The Movie Database Support Forum

I am just curious if there are some kind of patch notes or upcoming changes coming, so that if I have a mobile app, I can update it in advance. Or do you perhaps send. or thought of sending email notifications for some breaking changes?

I didn't have any of those issues, I was just wondering how it works :)

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@RocketDev22 said:
Is there any way to get notified to any upcoming changes on API?
I am just curious if there are some kind of patch notes or upcoming changes coming, so that if I have a mobile app, I can update it in advance.
Or do you perhaps send. or thought of sending email notifications for some breaking changes?

I didn't have any of those issues, I was just wondering how it works :)

Travis Bell, the Administrator, is the one who can answer that question.
But I believe that there is no mechanism for notifying changes to the API.
What exists is the To-Do list in Trello and maybe Trello has some notification mechanism.

Hey @RocketDev22, for regular day to day stuff the best thing to do would be to watch Trello. When it comes to breaking changes, there will always be lots of notice. I haven't pushed any breaking changes for quite a while, but you can rest assured there will always be lots of notice.

@travisbell Thanks for the info. I mean I don't know how time consuming it would be for you, but if there was a GitHub page with patch notes, or something simple like that, just to know what is transpiring. E.g. The feature to be able to search movies which include special characters ( "#Alive"), it might not be a big bug, but I would love to get notified when it is fixed, instead of checking trello each day :).

You can watch/follow the relevant tickets which will automatically notify you when they are updated.

Here's two tickets relevant to the search issue you mentioned:

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