The Movie Database Support Forum

Hi there!

I have one question/idea and I don't know what to do. I'm kind of new here so simply will write here and hope that somebody will answer.

TMDB is a great website, in fact, it's even better than iMDB. But I still miss one thing. Is it possible to add Movies Diary? That function is incredibly helpful in comparison to a normal list. I can see the date and it makes even easier to manage my Movie Database.

The best realization of such a function is possible to find on Leterboxd. I don't know if it is possible to post any screenshots here, but you can take a look there. I would say pretty awesome.

Short description: It's like a table -> Year, month, day, the picture and the name of the movie. Pretty simple and helpful. So that many users can see not only the movie on the list, they can also see when they have watched a movie.

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