The Movie Database Support Forum


I have recently been notified that the short film Fifth Year was taken off. I was given a link to the amateur content rules, and after reading them I found nothing in the short that breaks the rules. It was screened in more than one theatre (DePaul Cinema Chicago, IL and Paramount Hudson Valley Theater Peekskill, NY) as well as being accepted into three festivals. None of these were paid private screenings.

It even has a Blu-Ray that was given out to some people.

I hope this is resolved and if you have any more questions, please contact Onder.

Thank you so much for your time!

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I found nothing in the short that breaks the rules

Only the rare student shorts that qualify for an exception are allowed.

It was screened in more than one theatre (DePaul Cinema Chicago, IL and Paramount Hudson Valley Theater Peekskill, NY)

In which circumstances? Having a screening at two cinemas is very different from being picked up by a professional film distributor who set a proper theatrical release.

It even has a Blu-Ray that was given out to some people.

Same question. Anyone can make blu-rays. Were they produced and sold by a professional film distributor?

It was accepted into the student cuts film festival where it will be screening in a few months

The exception is only for selective and relevant film festivals. Student film festivals/categories do not count. Chicago Onscreen appear to be a community event.

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