The Movie Database Support Forum

Hi there, I'm trying to import specific TMDB data into my Google Sheet. I've installed a JSON importer via the script editor and have confirmed it is running properly. My question: Is there a way for me to pull a specific credit/name from the JSON file into a cell in Google Sheets.

Example of what I'm looking to do.


 "crew": [
        "credit_id": "57458f48c3a368697e001153",
        "department": "Directing",
        "gender": 2,
        "id": 5655,
        "job": "Director",
        "name": "Wes Anderson",
        "profile_path": "/s03CeUeC5yAXyB1acqP0zGNo2SC.jpg"

TO: "Wes Anderson" in just a single cell in Google.

Please let me know what I can clarify here to help resolve. Thank you.

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Hi @andyshapiro, I'm sure this is possible but I've never used Google Sheets with the JSON importer before. Maybe you'd have better luck asking over at Stack Overflow?

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