The Movie Database Support Forum


Yesterday, I started getting this error message when trying to upload images. Does anyone know why this might be? Is it something wrong with TMDB or me? Has anyone else experienced this?

Thanks, Elliot

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Hi @2Ls1T,

Is it only happening on a particular entry? I'm wondering if the entry you're trying to upload an image to has a bad homepage entered.

I've only been trying it on the Time Team page. I've uploaded background images to other pages without a problem (but not that recently), and also episode images to Time Team (recently) without issue, too. Perhaps it is just particular to this show.

Ya, looks like the home is invalid. I updated it with the correct URL. You should be good to go now.

That's great, Travis, thanks.

By the way, while I've got you, are you able to relabel the season numbers for 3 and 4 on the Blowing Up History page please?

I posted about it a little while back and, long story short, I tried to use an already created season entry because it had the right number of episodes but then found I was unable to alter the Season Number. You'll see the season list currently goes 1, 2, 4, 3; the content is correctly named, it's just the hardcoded listing entry number.

Hope it's not too much trouble. Thanks in advance!

Hey @2Ls1T,

I just made the season number changes. Let me know if it looks good.

Brilliant - thanks ever so much :)

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