The Movie Database Support Forum

Hi there, I would make me and my community which uses the api when you could create a new Genre Category for series and movies like:

-One Piece

  • Bleach
  • Naruto
  • Naruto Shippuuden
  • Death Note
  • Code Geass
  • Etc.

Generall japenese style animes, don't fit into the genre "Amimation 3D" I would be very thankful if you could add the Category "Anime" for me and all the other Anime-lovers out there! Thanks in advance, 3nergy

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The genre is currently called "Animation" not 'Animation 3D". Where do you see it called "Animation 3D" ?

Note : I have hide your 2nd identical report.

Sure was an accident

Hi, do you still think there needs to be a new genre? If so, it would help if you can further explain why. :-)

Because Japanese Animes have their own unique artistic style and I don't like the theory mixing it with the full on computer 3D Animation, and alot of anime fans think the same just compare Animes like "Bleach and all those other artistic japanese Animes" to "how to train your dragon" it just does not fit in one Genre IMHO Would it even cause alot of work to add another Category? I would help with everything I am able to.

So you want a separate "Anime" genre to the existing "Animation" genre? I think it is difficult to add a new genre. There have been many requests to add new genres.

However, I'm not sure there needs to be a separate genre for anime. If you filter to movies with Origin Country being Japan and Genres including Animation, then you will mostly get anime films. I'm not sure that having a separate Anime category adds much more to that.

That isn't working with the Api i think, at least not in my community.

In which case, I think it would be better to improve the API than to introduce a new genre. :-)

I also think it would make sense to separate the animation genre into 3d animation, 2d animation and anime. Since there are more and more anime that are not from Japan (e.g. from Netflix), it is often difficult to find the right content. To be honest, I've been wanting this division for a while and I think it would be a good improvement for all anime fans.

Maybe the anime keyword does what you want?

@MantisMotion said:

I also think it would make sense to separate the animation genre into 3d animation, 2d animation and anime. Since there are more and more anime that are not from Japan (e.g. from Netflix), it is often difficult to find the right content. To be honest, I've been wanting this division for a while and I think it would be a good improvement for all anime fans.

This is exactly what should be done! Thanks for supporting the idea.

@ldjb said:

Maybe the anime keyword does what you want?

Hi, Sadly it does not, because it isn't even in the api and the system of my community. But if everybody helps ordering the series and movies to a new genre or maybe even 2 new genre "Anime 2D" for every drawn style animes and "Anime 3D" for every anime like "Asterisk War" it should work without problems I think. But for me the seperation of those Pixar "3d Animation" and "japanese style anime" be it asterisk war, One piece or Attack on Titan which all three have a very different style but are also animes is my main Point to reach. not like Wall-e and How to train your dragon It is just different on another level

Agree, i would also consider to full transit into this db here. But without Categories for Japanese Anime next to Animation / Animation 3D (if thats even a thing in the Database) i can't see me settle in here for long. 20 yrs of Animes wants to be remembered and listed. Its a flaw, not having such Genres in here since Day 1, and if you are a little honest to yourself - you gotta admit that. For sure it depends what kind of BackEnd Solution for the Database is in use but i would bet its less than 4 hrs of Brain breaking SQL Scripting, to get a working modular script for the system so adapting for the or even than just one new Genres, into the Ecosystem.

i am to busy right now with to many other real life job otherwise i would do it. Sorry for the little rant, thanks for all efforts so far. But pls keep it in head.

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