The Movie Database Support Forum

Hi I am trying to do my school project and is trying to get all the data from Trending Data

However, I realized there is more than one page for this data. Is there a way to extract the data fromall 1000 pages in one go? I'm an beginner in coding and I really need help :(

I'll be really grateful if someone will be able to help. Thank you

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This is my code:

api_key = 'api key'
url = "<<api key>>&language=en-US&page="
response = requests.get(url)

@mangojuicy said:
how to code out all the pages from Trending Data
Hi I am trying to do my school project and is trying to get all the data from Trending Data

However, I realized there is more than one page for this data. Is there a way to extract the data fromall 1000 pages in one go?
I'm an beginner in coding and I really need help :(

I'll be really grateful if someone will be able to help. Thank you

The number/quantity of Items per Page and the number/quantity of Pages
cannot be changed, configured, specified, restricted, or anything like that.
There will always be up to 20 items per page.
And a maximum of 500 pages.
Therefore, at most 10,000 items.

Of course, depending on the parameters used in your API Request
this number/quantity can be much smaller.
Eventually zero.

In a Trending API Request, the quantities are greater.
A maximum of 1,000 pages
Therefore a maximum of 20,000 items

What you can do is just specify the page number you want.

That is, make an API Request for each page.

Ahhh so cannot code out all pages in one go

okie thank you so much :))

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