The Movie Database Support Forum

I have tried both below APIs and these are showing wrong release dates for multiple movies (e.g: The Matrix Resurrections, Original release date is: 12-22-2021 but API is showing 12-15-2021, even the date is correct on TMDB/IMDB movie page:

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For your example, The Matrix Revolutions, the first release date listed on the release page is 12-15-2021 in Sweden. So, the date returned by the API is correct.

The date listed on the main movie page isn't the first release date, but is based on your geographic location.

How can I get the US Theatrical release date with find API using IMDB ID?

@amirhuxain said:

How can I get the US Theatrical release date with find API using IMDB ID?

Using Find is not possible.
The date will always be the primary_release_date, that is, the worldwide release date.
That's not necessarily the US release date.
For example, the movie Babette's Feast (1987)

In the USA it was on 1998/03/04

@nCubed thanks for the sharing, but the endpoint is only for movies. So, in case I am trying to get the release dates for a series, it will respond with a 34 status code.

@amirhuxain said:

@nCubed thanks for the sharing, but the endpoint is only for movies. So, in case I am trying to get the release dates for a series, it will respond with a 34 status code.

Gotcha. I saw "The Matrix Resurrections" in the question and just assumed movies.

That was just for a reference (My mistake I should have mentioned the TV series as well in question). For now, I am using a second endpoint to get the release dates for TV Series.{tmdb_id}

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