The Movie Database Support Forum


I have the poster for this movie, but its size is 785 x 1000, which does not conform to the 1:1.5 requirement. The issue is this is the original image and I would need to modify it to conform. I do not believe you would want resolution modified images or images that are cropped to size, so what do you propose I do here?

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@thwaller said:


I have the poster for this movie, but its size is 785 x 1000, which does not conform to the 1:1.5 requirement. The issue is this is the original image and I would need to modify it to conform. I do not believe you would want resolution modified images or images that are cropped to size, so what do you propose I do here?

If the poster's size is 785 pxls by 1000 pxls then yes, the image will have to be modified before uploading. This website only accepts posters with aspect ratios between 1:1.33 to 1:1.67. However, you should try your best to upload to the ideal 1:1.5 aspect ratio. This is most often done by cropping the image. You definitey should not resize (stretch or squeeze) the image to achieve an acceptable aspect ratio but you should crop them instead. What I usually do is crop an even number of pixels, so in this case I would crop 59 pixels from the left and right of your poster then upload it (assuming that this wouldnt result in text/logos being chopped into).

You can read more about image guidelines here:

EDIT: either take a good read at the contribution bible and the info on images, or give a link of your poster so we could better see how to upload your poster (or both).

Here is a link to the poster:,0,785,1000_AL_.jpg

I will opt not to be a part of modifying movie posters from the original image to meet criteria. I believe artwork should remain as-is from the source. Not cropped, altered, stretched, etc.

@thwaller said:

Here is a link to the poster:,0,785,1000_AL_.jpg

I will opt not to be a part of modifying movie posters from the original image to meet criteria. I believe artwork should remain as-is from the source. Not cropped, altered, stretched, etc.

That's fine.

Just note that I think the original size is here:

With this image I think I'd actually expand the top and bottom borders (as in add onto the grey border on the top and bottom) to satisfy the 1:1.5 aspect ratio instead of cropping.

EDIT: And then the image would have to be downscaled to the maximum size allowed: 2000 pxls by 3000 pxls.

Yes, I provided the link so you or other can do the image manipulation. I have no issues doing such modifications to the backdrop images, but the poster is a part of the release and I believe should be kept as it was. I have no issue helping others if they want to post the modified artwork, I just prefer not to post such things.

@ticao2 said:

Just a suggestion.

I agree it does look nice and presentable. My feeling however is that it is a modified cover and does not belong. That is only my opinion from the editing I have done with music and the related artwork. The preservation of original artwork means something to some people, especially in a database that indexes and archives releases. I am not arguing with the procedure and policy here, I prefer to respectfully disagree and continue to work together while I only upload posters I believe to be original and unmodified aside from the size reduction to meet size as long as aspect ration is maintained. I hope this method is an acceptable compromise.

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