The Movie Database Support Forum

Link is broken on both the website and when using the api

can someone have a look at this please :)

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@afy65 said:

Link is broken on both the website and when using the api

can someone have a look at this please :)

It is likely to have been deleted.
The link you posted is from a Movie.
But I believe that in fact this title is from an episode of a TV Show.
This is the TV Show
And this is the episode

Is that the title you are looking for?
If this is the case then your link has been deleted

Morning Yes this is the case thank you, but these were stand alone films in their own right? :) If the link has been deleted then why does it still show up in the list? just a though :)

There are several others that can be duplicated.
Only by doing a one-by-one check is it possible to say.
For that it needs to be someone who knows this TV Show.

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