The Movie Database Support Forum


This is very low priority, but I was just trying to import some csv files that I exported from trakt, and I noticed that the format seems to be a bit different than either of the v1 or v2 examples that are given.

I exported the ratings in 3 different ways, and the watchlist, and here are how the columns were arranged for each file:

"all ratings" file: rated_at,type,title,year,trakt_rating,trakt_id,imdb_id,tmdb_id,tvdb_id,url,released,runtime,season_number,episode_number,episode_title,episode_released,episode_trakt_rating,episode_trakt_id,episode_imdb_id,episode_tmdb_id,episode_tvdb_id,genres,rating

"movie ratings" file: rated_at,type,title,year,trakt_rating,trakt_id,imdb_id,tmdb_id,url,released,runtime,genres,rating

"show ratings" file: rated_at,type,title,year,trakt_rating,trakt_id,imdb_id,tmdb_id,tvdb_id,url,released,runtime,genres,rating

"watchlist" file: rank,listed_at,type,title,year,trakt_id,imdb_id,tmdb_id,tvdb_id,url,released,runtime,season_number,season_trakt_id,season_tmdb_id,season_tvdb_id,episode_number,episode_title,episode_released,episode_trakt_id,episode_imdb_id,episode_tmdb_id,episode_tvdb_id,genres

I'm not sure if this is known or not, I didn't find anything else on the forums. Thanks in advance for the consideration and for all that you've done/will do with TMDB.

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