„The Movie Database“ palaikymas

My film seems to be deleted. How do I find out why?


Title: Settlers/Vericose: East Coast USA 132 min Dir. Grantland Thomas

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They normally send out a message. Answer to that if you have questions.

Hi, the entry has clearly been deleted, but I can't see a delete message. We have to wait and see if Travis can answer about what happened here. A side note for Travis is that I recently deleted an old duplicate entry (from 2013 or 2014) that I added myself. However, I never got a delete message for that one.

As for removing entries on TMDb, the most common reasons for a deletion are:

  1. We only support professionally released movies and TV shows. To see how to qualify, please read this section of the Contribution Bible.

  2. It was something that is part of our Not Supported list.

Here, I guess it was number one. Thanks.

@lineker wrote:

Hi, the entry has clearly been deleted, but I can't see a delete message. We have to wait and see if Travis can answer about what happened here.

@lineker, this is a theoretical question: Do you know what happens when we moderators remove a collection from TMDb? Does the system send a message to the user when we remove a collection? I don't edit collections and I've never deleted one, so I have no idea about delete messages of collections in general.

I ask because I found the deletion of this entry in the change log of a moderator. And the last step before deleting the entry was -> the moderator switched the type of the entry from "movie" to "collection." For unknown reasons to me... man_shrugging_tone2

@janar72 said:

@lineker wrote:

Hi, the entry has clearly been deleted, but I can't see a delete message. We have to wait and see if Travis can answer about what happened here.

@lineker, this is a theoretical question: Do you know what happens when we moderators remove a collection from TMDb? Does the system send a message to the user when we remove a collection? I don't edit collections and I've never deleted one, so I have no idea about delete messages of collections in general.

I ask because I found the deletion of this entry in the change log of a moderator. And the last step before deleting the entry was -> the moderator switched the type of the entry from "movie" to "collection." For unknown reasons to me... man_shrugging_tone2

That is odd. I thought it wasn't possible to delete entries set as a collection. But if that indeed is the case, maybe that's why the delete message got lost somewhere? When I deleted my own old duplicate, however, it was a standard duplicate movie deletion.

@janar72 said:

I ask because I found the deletion of this entry in the change log of a moderator. And the last step before deleting the entry was -> the moderator switched the type of the entry from "movie" to "collection." For unknown reasons to me... man_shrugging_tone2

Are you sure that it's not the reverse ? Normally, we are not able to remove a collection and should convert it to a movie first.

EDIT : Sorry to have doubt about you. i've seen the same in the moderator log.

@King_Dave said:

They normally send out a message. Answer to that if you have questions.

The message is sent to the creator of the page. The page may have been created by someone else.

EDIT : In this specific case, based on the log, the author of the topic is the creator of the page.

@superboy97 wrote:

I ask because I found the deletion of this entry in the change log of a moderator. And the last step before deleting the entry was -> the moderator switched the type of the entry from "movie" to "collection." For unknown reasons to me... man_shrugging_tone2

Are you sure that it's not the reverse ? Normally, we are not able to remove a collection and should convert it to a movie first.

No, I am not sure about this, because I have no experience with editing collections here on TMDb. But I made a screenshot of the change log (I removed all the hints that could reveal the moderator in this case, because it doesn't matter here):


For me, this looks like what I described above. But maybe I'm wrong - or the change log is buggy?!? thinking No idea, but it seems odd.

The message is sent to the creator of the page. The page may have been created by someone else.

The page was created by @grantlandthomas according to the change log at the bottom:


And the film itself was published on Grantland Thomas' YouTube channel:


This falls under the New Content rule:

"Short films, feature length films and series uploaded directly on YouTube (excluding YouTube Red original content) are subject to the amateur content guidelines."

@janar72 said:

@superboy97 wrote:

I ask because I found the deletion of this entry in the change log of a moderator. And the last step before deleting the entry was -> the moderator switched the type of the entry from "movie" to "collection." For unknown reasons to me... man_shrugging_tone2

Are you sure that it's not the reverse ? Normally, we are not able to remove a collection and should convert it to a movie first.

No, I am not sure about this, because I have no experience with editing collections here on TMDb. But I made a screenshot of the change log (I removed all the hints that could reveal the moderator in this case, because it doesn't matter here):


For me, this looks like what I described above. But maybe I'm wrong - or the change log is buggy?!? thinking No idea, but it seems odd.

I have edited my message before your answer while I was continuing to look on the case. It looks effectively like a change from movie to collection. I have seen other identical cases in the same moderator log.

@superboy97 wrote:

I have edited my message before your answer while I was continuing to look on the case.

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't notice. Maybe I need new sunglasses?

It looks effectively like a change from movie to collection. I have seen other identical cases in the same moderator log.

Weird... neutral_face

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