תמיכת The Movie Database


I maked one movies search with of API of The Movie DB and i can not narrow 5 results per page, a can make this?

Request API i'm using:
https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/movie?&api_key=[MY_KEY]&page=1&total_results=5&language=pt-BR&query="+ searchTerm;

2 תגובות (בדף 1 מתוך 1)

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You might have done something like this:
So I believe it is not possible to limit the amount of movies in the answer.

But if you made a different Request, then you better put the Request you made here.
In order for someone to help you with API Request questions, it is critical that you post here the API Request you are using.
Remember to replace your Key with [MY_KEY].

Thanks, fixed up!

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