The Movie Database Support Forum

Hi again :)

I'm trying to get a JSON object back which is comprised of all movies that have a certain keyword but are not yet released. I know if I look at an unreleased movie individually I can see it's status (i.e. Post Production) but I don't seem to be able to use 'movies' or 'discover' to find all movies with a keyword that have statuses that mean they're not yet released. The best I can do at the moment is do a discover that looks for all movies with a certain keyword that have:

primary_release_date.gte=<PHP DERIVED DATE OF 'TODAY>&primary_release_date.lte=<PHP DERIVED DATE OF 'TODAY+5 YEARS'>

Which is not ideal as very often movies that are in production or post production don't have a release date so I miss all of them.

EDIT: Also, if I am wrong and you can query by status, could someone provide a link to all possible statuses and codes please?

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