movie Database Support Forum

I'm having a hard time getting the API key.
In my account, I went to Settings/API there is nothing there.
You can only see Documentation, Support, and Request an API key (in case you need a new one).
I'm already logged in.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

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@alabanino said:
I'm having a hard time getting the API key
I'm having a hard time getting the API key.
In my account, I went to Settings/API there is nothing there.
You can only see Documentation, Support, and Request an API key (in case you need a new one).
I'm already logged in.
What am I doing wrong? Thanks.

If on the page of this link,
you only find these 3 options,
Documentation, Support, and Request an API Key,
then you don't have an API Key.
Perhaps you are using another user's API Key.

This option, Request an API Key, is only available
to anyone who has never requested an API key.
After you have already obtained an API Key for the first time
and if you need to regenerate your Key,
you must request it here on the forum.

Got it already. Thanks.

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