The Movie Database Support Forum


The Age Rating in Germany is incomplete. TMDb got only FSK Ratings: FSK 0, FSK 6, FSK 12, FSK 16, FSK 18. There are missing another categories: SPIO/JK:

  • SPIO/JK k.s.J. (Keine schwere Jugendgefährung or no severe danger to youth)
  • SPIO/JK s.u. (Strafrechtlich unbedenklich or not in violation of applicable criminal law)

Also two another categories are missing: "Ungeprüft or Unrated" and "Beschlagnahmt or Banned". A good example for this is "Hobo with a Shotgun": It is here as FSK 18 rated.

The movie never get a rating from the FSK. The FSK refused / denied a FSK rating because of gore / brutality. The movie got a SPIO/JK s.u. rating and was later even banned! IMDB got the correct ratings: Hobo with a Shotgun on IMDB

I have started a topic on emby forum because of it, but I think this is more a topic to TMDb, to add the missing rating and correct information. I have allready wrote down many informations in the emby forum about the Age Rating, which can be followed. Perhaps it's possible to add the missing ratings?

Topic on Emby forum

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