The Movie Database Support Forum

Is there a limit on how many items can I add in a list. Can I add 10,000 movies?

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I'm curious, too, so I'll bump the thread. Maybe Travis or a mod will respond. (Although I think 10,000 might be a bit excessive.)

I saw the thread a few days ago, but I have no idea. woman_shrugging

I believe there is no theoretical limit to the number of rows in a SQL database table. I know there are some databases that have billions of rows. The practical limit is determined by the amount of storage that is available on the server. I doubt 10,000 rows in a list would be a problem, and I doubt you'd ever need that many. But I don't know anything about the TMDb SQL database. Maybe Travis has put some practical limits on user lists, but he may consider that information to be proprietary, not public.

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