The Movie Database Support Forum

I am developing an application in Android Studio and get JSONObject from URL. Until recently, everything worked well. Unfortunately, now I can’t get JSONObject by using device with Android 4.1 or 4.4. But if I use a device with Android 7.1 everything works well. Please help me understand this problem.

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I think they're down

There was another blip with our search service, what's the error you're seeing?

I was seeing 504, but we're back up! :)

The program see the JSONObject from URL as null. Test on the emulator and on a real device. A device with Android 4.1 has stopped seeing JSONObject. This has happened recently. Before that, everything worked.

P.S. this is not due to a temporary failure and error 504

Your server has changed the protocol TLS. Now server is setup with TLS 1.2. Android 4.x devices don't support that.

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