The Movie Database Support Forum

I noticed that my search api calls were error with a CORS violation. I noticed in the forum here that someone had success adding a trailing slash to the path just before the query string. That worked in dev, but when I rolled out to live, where I'm using https, I now get a 301 redirect to the same url but with http instead of https and my slash before the query string removed.

Sure seems like something is messed up on the server config. Anyone else with this issue? Could someone please advise?

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@cmichael said:
First CORS errors, then 301 redirect to http insecure link...
I noticed that my search api calls were error with a CORS violation.
I noticed in the forum here that someone had success adding a trailing slash to the path just before the query string.
That worked in dev, but when I rolled out to live, where I'm using https, I now get a 301 redirect to the same url but with http instead of https and my slash before the query string removed.
Sure seems like something is messed up on the server config.
Anyone else with this issue? Could someone please advise?

I'm not a code programmer so I can't help.
But I can give links to conversations on the same CORS topic.

See if this research can help.
In some of the topics the problem was solved.

And this

Looks like the problem was intermittent... and is now fixed suddenly.

Thanks though ticao2 for the help.

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