The Movie Database Support Forum

I listed, bymistake, a movie as a video and now letterboxd won't let me import it to their site. Is there any chance i can edit that? or maybe delete the movie and logging it again?

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Which movie?
Post the link for the Movie here.

Actually, someone alrady fixed it. Thx.

There's not much more information than what you found, but yes, these were small episodes later collected into 3 parts and sold like a movie trilogy. I don't know if those count as movies, i mean they were sold like that, but those three are 40 minutes long each. Maybe we could link them all into one 120min movie and make it count as that :)

@buckley said:

There's not much more information than what you found, but yes, these were small episodes later collected into 3 parts and sold like a movie trilogy. I don't know if those count as movies, i mean they were sold like that, but those three are 40 minutes long each. Maybe we could link them all into one 120min movie and make it count as that :)

I think the only chance here on TMDb is if they are released in a cinema session.
Just to remember:


We do not allow all kinds of professionally released episode compilations.
The type of compilation that are allowed are, for example, random episodes put together into a "movie" (e.g. a Halloween or Christmas themed compilation).
However, seasons methodically split into volumes or parts are not allowed.

Maybe contact Letterboxd and ask them to authorize these DVDs.
I don't know if that is possible.

Yeah i'll try that. Thanks.

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